Google Scholar:
Conference Publications
1. Chung-Yen Wu and Ho-Shing Wu, 2017, Ethylene Formation from Ethanol Dehydration Using ZSM‑5 Catalyst, ACS Omega, 2, 4287−4296
2. Donny Lesmana, Ho-Shing Wu, 2017, Cu/ZnO/Al2O3/Cr2O3/CeO2 Catalyst for Hydrogen Production by Oxidative Methanol Reforming via Washcoat Catalyst Preparation in Microchannel Reactor, Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 12 (3), 384-392.
3. Ho-Shing Wu* and BC Lin, 2017, Effect of Oxygen Transfer and Pellet Size for Producing of Glucosamine Using Aspergillus sydowii BCRC 31742 Cultivated in a Fermenter, Journal of Food Processing & Technology, 8(10): 697.
4. Damayanti, Ho Shing Wu*, 2017, Pyrolysis kinetic of alkaline and dealkaline lignin using catalyst, Journal of Polymer Research, 25(1) 7:1-11.
5. Yun Chen, Shih-Ting Hung, Emily Chou, Ho-Shing Wu*, 2018, Review of Polyhydroxyalkanoates Materials and other Biopolymers for Medical Applications, Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry, 15(2), 105-121
6. Rauzah Munauwarah, Adama A. Bojang and Ho Shing Wu, 2018, Characterization of enzyme-immobilized carbon electrode through covalent entrapment with polypyrrole, Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers 41(8), 710-719
7. I-Chi Lo and Ho-Shing Wu, 2019, Methanol formation from carbon dioxide hydrogenation using Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 98, 124-131
8. Wei-Chuan Chen, Chi-Ju Chuang, Jo-Shu Chang, Li-Fen Wang, Po-Chi Soo, Ho-Shing Wu, Shen-Long Tsai, Yu-Hong Wei, 2019, Exploring Dual-Substrate Cultivation Strategy of 1,3-Propanediol Production Using Klebsiella pneumoniae, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1-14
9. Glemarie C. Hermosa, Wei-Chao Chen, Ho-Shing Wu, Chien-Shiun Liao, Yi-Ming Sun, Sea-Fue Wang, Yun Chen, and An-Cheng Sun, 2020, Investigations of the effective parameters on the synthesis of monodispersed magnetic Fe3O4 by solvothermal method for biomedical applications, AIP Advances 10, 015234.
10. Damayanti Damayanti Yeni Ria, Wulandari and Wu, Ho-Shing, 2020, Product Distribution of Chemical Product Using Catalytic Depolymerization of Lignin, Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 15 (2) 432-453
11. Bojang, Adama A., Ho Shing Wu, 2020, Characterization of Electrode Performance in Enzymatic Biofuel Cells Using Cyclic Voltammetry and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Catalysts, 10, 782, 1-20
12. Bojang, Adama A., Ho Shing Wu, 2020, Design, Fundamental Principles of Fabrication, and Applications of Microreactors, Processes, 8, 891, 1-32
14. Jia Wei Peng, Ho Shing Wu, 2020, Kinetic Study of Glucosamine Production Using Aspergillus sydowii BCRC 31742 under Solid-State Fermentation, Molecules, 25(20), 4832.
15. Qiyang Xu, Changbo Liu, Ho Shing Wu, 2020, Low-cost Immobilized Enzyme Glucose Sensor based on Laminar Flow, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1681, 012008.
16. Damayanti, Ho-Shing Wu *, 2021, Strategic Possibility Routes of Recycled PET, Polymers, 13(9) 1475,1-37.
17. Damayanti, D., Supriyadi, D., Amelia, D., Saputri, D. R., Devi, Y. L. L., Auriyani, W. A., and Wu, H. S. * 2021, Conversion of Lignocellulose for Bioethanol Production, Applied in Bio-Polyethylene Terephthalate. Polymers 13, 2886.
18. Damayanti, D., Wulandari, L. A., Bagaskoro, A., Rianjanu, A., and Wu, H. S. * 2021, Possibility Routes for Textile Recycling Technology. Polymers, 13(21) 3834.
19. Wu, Y.C., Wei, Y.H., and Wu, H.S. * 2021. Adsorption and Desorption Behavior of Ectoine Using Dowex® HCR-S Ion-Exchange Resin. Processes 9, 2068
20. Lo, C.C., Chang, Y.W., Chen, Y.L., Liu, Y.L., Wu, H.S., and Sun, Y.M. 2021, Lignin recovery from rice straw biorefinery solid waste by soda process with ethylene glycol as co-solvent. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 126, 50-57.
Article in Magazine
Article in Book:
C.D. Courières, C.W. Lo, 魏毓宏, 吳和生, Synthesis, Separation Properties of Polythioesters Produced by Microganisms,Industrial Fermentation: Food Processes, Nutrient Sources Production Strategies (2010)
A.B. Sitanggang, 吳和生, S.S. Wang, 藍祺偉, Fermentation Strategies: Nutritional Requirements,Industrial Fermentation: Food Processes, Nutrient Sources Production Stra (2010)
藍祺偉, A. Tsui, S.S. Wang, 吳和生, A Review of Biodiesel as Renewable Energy, Biochemical Engineering (ISBN: 978-1-60741-257-1) (2009)
1. Ho-Shing Wu, Yu-Fen Chang, Yu-Chiao Wei, 2012, Method For Producing Glucosamine By Culturing Microorganism With Low-Cost Medium, US 8,148,113B2.
