

林錕松 特聘教授兼環境科技中心主任

  • 學歷
    國立成功大學環境工程學系工程博士 (84/9-88/3)
    國立中央大學化學工程學系工程碩士 (77/9-79/6)
    國立中央大學化學工程學系工程學士 (70/9-74/6)
    1. 元智大學環境科技研究中心主任
    2. 行政院公共工程委員會工程施工查核小組環境工程類查核委員
    3. 中華民國環境工程學會廢棄物與再生資源工程委員會委員
    4. 中央研究院訪問學者
    5. 「桃園縣產業環保技術服務團」顧問
    6. 「桃園市公所」市政環保顧問
    7. 經濟部技術處SBIR計畫主審審查委員
    8. 經濟部中小企業處「創業圓夢計畫」創業顧問
    9. 臺灣光觸媒產業發展協會專家顧問暨評鑑輔導委員
    10. 行政院勞委會技術士技能檢定下水道設施操作維護職類—水質檢驗術科題庫命製人員
    11. 中華民國環境檢驗測定商業公會常務理事/監事(97/12-迄今)
    1. 元智大學98學年度教師績效研究傑出獎及「93-95及97-102學年度研究特優」
    2. 斐陶斐榮譽獎與永久榮譽會員(Phi-Tau Honorary Society)
    3. 第10屆及第13屆徐有庠基金會有庠傑出教授獎
    4. 榮獲元智大學對外爭取研究經費94-100學年度產學合作計畫總金額第一名及93/97-100學年度產學合作計畫總件數第一名(依據研發處歷年統計數據)
    5. 獲選元智大學第三屆創意競賽(Green Technology & Management組)最佳入圍獎(2009年度)
    6. 連續多年榮獲美國”Marquis Who’s Who系列”(2007-2014)、”Professional Hall of Fame (American Biographical Institute (ABI)”、”International Engineer of the Year (International Biographical Center of Cambridge) (IBC)”、”Cambridge Certificate for Outsatnding Engineering Acgievement (International Biographical Center of Cambridge) (IBC)、”Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century (IBC)” (2008-2014年)及Leading Engineers of the World (2013-2014)推薦
    7. 入選2010 Sixteenth User’s Meeting & Workshop on Synchrotron Nanoscopy之最佳學生口頭報告獎(The Best Student Oral Presentation in Material Science Fine Piece) (10/20-10/22/2010)
    8. 獲選2010 TOCAT6/APCAT5亞洲國際觸媒會議之The Best Poster Presentation Award—Youth Session (7/18-7/23/2010)
    9. 入選2010 Fuel Cells Science & Technology歐洲燃料電池國際會議之The Shortlisted Best Poster (10/6-10/7/2010)
    10. 榮獲101年度中國材料科學學會材料科學學生論文佳作獎(11/23-11/24/2012)
    11. 榮獲102年度財團法人台灣中子科學學會年會論文海報特優(10/12/2013)
    12. 榮獲103年度財團法人台灣中子科學學會年會論文海報佳作(10/12/2014)
    13. 榮獲103年度財團法人台灣中子科學學會年會論文海報佳作(10/12/2014)
    14. 入選2014 20th User’s Meeting & Workshop on Synchrotron Nanoscopy之最佳學生口頭報告獎(The Best Student Oral Presentation in Material Science) (9/10-9/12/2014)
    15. 入選2014 20thUser’s Meeting & Workshop on Synchrotron Nanoscopy之最佳學生口頭報告獎(The Best Student Oral Presentation in Material Science) (9/10-9/12/2014)
    16. Associate Editor, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2015起)
    1. Yu-Hong Cheng; Chia-Min Lai; Kuen-Song Lin; Steven S.-S. Wang, "Effects of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles on the Structure and Activity of Lysozyme", Colloids and Surfaces B - Biointerfaces, vol. 151 (NA) 344~353, (2017)
    2. Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Kuen-Song Lin; Boualem Hammouda, "Small-angle Neutron Scattering Studies of Microenvironment and Structural Changes of Pluronic-paclitaxel Conjugates", Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, vol. 71 (NA) 405~413, (2017)
    3. Chao-Lung Chiang; Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Kuen-Song Lin, "Acid-Catalyzed Synthesis and CO2 Adsorption Properties of Copper and Copper-Zinc Bi-metallic Imidazolates Frameworks", Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, vol. 8 (NA) 621~627, (2016)
    4. Ni-Bin Chang; Kuen-Song Lin; M. P. Wanielista; A. J. Crawford; N. Hartshorn; B. Clouet, "An Innovative Solar Energy-powered Floating Media Bed Reactor for Nutrient Removal (I): Reactor Design", Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 133 (NA) 495~503, (2016)
    5. Kuen-Song Lin; Ni-Bin Chang; Nick Hartshorn; Chao-Lung Chiang, "An Innovative Solar Energy-powered Floating Media Bed Reactor for Nutrient Removal (II): Material Characterization", Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 133 (NA) 1128~1135, (2016)
    6. Chao-Lung Chiang; Kuen-Song Lin, "Enhancement of DME Formation from Methanol Dehydration by Doping CuO-ZnO-Al2O3 Nanocatalyst Protonated Mesoporous Beta and Y Zeolites", Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, vol. 8 (12) 1072~1079, (2016)
    7. Ni-Bin Chang; C. Houmann; Kuen-Song Lin; M. Wanielista, "Fate and Transport with Material Response Characterization of Green Sorption Media for Copper Removal via Desorption Process", Chemosphere, vol. 154 (NA) 444~453, (2016)
    8. 薛逸煌; Ping-Han Tsai; Kuen-Song Lin, "pH-Dependent Antimicrobial Properties of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles in Staphylococcus aureus", International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 18 (793) 1~14, (2017)
    9. Chao-Lung Chiang; Kuen-Song Lin, "Preparation and Characterization of Ni5Ga3 for Methanol Formation via CO2 Hydrogenation", Topics in Catalysis, vol. 60 (NA) pp.685~696, 2017/07
    10. Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Kuen-Song Lin; Sheng-Shih Wang, "Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Characterization of Multifunctional Iron Oxide-Pluronic Nanocarriers: Effect of Temperature and Drug Encapsulation", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 8 (NA) 667~670, (2016)
    11. Khalilalrahman Dehvari; 陳芸; Ya-Hui Tsai; Sheng-Hong Tseng; Kuen-Song Lin, "Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanorod Carriers for Paclitaxel Delivery in the Treatment and Imaging of Colon Cancer in Mice", Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, vol. 12 (9) 1734~1745, (2016)
    12. Y. T. Lee; Ping-Ju Tsai; V. K. Peterson; B. Yang; Kuen-Song Lin; Zhong Min Wang; Kean Long Lim; Sammy Lap Ip Chan, "A microstructural and neutron-diffraction study on the interactions between microwave-irradiated multiwalled carbon nanotubes and hydrogen", Journal of Materials Science, vol. 51 (3), (2016)
    13. Kean Long Lima; Yongning Liu; Qing-An Zhang; Kuen-Song Lin; Sammy Lap Ip Chan, "Cycle Stability Improvement of La-Mg-Ni Based Alloys via Composite Method", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 661 (NA), (2016)
    14. Ni-Bin Chang; C. Houmann; Kuen-Song Lin; M. Wanielista, "Fate and Transport with Material Response Characterization of Green Sorption Media for Copper Recovery via Adsorption Process", Chemosphere, vol. 144 (NA), (2016)
    15. Kuen-Song Lin; Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Mu-Ting Tu, "Hydrogen Storage Capacity Enhancement of MIL-53(Cr) by Pd Loaded Activated Carbon Doping", Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, vol. 63 (NA), (2016)
    16. Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Kuen-Song Lin, "Improving CO2 adsorption capacities and CO2/N2 separation efficiencies of MOF-74(Ni,Co) by doping palladium-containing activated carbon", Chemical Engineering Journal, vol. 284 (NA), (2016)
    17. 卡力; Kuen-Song Lin; Raana Taheri, "On-Demand Controlled Release of Therapeutics Using Stimuli-Responsive Nanocarriers", International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 4 (2), (2016)
    18. Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Kuen-Song Lin; Chao-Shung Chang, "Improved Hydrogen Storage Capacity by Hydrogen Spillover and Fine Structural Characterization of MIL-100 Metal Organic Frameworks", Research on Chemical Intermediates, vol. 41 (10), (2015)
    19. 林錕松Kuen-Song Lin薛逸煌; Kuen-Song Lin; Wan-Ju Ke; Chien-Te Hsieh; Chao-Lung Chiang; Dong-Ying Tzou; Shih-Tung Liu, "The Antimicrobial Properties of Silver Nanoparticles in Bacillus subtilis Are Mediated by Released Ag+ Ions.", PLOS ONE, vol. 10 (12), (2015)
    20. Yu-Heng Huang; Hua Kuo; Yi-Chou Tseng; Kuen-Song Lin, "Development of Reductive Degradation for TNT/RDX/HMX High-energy Explosive Contaminated Groundwater, and an Evaluation of the Related Remediation Technology", Journal of Soil and Groundwater Remediation, vol. 2 (4), (2015)
    21. 江昭龍; Kuen-Song Lin; 于思涵, "利用高效率新穎觸媒催化二氧化碳生成甲醇、二甲醚及碳酸二甲酯之技術研發與應用", 化工-二氧化碳捕獲/儲存及再利用技術專輯, vol. 63 (1), (2016)
    22. 薛逸煌; Kuen-Song Lin; Wan-Ju Ke; Chien-Te Hsieh; Chao-Lung Chiang; Dong-Ying Tzou; Shih-Tung Liu, "The Antimicrobial Properties of Silver Nanoparticles in Bacillus subtilis Are Mediated by Released Ag+ Ions.", PLOS ONE, vol. 10 (12), (2015)
    23. Kuen-Song Lin, Khalilalrahman Dehvari, Chung-Yu Chen, Degradation of TCE, PCE, and 1,2-DCE in Contaminated Groundwater Using Polyethylenimine-modified Zero-valent Iron Nanoparticles, Water Research (minor revision) (2015).
    24. Kuen-Song Lin, Khalilalrahman Dehvari, Hua Kuo, and Ming-June Hsien, Decontamination and Reaction Mechanisms of TNT, RDX, and HMX Explosives Wastewater Using Zero-valent Iron Nanoparticles, J. Hazardous Materials (minor revision) (2015).
    25. Ni-Bin Chang, Cameron Houmann, Kuen-Song Lin, and Martin Wanielista, Fate and Transport with Material Response Characterization of Green Sorption Media for Copper Removal (II) Desorption Process, Chemosphere (minor revision) (2015).
    26. Ni-Bin Chang, Cameron Houmann, Kuen-Song Lin, and Martin Wanielista, Fate and Transport with Material Response Characterization of Green Sorption Media for Copper Removal (I) Adsorption Process, Chemosphere (minor revision) (2015).
    27. 林錕松Kuen-Song Lin Yi-Huang Hsueh, Kuen-Song Lin, Wan-Ju Ke, Chien-Te Hsieh, Chao-Lung Chiang, Dong-Ying Tzou, and Shih Tung Liu, Silver Ions Released from Silver Nanoparticles Enter Bacillus subtilis Cells to Induce Growth Arrest and Cellular Damage, Nanotoxicology (revised) (2015).
    28. Kuen-Song Lin, Abhijit Krishna Adhikari, and Mu-Ting Tu, Fine Structural Characterization Using XANES/EXAFS Spectroscopy and Hydrogen Adsorption Capacity of MIL-53(Cr) Metal Organic Framework, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (in press) (2015).
    29. Yi-Huang Hsueh, Wan-Ju Ke, Chien-Te Hsieh, Kuen-Song Lin, Dong-Ying Tzou, Chao-Lung Chiang, and Shih Tung Liu, ZnO Nanoparticles Affect Bacillus Subtilis Cell Division and Biofilm Formation, PLOS ONE (in press) (2015).
    30. Khalilalrahman Dehvari, Chung-Yu Chen, Ya-Hui Tsai, Sheng-Hong Tseng, and Kuen-Song Lin, Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanorod Carriers for Paclitaxel Delivery in the Treatment and Imaging of Colon Cancer in Mice, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology (minor revised) (2015).
    31. Abhijit Krishna Adhikari, Kuen-Song Lin, and Chao-Shung Chang, Improved Hydrogen Storage Capacity by Hydrogen Spillover and Fine Structural Characterization of MIL-100 Metal Organic Frameworks, Research on Chemical Intermediates (in press) (2015).
    32. Y. T. Lee, Ping-Ju Tsai, V. K. Peterson, B. Yang, Kuen Song Lin, Zhong Min Wang, Kean Long Lim, and Sammy Lap Ip Chan*, A Microstructural and Neutron Diffraction Study on the Interactions between Microwave-irradiated Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes and Hydrogen, Journal of Material Scence (in press) (2015).
    33. Ting-Wei Hsu, Chun-Chuen Yang, Yong-Xiang Tong, Wei-Jhe Shih, and Kuen-Song Lin, Spin-phonon Study of EuMn2O5 Nanorods, Journal of Applied Physics, 117, 17D921 (4 pages) (2015).
    34. Shang-Yu Hung, Ruei-Lin Kao, Ku-Yen Lin, Chun-Chuen Yang, Kuen-Song Lin, Yu-Chiang Chao, Jyh-Shyang Wang, Kuan-Cheng Chiu*, Characterization of Meridional and Facial Alq3 Films Growth from Vapors at High Substrate Temperatures, Material Chemistry and Physics, 154(1), 100-106 (2015).