2. 吳和生、張玉芬、魏玉嬌 2012 以低成本培養基培養微生物生產葡萄糖胺之方法,中華民國I364457。
3. 陳庭悅、鍾順章、吳和生, 2012, 燃料電池重組器觸媒的合成方法,中華民國,I368350。
4. 吳和生、林伯丞、斯堂剛 艾力 柏英, 2013, 利用微波技術生產葡萄糖胺及乙醯葡萄糖胺之方法, 中華民國, I399432
5. 吳和生、張玉芬、魏玉嬌,2013 , 一种微生物生产葡萄糖胺的方法,中國, CN101812490A
6. 藍祺偉、吳和生、邱逄深, 2014,以基因重組微生物進行碳源轉化生產生物降解高分子與生質燃料的方法,中華民國, I464261
7. Chi-Wei Lan, Ho-Shing Wu, Feng-Shen Chiu, Method for producing biodegradable polymer and biomass fuel converted form carbon source by recombinant microorganisms, US patent 9169501 B2 (2015)
8. 吳和生、陳建豪,一種用於生產葡萄糖胺的培養基及其應用, 中華民國, I598442
9. 李忠錂、楊博智、吳和生、藍文正,有機電激發光白光照明裝置, 中華民國,I 603515
10.吳和生、彭佳偉,2020, 一種用於生產葡萄糖胺的固態培養基及其應用,中華民國,I689591。
11. Wu, Ho-Shing, Chen, Jian-hao, 2020, Method for producing glucosamine, US 10781468 B2
12. 吳和生、陳建豪, 2021, 一種用於生產葡萄糖胺的培養基及其應用, 中華人民共和國, CN 108004285 B.
13. 吳和生、彭佳偉,2021, 一種用於生產葡萄糖胺的固態培養基及其應用,中華人民共和國, CN110904172B.
6th Outstanding teaching award, Yuan Ze university, Taiwan.(1997)
7th Outstanding Researching award, Yuan Ze university, Taiwan.(1998)
5th Y. Z. Hsu Outstanding Professor Award, Far East Y. Z. Hsu Science and Technology Memorial Foundation of Taiwan (2007)
5th Y. Z. Hsu Outstanding Chair Professor, Far East Y. Z. Hsu Science and Technology Memorial Foundation (2009).
學生得奬student awards:
1. 陳伯胤, 新型四級銨化離子薄膜製備, 2004 年 元智大學工程學院 學生專題論文競賽 優等獎。
2. 陳伯胤, 新型四級銨化離子薄膜製備, 2005 年 94年度中工會全國學生論文競賽化工組佳作。
3. 姜宜成,2009 台灣化學工程學會56週年年會暨國科會化工學門成果發表會, 壁報論文專題競賽,佳作, 2009年11月。
4. 林柏丞,第15屆生化工程研討會口頭論文競賽,優勝,2010年6月
5. 吳和生、張玉芬、魏玉嬌, 以低成本培養基培養微生物生產葡萄糖胺之方法,「2012台北國際發明暨技術交易展」發明競賽銀牌獎.
6. 吳和生、陳庭悅、鐘順章, 燃料電池重組器觸媒的合成方法, 「2013台北國際發明暨技術交易展」發明競賽銅牌獎
7. 羅伊吉、吳和生,Methanol formation from carbon dioxide and hydrogen using Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst,第34屆觸媒與反應工程研討會,海報論文競賽,佳作,2016年6月
8. 彭佳偉,「2017台灣生物技術與生化工程學會年會暨生物科技與工程國際研討會」論文口頭競賽第一名,2017年6月。
9. 吳和生、陳建豪, 一種用於生產葡萄糖胺的培養基及其應用,「2017台北國際發明暨技術交易展」發明競賽銅牌獎,2017年11月.
近五年計畫 Project List (Since 2012) 所列計畫為以主持人執行之計畫
106製程人才培育與製程改善計畫 RD1050465 遠東新世紀公司
103 CE-103003 乙醇轉化乙烯反應之觸媒活性測試研究 東聯化學股份有限公司
103 MOST103-2221-E-155-064 利用微流道反應器進行二氧化碳合成甲醇反應 科技部
102 CE-102005 葡萄糖胺醱酵生產與分離純化技術 綠茵生技股份有限公司
102 NSC102-2221-E-155-056- 熱處理對聚羥基烷酸性質影響及其在醫用薄膜的應用 國科會
102 TTNSC102004 以低成本培養基培養微生物生產葡萄糖胺之方法 綠茵生技股份有限公司
102 TTNSC102005 利用微波技術生產葡萄糖胺及乙醯葡萄糖胺之方法 綠茵生技股份有限公司
102 TTNSC102013 一種微生物生產葡萄糖胺的方法 綠茵生技股份有限公司
101 NSC100-2221-E-155-033-MY2 綠色製氫重組器之研究-總計畫:綠色製氫重組器之研究 國科會
101 NSC100-2221-E-155-037-MY2 綠色製氫重組器之研究-子計畫三:低溫高活性銅觸媒開發與甲醇重組反應之研究 國科會