    35. Ya-Dong Chiang, Saikat Dutta, Ching-Tien Chen, Yu-Tzu Huang, Kuen-Song Lin, Jeffrey C. S. Wu, N. Suzuki, Y. Yamauchi, and Kevin C.W. Wu*, Triazabicyclodecene-Functionalized Fe3O4@Silica Core-Shell Nanoparticles as an Efficient Microalgae Harvester and Catalyst for Biodiesel Production, ChemSusChem, 8, 789-794 (2015).
    36. Shang-Yu Hung; Ruei-Lin Kao; Ku-Yen Lin; Chun-Chuen Yang; Kuen-Song Lin; Yu-Chiang Chao; Jyh-Shyang Wang; Kuan-Cheng Chiu, "Characterization of facial and meridional Alq(3) thin films fabricated from physical vapor transport at high substrate temperatures", Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 154 (1), (2015)
    37. Ya-Dong Chiang; Saikat Dutta; Ching-Tien Chen; Kuen-Song Lin; Jeffrey C. S. Wu; Norihiro Suzuki; Yusuke Yamauchi; Kevin C.-W. Wu, "Functionalized Fe3O4@ Silica Core-Shell Nanoparticles as Microalgae Harvester and Catalyst for Biodiesel Production", Chemsuschem, vol. 8 (5), (2015)
    38. Ting-Wei Hsu; Chun-Chuen Yang; Yong-Xiang Tong; Wei-Jhe Shih; Kuen-Song Lin, "Spin-phonon Study of EuMn2O5 Nanorods", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 117 (17) pp.17D921~na, (2015)
    39. Yi-Huang Hsueh; Wan-Ju Ke; Chien-Te Hsieh; Kuen-Song Lin; Dong-Ying Tzou; Chao-Lung Chiang, "ZnO Nanoparticles Affect Bacillus subtilis Cell Growth and Biofilm Formation", PLOS ONE, vol. 10 (6) pp.e0128457~NA, (2015)
    40. Ting-Wei Hsu, Chung-Cheun Yang, Huo-Yen Chen, Hsi-Sheng Hsia, and Kuen-Song Lin, Spin-phonon Coupling in PrMn2O5 Nanorods, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 50(11), No. 2506104 (2014).
    41. Abhijit Krishna Adhikari and Kuen-Song Lin, Synthesis, Fine Structural Characterization, and CO2 Adsorption Capacity of Metal Organic Frameworks-74, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 14(4), 2709-2717 (2014).
    42. Kuen-Song Lin, Abhijit Krishna Adhikari, Kai-Che Chang, and Chao-Lung Chiang, Synthesis, Characterization, and Hydrogen Storage Enhancement of M2(BDC)2dabco with Palladium-Doped Activated Carbon, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 14(4), 2700-2708 (2014).
    43. Khalilalrahman Dehvari, Kuen-Song Lin, and Sheng-Shih Wang, Structural Characterization and Adsorption Properties of Pluronic F127 onto Iron Oxides Magnetic Nanoparticles, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 14(3), 2361-2367 (2014).
    44. Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Kuen-Song Lin; Chao-Shung Chang, Improved Hydrogen Storage Capacity by Hydrogen Spillover and Fine Structural Characterization of MIL-100 Metal Organic Frameworks, Research on Chemical Intermediates, vol. 14(2014)
    45. Ting-Wei Hsu; Chung-Cheun Yang; Huo-Yen Chen; Hsi-Sheng Hsia; Kuen-Song Lin, "Spin-phonon Coupling in PrMn2O5 Nanorods", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 50 (11), (2014)
    46. Ting-Wei Hsu; Chung-Cheun Yang; Huo-Yen Chen; Hsi-Sheng Hsia; Kuen-Song Lin, Spin-phonon Coupling in PrMn2O5 Nanorods, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 50(2014)
    47. Kuen-Song Lin, Khalilalrahman Dehvari, Ming-June Hsien, Pei-Ju Hsu, and Hua Kuo, Degredation of TNT, RDX, and HMX Explosive Wastewaters Using Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 38(6), 786-790 (DOI: 10.1002/prep. 201200205 (2013).
    48. Chin-Hung Kuo, Hsin-Hui Hua, Shih-Ju Wang, Ho-Yang Chan, Kuen-Song Lin, and Cheng-En Ho*, Interfacial Reaction and Mechanical Reliability of PTH Solder Joints with Different Solder/Surface Finish Combinations, Microelectronics Reliability, 53, 2012-2017 (2013).
    49. Zih-Hua Li, Pei-Hsuan Lin, Jeffrey C. S. Wu*, Yu-Tzu Huang , Kuen-Song Lin, Kevin Chia-Wen Wu, A Stirring Packed-bed Reactor to Enhance the Esterification-transesterification in Biodiesel Production by Lowering Mass-transfer Resistance, Chem. Eng. J., 234 (December), 9-15 (2013).
    50. Neng-Huei Lin*, Si-Chee Tsay, Hal B. Maring, Ming-Cheng Yen, Guey-Rong Sheu, Sheng-Hsiang Wang, Kai Hsien Chi, Ming-Tung Chuang, Chang-Feng Ou-Yang, Joshua S. Fu, Jeffrey S. Reid, Chung-Te Lee, Lin-Chi Wang, Jia-Lin Wang, Christina N. Hsu, Andrew M. Sayer, Brent N. Holben, Yu-Chi Chu, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Khajornsak Sopajaree, Shui-Jen Chen, Man-Ting Cheng, Ben-Jei Tsuang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Chi-Ming Peng, Chang-Tang Chang, Kuen-Song Lin, Ying I. Tsai, Wen-Jhy Lee, Shuenn-Chin Chang, Jyh-Jian Liu, Wei-Li Chiang, An Overview of Regional Experiments on Biomass Burning Aerosols and Related Pollutants in Southeast Asia: From BASE-ASIA and the Dongsha Experiment to 7-SEAS, Atmos. Environ. 78, 1-19 (2013).
    51. Kuen-Song Lin, Khalilalrahman Dehvari, Yeu-Jye Liu, Hua Kuo, and Pei-Ju Hsu, Synthesis and Characterization of Porous Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles for Remediation of Chromium-Contaminated Wastewater, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 13(4), 2675-2681 (2013).
    52. Kuen-Song Lin, Abhijit Krishna Adhikari, Mu-Ting Tu, Chieh-Hung Wang, and Chao-Lung Chiang, Preparation, Characterization, and Hydrogen Storage Capacity of MIL-53 Metal-organic Frameworks, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 13(4), 2549-2556 (2013).
    53. Kuen-Song Lin, Abhijit Krishna Adhikari, Chi-Yu Wang, Pei-Ju Hsu, and Ho-Yang Chan, Synthesis and Characterization of Nickel and Zinc Ferrite Nanocatalysts for Decomposition of CO2 Greenhouse Effect Gas, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 13(4), 2538-2548 (2013).
    54. 林錕松、許沛汝、王啟宇,新穎綠色化工製程及清潔生產技術(下),化工技術-綠色生產技術專輯,238(1),156-170 (2013)。
    55. K.S. Lin, A.K. Adhikari, M.T. Tu, C.H. Wang, C.L. Chiang, Preparation, Characterization, and Hydrogen Storage Capacity of MIL-53 Metal-organic Frameworks, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13 2549-2556 (2013)
    56. K.S. Lin, A. K. Adhikari, C.Y. Wang, P.J. Hsu, H.Y. Chan, Synthesis and Characterization of Nickel and Zinc Ferrite Nanocatalysts for Decomposition of CO2 Greenhouse Effect Gas, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13 2538-2548 (2013)
    57. 林錕松Kuen-Song Lin K.S. Lin, A.K. Adhikari, C.N. Ku, C.L. Chiang, H. Kuo, Synthesis and characterization of porous HKUST-1 metal organic frameworks for hydrogen storage, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 13865-13871 (2012)
    58. K.S. Lin, K. Dehvari, Y.J. Liu, H. Kuo, P.J. Hsu, Synthesis and Characterization of Porous Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles for Remediation of Chromium-Contaminated Wastewater, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13 2675~2681 (2013)
    59. K.S. Lin, Y.J. Mai, S.R. Li, C.L. Chiang, C.H. Wang, Characterization and Hydrogen Storage of Surface-Modified Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes for Fuel Cell Application, Journal of Nanomaterials, 16 (2012)
    60. K.S. Lin, A.K. Adhikari, Y.H. Su, C.L. Chiang, C.H. Wang, Fine Structural Characterization, and Hydrogen Storage Study of MIL-101 Metal Organic Frameworks, Adsorption - Journal of the International Adsorption Society, 18 483-491 (2012)
    61. K. Dehvari, K.S. Lin, Synthesis, Characterization, and Potential Applications of Multifunctional PEO-PPO-PEO-Magnetic Drug Delivery System, Current Medicinal Chemistry, 19 5199~5204 (2012)
    62. K.S. Lin, 許沛汝, 王啟宇, 新穎綠色化工製程及清潔生產技術(下), 化工技術-綠色生產技術專輯, 238 156~170 (2013)
    63. K.S. Lin, Y.J. Mai, S.W. Chiu, J.H. Yang, L.I. Chan, Synthesis and Characterization of Metal Hydride/Carbon Aerogel Composites for Hydrogen Storage, Journal of Nanomaterials, 9 (2012)
    64. K.S. Lin, 許沛汝, 王啟宇, 新穎綠色化工製程及清潔生產技術(上), 化工技術-綠色生產技術專輯, 12 125~143 (2012)
    65. K.S. Lin, A.K. Adhikari, K.C. Chang, M.T. Tu, W. Lu, Hydrogen Adsorption in Metal Organic Frameworks by Hydrogen Spillover, Catalysis Today, 164 23~27 (2011)
    66. K.S. Lin, C.Y. Pan, S. Chowdhury, M.T. Tu, W.T. Hong, C.T. Yeh, Hydrogen Generation Using a CuO/ZnO-ZrO2 Nanocatalyst for Autothermal Reforming of Methanol in a Microchannel Reactor, Molecules, 16 348-366 (2011)
    67. K.S. Lin, C.Y. Pan, S. Chowdhury, C.T. Yeh, Hydrogen Generation Using CuO/ZnO-ZrO2 Nanocatalyst for Autothermal Reforming of Methanol in a Microchannel Reactor, Molecules, 16 348-366 (2011)
    68. 林錕松Kuen-Song Lin K.S. Lin, S. Chowdhury, H.P. Yeh, W.T. Hong, C.T. Yeh, Preparation and Characterization of CuO/ZnO-Al2O3 Catalyst Washcoats with CeO2 Sols for Autothermal Reforming of Methanol in a Microreactor, Catalysis Today, 164 251~256 (2011)
    69. K.S. Lin, C.Y. Pan, S. Chowdhury, C.T. Yeh, Synthesis and Characterization of CuO/ZnO-Al2O3 Catalyst Washcoat Thin Film with ZrO2 Sol for Steam Reforming of Methanol in a Microreactor, Thin Solid Films, 519 4681-4686 (2011)
    70. 孫元邦, 戴清智, K.S. Lin, 土壤及地下水污染整治之創新技術:微奈米釋氧控制器與奈米零價鐵, 桃園縣大學校院產業環保技術服務團「環保簡訊」-環保新知, 5 II-1~II-10 (2011)
    71. K.S.Lin, 簡子婷, 劉宇杰, 孫元邦, 戴清智, 奈米零價鐵微粒之合成、表面改質及水相分散之研究, 桃園縣大學校院產業環保技術服務團「環保簡訊」-環保新知, 5 III-1~III-11 (2011)
    1. 薛逸煌; 蔡秉翰; Kuen-Song Lin; Wan-Ju Ke; Cho-Lung Chiahg, "Antimicrobial effects of Zero-valent iron nanoparticles on gram-positive bacillus strains and gram-negative Escherichia coli strains", 2017 BEST Conference & International Symposium on Biotechnology and Bioengineering, (2017)
    2. Ndumiso Vukile Mdlovu; Tzu-Wei Chang; Ya-Hui Tsai; Yun Chen; Kuen-Song Lin, "Iron oxide- pluronic F127 polymer nanocomposites as carriers for doxorubicin drug delivery system", The 6th International Conference on Bio-based Polymers, 273~274, (2017)
    3. Kuen-Song Lin; Cheng-Yang Tang; Ndumiso Vukile Mdlovu; Khulan Baterdene, "Catalytic Gasification of Pighair Biowastes over NiO/Al2O3 Nanocatalyst with Hydrogen Generation for Fuel Cell Application", The 2nd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource, 87~87, (2017)
    4. Kuen-Song Lin; Chung-Yu Chen; Cheng-Yang Tang; Ming-Wei Hsu, "Dedradation of TCE, PCE, and 1,2-DCE in Contaminated Groundwater by Using Polyethylenimine-modified Zero-valent Iron Nanoparticles", The 2nd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource, 212~212, (2017)
    5. Chao-Long Chiang; Kuen-Song Lin; Ndumiso Vukile Mdlovu; Cheng-Yang Tang; Khulan Baterdene, "Liquefaction of Waste Tire Rubber Chips for Absorptive Recycling of Spilled and Contaminated Oils", The 2nd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource, 102~102, (2017)
    6. Ming-Wei Hsu; Ya-Hui Tsai; Yun Chen; Kuen-Song Lin, "Multifunctional nanocarrier combined with micro-RNA as a gene therapy tool", The 6th International Conference on Bio-based Polymers, 269~270, (2017)
    7. 薛逸煌; 蔡秉翰; Kuen-Song Lin, "pH-Dependent antimicrobial properties of copper oxide nanoparticles in staphylococcus aureus", 2017 BEST Conference & International Symposium on Biotechnology and Bioengineering, pp.na~na, (2017)
    8. An-Cheng Sun; Yin-Cheng Ju; Chien Liao; Kuen-Song Lin; Hsi-Chuan Lu; Sea-Fue Wang; Sin-Liang Ou, "Preparation of Carbon Dots on Fe3O4 Nanoparticles for Degradation of Methylene Blue", The 7th Asian Particle Technology Symposium, 80~80, (2017)
    9. Ndumiso Vukile Mdlovu; Kuen-Song Lin; Chung-Yu Chen; Cheng-Yang Tang; Ming-Wei Hsu, "Recycling Copper Nanoparticles from CuCl2-Containing Waste Etchants by Using Microemulsion for Printed Circuit Board Industry", The 2nd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource, 213~213, (2017)
    10. Y. Ju; Kuen-Song Lin; Chien Liao; An-Cheng Sun, "Synthesis carbon dots on magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles", IEEE International Magnetics Conference, 220~220, (2017)
    11. Kuen-Song Lin; 莊介寧; 江昭龍, "「二氧化碳溫室氣體處理技術及氫能源應用產品之研發設計與課程」成長社群", 桃竹苗區域教學資源中心教師成長社群成果展, 71~73, (2016)
    12. Kuen-Song Lin; Khalilalrahman Dehvari; 陳芸, "Characterization of Stimuli-Responsive Magnetic Nanocomposites as Multifunctional Drug Delivery Systems", 22th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops-Taiwan Neutron Program Annual Reports 2014-2015, S1~S2, (2016)
    13. Kuen-Song Lin; Chao-Lung Chiang; Khulan Bat-erdene; Abhijit Krishna Adhikari, "Conversion of Hydrogen and CO2 to Formic Acid on Cu/CuCr2O4 Catalysts", 1st International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials, O202~O202, (2016)
    14. Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Kuen-Song Lin, "Deep Inside the Micelles: Blocks Structural Changes after Encapsulation of Drugs and Nanoparticles", 22th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops (最佳學生口頭報告獎(The Glory of Taiwan, The Best Student Oral Presentation in Physical and Chemical Science), 93~93, (2016)
    15. Kuen-Song Lin; Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Chung-Yu Chen; Yu-Heng Haung, "Degradation of TCE, PCE, and 1,2-DCE in Contaminated Groundwater Using Polyethylenimine-Modified Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles", Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment, and Remediation, 54~54, (2016)
    16. Jie-Ning Chuang; Hui-Wen Chuang; Jyh-Fu Lee; Meng-Lin Lu; Kuen-Song Lin, "Development of Chemical Conversion for Hydrogen/Carbon Dioxide to Formic Acid by Cu Catalysts", 22th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops, 87~87, (2016)
    17. Cheng-Yan Tang; Ching-Wei Kao; Jyh-Fu Lee; eng-Lung Chen; Kuen-Song Lin, "Development of Chemical Conversion for Methanol Production from Carbon Dioxide hydrogenation by Using Cu/SBA-15 Catalyst", 22th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops,93~93, (2016)
    18. Yu-Heng Haung; Ssu-Han Yu; Ting-Shan Chan; Shih-Tien Tang; Kuen-Song Lin, "Enhancement of Dimethyl Carbonate Production from Methanol and CO2 by Adding H3PW12O34 Ce0.4Ti0.9O2 Catalyst", 22th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops, 88~88, (2016)
    19. Chao-Lung Chiang; Jeng-Lung Chen; Jyh-Fu Lee; Kuen-Song Lin, "Methanol Formation from CO2 Hydrogenation by Using Ni5Ga3 and Ni5Ga3/SiO2 Catalysts", 22th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops, 87~87, (2016)
    20. Kuen-Song Lin; Chao-Lung Chiang; Khulan Bat-erdene; Abhijit Krishna Adhikari, "Preparation and Characterization of CuO/Al2O3 Catalyst for Dimethyl Ether Production from Methanol Dehydration", 1st International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials, HE-28~HE-28, (2016)
    21. Ming-Wei Hsu; Hui-Wen Chuang; Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Jyh-Fu Lee; Kuen-Song Lin, "Preparation and Characterization of CuO/ZnO/Al2O3Catalyst for Conversion of H2/CO2 HCOOH", 22th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops,92~92, (2016)
    22. Kuen-Song Lin; Chia-Wei Shu; Jeffrey C.S. Wu; Kevin Chia-Wen Wu; Yu-Tzu Huang, "Preparation and Characterization of Super Basic/Acidic Solid Catalysts for Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oils", Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials, 29~29, (2016)
    23. Yu-Heng Huang; Kuen-Song Lin, "Synthesis and Characterization of MoS2/TiO2 Photocatalysis for Pollutant Degradation", 2016台灣化學工程學會 63週年年會暨科技部化工學門成果發表會, 54~54, (2016)
    24. Kuen-Song Lin; Khulan Baterdene; Jia-Yang Huang; Ting-Shan Chan; Jyh-Fu Lee, "Synthesis, Characterization, and Enhancement of Desulfurization Efficiencies of Desulfurized CuOCeO2/Al2O3 Catalysts in H2S-containing Syngas of a Gasifier", Proceedings of 22th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops, 92~92, (2016)
    25. Kuen-Song Lin; 莊介寧; 高敬惟, "利用光電/半導體產業集塵灰製備UZM-5沸石及特性鑑定之研究", 105年中國材料科學學會年會論文集, 147~147, (2016)
    26. Kuen-Song Lin; 莊介寧; 高敬惟, "利用光電/半導體集塵灰製備SBA-15沸石之研究", 第28屆環工年會暨各專門學術研討會論文集, 233~233, (2016)
    27. 林錕松Kuen-Song Lin Kuen-Song Lin; 江昭龍; 莊惠雯, "利用含Ir有機金屬觸媒將氫氣與二氧化碳轉化生成甲酸之研究", 105年中國材料科學學會年會論文集, 115~115, (2016)
    28. Kuen-Song Lin; 莊惠雯; 江昭龍, "利用含Ir觸媒將氫氣與二氧化碳轉化生成甲酸之研究", 第28屆環工年會暨各專門學術研討會論文集, 207~207, (2016)
    29. Kuen-Song Lin; 莊介寧; 高敬惟, "利用集塵灰製備SBA-15沸石及其CO2捕捉與氫化生成甲醇之研究", 第28屆環工年會暨各專門學術研討會論文集, 236~236, (2016)
    30. Kuen-Song Lin; 江昭龍, "鎳-鎵觸媒之製備、特性鑑定及CO2氫化生成甲醇之研究", 第28屆環工年會暨各專門學術研討會論文集, 212~212, (2016)
    31. Ming-Wei Hsu; Khulan Bat-Erdene; Ssu-Han Yu; Chao-Lung Chiang; Kuen-Song Lin, "Catalytic Activity Enhancement of H3PW12O40/ZrO2 for the Conversion of CH3OH/CO2 Dimethyl Carbonate", The International Symposium on Catalytic Conversion of Energy and Resources, (2016)
    32. Yu-Heng Haung; Bikash Chandra Mallick; Ssu-Han Yu; Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Kuen-Song Lin, "Catalytic Activity Enhancement of V-dopped Cu-Ni/AC for Conversion of Methanol and CO2 Dimethyl Carbonate", The International Symposium on Catalytic Conversion of Energy and Resources, (2016)
    33. Kuen-Song Lin; Hui-Wen Chuang; Min-Wei Hsu, "CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 Catalyst for the Conversion of Hydrogen and CO2 to Formic Acid", The 34th Taiwan Symposium on Catalysis and Reaction Engineering, (2016)
    34. Chao-Lung Chiang; Kuen-Song Lin; Abhijit Krishna Adhikari, "Enhancement of Dimethyl Carbonate from Conversion of CH3OH and CO2 by Adding Tungstophosphoric Acid to ZrO2 Nanocatalysts", International Symposium on Catalytic Conversions of Biomass, (2016)
    35. Chao-Lung Chiang; Kuen-Song Lin; Abhijit Krishna Adhikari, "Enhancement of Dimethyl Carbonate from Conversion of Methanol and CO2 by Loading Vanadium Metal to Cu-Ni/AC Nanocatalysts", International Symposium on Catalytic Conversions of Biomass, (2016)
    36. Chao-Lung Chiang; Kuen-Song Lin; Abhijit Krishna Adhikari, "Gasification of Pighair Biowastes with Hydrogen Production Using NiO/Al2O3 Catalysts for an Integrated Fuel Processor", International Symposium on Catalytic Conversions of Biomass, (2016)
    37. Kuen-Song Lin; Chao-Lung Chiang, "Improvement of Methanol Formation From CO2 Hydrogenation by Dispersing Ni5Ga3 onto Silica Gel Support", The 34th Taiwan Symposium on Catalysis and Reaction Engineering, (2016)
    38. 林錕松Kuen-Song Lin 卡力; Kuen-Song Lin; Raana Taheri, "On-Demand Controlled Release Of Therapeutics Using Stimuli-Responsive Nnanocarriers", Proceedings of 27th ISERD International Conference, (2016)
    39. Yu-Heng Haung; Khulan Bat-Erdene; Chao-Lung Chiang; Kuen-Song Lin, "Preparation and Characterization of Ni5Ga3/SiO2 Nanocatalyst for Methanol Production from CO2/H2 Conversion", The International Symposium on Catalytic Conversion of Energy and Resources, (2016)
    40. Ming-Wei Hsu; Bikash Chandra Mallick; Hui Wen Chuang; Kuen-Song Lin, "Preparation and Characterization of CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 Catalyst for Conversion of H2/CO2 HCOOH", The International Symposium on Catalytic Conversion of Energy and Resources, (2016)
    41. 卡力; Kuen-Song Lin; Tyz-Wei Chang, "Small Angle X-Ray and Neutron Scattering Studies of Multifunctional Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanocarriers", Proceedings of Global Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering (GLSBE 2016), (2016)
    42. Kuen-Song Lin; Ching-Wei Kao, "Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications of Zeolites Generated from Optoelectronic/Semiconductor Industries Fly Ashes", The 34th Taiwan Symposium on Catalysis and Reaction Engineering, (2016)
    43. 薛逸煌; Kuen-Song Lin; 柯蔻如; Chien-Te Hsieh; 劉世東, "The Antimicrobial Properties of Silver Nanoparticles in Bacillus Subtilis", Global Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering (GLSBE 2016), (2016)
    44. Kuen-Song Lin; 江昭龍; 莊惠雯, "同步輻射光譜分析在環境科學及污染防治之應用", 2016年環境分析化學研討會論文集,(2016)
    45. Ming-Wei Hsu; Tzu-Wen Chang; 卡力; U-Ser Jeng; Kuen-Song Lin, "Characterization of Multifunctional Iron Oxide-Pluronic Nanocarriers for Doxorubicin Targeted Delivery", Proceedings of 21th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops, (2015)
    46. Yu-Heng Huang; Yi-Chou Tseng; Kuen-Song Lin; Jyh-Fu Lee; Jeng-Lung Chen, "Degradation of Antibiotics-contaminated Wastewaters Using Zero-valent Iron Nanoparticles/Photocatalyst/Activated Carbon Composite", Proceedings of 21th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops, (2015)
    47. 22.; Kuen-Song Lin; Jia Shiun You, "Development of Chemical Conversion for Hydrogen/Carbon Dioxide to Formic Acid by Cu Catalysts", 2015 Taiwan/Korea/Japan Joint Meeting on Chemical Engineering, (2015)
    48. Ching-Wei Kao; Jia-Shiun You; Kuen-Song Lin; Ho-Yang Chan; Ling-Yun Jang; Bing-Jian Su, "Preparation and Characterization of Mesoporous Polymer-Based Solid Acid Catalysts for Biodiesel Production Enhancement", Proceedings of 21th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops, (2015)
    49. 卡力; Kuen-Song Lin, "Structural Characterization of Multifunctional Magnetic Drug Delivery System Using Small-Angle Neutron Scattering", Proceedings of 21th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops, (2015)
    50. Chao-Lung Chiang; Chieh-Hung Wang; Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Kuen-Song Lin, "Synthesis, Characterization, and CO2 Adsorption/Separation Efficiencies of Non- and Aminated MIL-53(Al)", 2015 Taiwan/Korea/Japan Joint Meeting on Chemical Engineering, (2015)
    51. Chao-Lung Chiang; Chieh-Hung Wang; Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Kuen-Song Lin, "Synthesis, Characterization, and CO2 Adsorption/Separation Efficiencies of ZIF-22", 2015 Taiwan International Symposium On Advancesd Ceramics And Technology For Sustinable Energy Applications, (2015)
    52. Ching-Wei Kao; Kuen-Song Lin; Jia-yang Huang, "Synthesis, Characterization, and Enhancement of Desulfurization Efficiencies of Desulfurized Catalysts in H2S-containing Syngas of a Gasifier", 2015 Taiwan/Korea/Japan Joint Meeting on Chemical Engineering, (2015)
    53. 黃昱恆; 曾逸洲; Kuen-Song Lin, "利用奈米零價鐵/活性碳複合材料處理抗生素污染廢水之研究", 104年中國材料科學學會年會, (2015)
    54. 曾逸洲; 黃昱恆; Kuen-Song Lin, "利用奈米零價鐵光觸媒活性碳複合材料處理抗生素污染廢水之研究", 27屆環工年會暨各專門學術研討會, (2015)
    55. 游佳勳; 高敬惟; 詹賀仰; Kuen-Song Lin, "利用高分子基材製備中孔性固體酸觸媒應用於提升生質柴油生產技術之研究", 27屆環工年會暨各專門學術研討會, (2015)
    56. 徐銘蔚; 莊惠雯; 簡子婷; Kuen-Song Lin, "利用鋼鐵廠飛灰混合氧化鋅合成鋅磁氧鐵礦及廢棄物改質之研究", 27屆環工年會暨各專門學術研討會, (2015)
    57. 高敬惟; 徐銘蔚; 陳健龍; Kuen-Song Lin, "利用磷酸三乙酯及氧化金屬觸媒熱裂解回收再利用廢冰箱泡棉之研究", 27屆環工年會暨各專門學術研討會, (2015)
    58. 王昭燕; 莊惠雯; 黃昱恆; Kuen-Song Lin, "利用廢輪胎生成之碳黑經化學活化法製成硫化活性碳及除汞應用技術之研究", 27屆環工年會暨各專門學術研討會, (2015)
    59. 高敬惟; 黃嘉洋; Kuen-Song Lin, "含硫化氫合成氣之新穎氣化爐中脫硫觸媒之合成、鑑定及脫硫效率提升之研發", 201510屆全國氫能與燃料電池學術研討會暨第二屆全國能源學會年會, (2015)
    60. 江昭龍; Kuen-Song Lin, "咪唑銅架構物之製備、特性鑑定與N2/CO2氣體吸附之研究", 104年中國材料科學學會年會, (2015)
    61. 江昭龍; 于思涵; 莊惠雯; 游佳勳; Kuen-Song Lin, "添加釩金屬於Cu-Ni/AC觸媒用以增進甲醇及二氧化碳轉化生成碳酸二甲酯之研究", 27屆環工年會暨各專門學術研討會, (2015)
    62. 江昭龍; 于思涵; 莊惠雯; 游佳勳; Kuen-Song Lin, "添加磷鎢酸於Ce0.1Ti0.9O2觸媒用以增進甲醇及CO2轉化生成碳酸二甲酯之研究", 201510屆全國氫能與燃料電池學術研討會暨第二屆全國能源學會年會, (2015)
    63. Kuen-Song Lin; 江昭龍; 于思涵, "農業廢棄物氣化生成合成氣利用奈米觸媒化學轉化成二甲醚之研發", 科技部104年度「能源科技學術合作研究計畫」研討會論文集, (2016)
    64. 徐銘蔚; 張慈文; Kuen-Song Lin, "製備氧化鐵聚合Pluronic F127奈米高分子複合載體應用於阿黴素藥物釋放系統", 104年中國材料科學學會年會, (2015)
    65. 江昭龍; 莊惠雯; 游佳勳; Kuen-Song Lin, "鋅/鈷唑架構物之製備、特性鑑定及CO2捕捉效率之研究", 27屆環工年會暨各專門學術研討會, (2015)
    66. 林錕松Kuen-Song Lin 莊惠雯; 游佳勳; Kuen-Song Lin, "鑑定含Ir/Cu觸媒應用於氫氣與二氧化碳轉化成甲酸", 201510屆全國氫能與燃料電池學術研討會暨第二屆全國能源學會年會, (2015)
    67. 薛逸煌; 林錕松; 柯菀茹; 謝建德; 江昭龍; 鄒東頴; 劉士東, "Ag+ ions released from silver nanoparticles enter Bacillus ubtilis cells to induce growth arrest and cellular damage", 2015生化工程國際研討會, (2015)
    68. Ssu-Han Yu; Kuen-Song Lin, "Development of Chemical Conversion for Methanol/Carbon Dioxide to Dimethyl Carbonates by V2O5 Catalysts", 33屆台灣觸媒與反應工程研討會暨台灣越南雙邊觸媒研討會, (2015)
    69. Ching-Wei Kao; Kuen-Song Lin; Ho-Yang Chan; Shih-Hsien Liu; Tarng-Tzuen Juang; J. J. Ou, "Characterization and Application of Mesoporous Polymer-Based Solid Acid Catalysts on Biodiesel", 2014中子科學學會年會暨中子學校暨中子散射國際研討會, (2014)
    70. Chao-Lung Chiang; Shin-Rung Li; Kuen-Song Lin, "Characterization and Hydrogen Storage of Surface-Modified Mult-Wall Carbon Nanotubes for Fuel Cell Application", 第十二屆海峽兩岸探材料學術研討會, (2014)
    71. Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Chao-Lung Chiang; Kuen-Song Lin, "CO2 Gas Storage and CO2/N2 Separation Properties of MOF-74 (Ni&Co) with Fine Structural Characterization", International Symposium on Zeolite and Microporous Crystals 2015, (2015)
    72. Yi-Chou Tseng ; Kuen-Song Lin, "Degradation of Antibiotics-contaminated Wastewaters Using Photocatalyst/Activated Carbon Composites", 33屆台灣觸媒與反應工程研討會暨台灣越南雙邊觸媒研討會, (2015)
    73. Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Chao-Lung Chiang; Kuen-Song Lin, "Improved Hydrogen Storage Capacity by Hydrogen Spillover and Fine Structural Characterization of Mil-102 Metal Organic Frameworks", International Symposium on Zeolite and Microporous Crystals 2015, (2015)
    74. Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Chao-Lung Chiang; Kuen-Song Lin, "Improved Hydrogen Storage Capacity by Hydrogen Spillover and Fine Structural Characterization of MIL-47 (V) metal organic frameworks", ISSHAC-9, (2015)
    75. Hui-Wen Chuang; Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Kuen-Song Lin, "Modification of Metal Organic Frameworks with Pt Loaded Activated Carbon and Hydrogen Storage Capacity of Mil-47(V)", ICMAT 2015& IUMRS-ICA 2015, (2015)
    76. Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Ching-Wei Kao; Kuen-Song Lin, "Multifunctional Nanocarriers for Magnetic Targeted Drug Delivery of Paclitaxel in Cancer Treatment", ICMAT 2015& IUMRS-ICA 2015, (2015)
    77. Chao-Lung Chiang; Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Kuen-Song Lin, "Porous Zinc/Cobalt-based Metal Azolate Frameworks from Metal Nitrates and Imidazolates: Synthesis, Characterization, and N2/CO2 Adsorption", International Symposium on Zeolite and Microporous Crystals 2015, (2015)
    78. 林錕松Kuen-Song Lin Hui-Wen Chuang; Pei-Ju Hsu; Kuen-Song Lin, "Separation and Recycling of Zinc Ferrite Nanocatalyst from Flyash in Steel Industries", ICMAT 2015& IUMRS-ICA 2015, (2015)
    79. Chao-Lung Chiang,; Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Kuen-Song Lin, "Structural Tunable Zinc-based Metal Azolate Frameworks from Metal Nitrates and Imidazolates by Solvent-free Method : Synthesis, Characterization, and N2/CO2 Adsorption", ISSHAC-9, (2015)
    80. Chao-Lung Chiang; Kuen-Song Lin, "Synthesis and Characterization of CuO-ZnO-Al2O3 with Protonated Beta/Y-Type Mesoporous Zeolite Supporters for Dimethyl Ester Production", 33屆台灣觸媒與反應工程研討會暨台灣越南雙邊觸媒研討會, (2015)
    81. Kuen-Song Lin; Chao-Lung Chiang; Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Khanh Toan Dinh, "Synthesis and Characterization of V-loaded Titania Nanotubes for Adsorption/Photocatalysis of Dyes and Environmental Hormones Contaminated Wastewaters", International Symposium on Zeolite and Microporous Crystals 2015, (2015)
    82. Ching-Wei Kao; Chia-Wei Shu; Kuen-Song Lin, "Synthesis, Characterization, and Transesterification of Solid Superacidic/Superbasic Catalysts for Biodiesel Production", Synthesis, Characterization, and Transesterification of Solid Superacidic/Superbasic Catalysts for Biodiesel Production, (2015)
    83. 高敬惟; 莊惠雯; Kuen-Song Lin, "以產品為導向之課程—奈米元件(nanodevice)設計與應用整合創新成長社群", 桃竹苗區域教學資源中心教師成長社群成果展論文集, (2015)
    84. 黃嘉洋; 江昭龍; Kuen-Song Lin, "脫硫觸媒之合成、鑑定及含硫化氫合成氣脫硫效率提升之研發", 33屆台灣觸媒與反應工程研討會暨台灣越南雙邊觸媒研討會, (2015)
    85. Tzu-Wei Chang; Kuen-Song Lin; Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Yun Chen, "Application of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles on Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy", 2014中子科學學會年會暨中子學校暨中子散射國際研討會, (2014)
    86. Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Kuen-Song Lin; Hua Kuo; Yi-Chou Tseng, "Degradation of TNT, RDX, and HMX Explosives using Permeable Zero Valent Iron Nanoparticles Barrier", International Conference on Remedeiation and Management of Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Sites, (2014)
    87. Yi-Chou Tseng; Hua Kuo; Kuen-Song Lin; Jyh-Fu Lee; Jeng-Lung Chen, "Degradation of TNT, RDX, and HMX High-energy Explosive Wastewaters onto Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles", Proceedings of 20th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops, (2014)
    88. Hui-Wen Chuang; Kuen-Song Lin; Ting-Shan Chan; Hao-Wei Tu, "Fine Structure Characterization of MIL-101(Cr) Metal Organic Frameworks for Hydrogen Storage in a Fuel Cell System by XANES/EXAFS Spectroscopy", Proceedings of 20th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops , (2014)
    89. Yi-Chou Tseng; Kuen-Song Lin; Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Samuel Jafian, "In-Situ Decontamination of DNAPLs in Groundwater by Polymer-coated Zero-valent Iron Nanoparticles", International Conference on Remedeiation and Management of Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Sites, (2014)
    90. Hui-Wen Chuang; Kuen-Song Lin; Pei-Ju Hsu; Cheng-Tung Chou; Jing-Chie Lin, "Preparation and Characterization of Ferrite Nanocatalysts for Carbon Dioxide Utilities", 2014中子科學學會年會暨中子學校暨中子散射國際研討會, (2014)
    91. Ching-Wei Kao; Kuen-Song Lin; Ho-Yang Chan; Ling-Yun Jang; Bing-Jian Su, "Preparation and Characterization of Mesoporous Polymer-Based Solid Acid Catalysts for Biodiesel Production Enhancement", Proceedings of 20th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops,( 2014)
    92. Chao-Lung Chiang; Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Kuen-Song Lin, "Preparation, Fine Structure Characterization, and Nitrogen/Carbon Dioxide Adsorptive Selectivity of Zinc-based Metal Azolate Frameworks", Proceedings of 20th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops, (2014)
    93. 江昭龍; Kuen-Song Lin, "Prepartion and Characterization of High Porous Metal-Organic frameworks for Carbon Dioxide Adsoropion", 2014台灣化學工程學會 61週年年會暨科技部化工學門成果發表會, (2014)
    94. Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Kuen-Song Lin; Tyz-Wei Chang; Yun Chen, "Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanocarriers for Colon Cancer Targeted Delivery, Imaging and Therapy", Proceedings of 7th World Congress on Preventive & Regenerative Medicine, (2014)
    95. Kuen-Song Lin; Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Tyz-Wei Chang; Yun Chen, "Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy", Proceedings of 8th Asia-Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research, (2014)
    96. Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Kuen-Song Lin; U-Ser Jeng; Jyh-Fu Lee; Jeng-Lung Chen, "Synthesis and Characterization of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxides-Pluronic Nanocomposites as Carriers for Drug Delivery System", Proceedings of 20th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops, (2014)
    97. Ssu-Han Yu; Kuen-Song Lin; Chieh-Hung Wang, "Synthesis, Fine Structural Characterization, and CO2 Adsorption Capacity of Material Institute Laviorse-53,101, and Zeolite Imidazolate Frameworks-22", Proceedings of 20th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops, (2014)
    98. Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Kuen-Song Lin, "XANES/EXAFS Studies of CO2 Adsorption Properties and Fine Structural Characterization of Cobalt and Nickel-based Metal Organic Framework-74", Proceedings of 20th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops, (2014)
    99. 于思涵; Kuen-Song Lin; 莊惠雯, "利用V2O5/WO3觸媒與二氧化碳轉化生成碳酸二甲酯之研發", 2014台灣化學工程學會 61週年年會暨科技部化工學門成果發表會, (2014)
    100. Kuen-Song Lin; 張慈文; 曾逸洲; 于思涵, "利用奈米架鐵微粒去除DNAPLs含氯有機汙染物之技術研發及地下水汙染廠址整治工程評估", 2014土壤及地下水年度議會, (2014)
    101. 曾逸洲; Kuen-Song Lin; 高敬惟, "利用奈米零價鐵/光觸媒/活性碳複合材系處理抗生素汙染廢水之研究", 2014台灣化學工程學會 61週年年會暨科技部化工學門成果發表會, (2014)
    102. 張慈文; Kuen-Song Lin; 高敬惟, "利用最佳化氧化鐵聚合Pluronic F127 高分子奈米複合材料載體及其應用於藥物釋放系統", 2014台灣化學工程學會 61週年年會暨科技部化工學門成果發表會, (2014)
    103. 王照燕; 曾逸洲; 王介鋐; 張慈文; Kuen-Song Lin, "利用廢輪胎熱解/氣化碳黑製成高比表面積硫化活性碳及其除拱應用技術之研究", 第十二屆海峽兩岸探材料學術研討會, (2014)
    104. Kuen-Song Lin; 許嘉威; 詹賀仰; 高敬惟, "固體超強酸/鹼觸媒提升生質柴油生產技術", 中華民國環境工程學會2014廢棄物處理技術研討會, (2014)
    105. Kuen-Song Lin; 江昭龍; 王介鋐; 張慈文, "高孔洞金屬有機架購物之製備特性鑑定與其對二氧化碳吸附之研究", 中華民國環境工程學會2014廢棄物處理技術研討會, (2014)
    106. Kuen-Song Lin; 許沛汝; 張慈文; 曾逸洲, "鋼鐵廠飛灰製成高價值磁氧鐵礦觸媒回收再利用技術之研發", 2014環境科技論壇論文集, 2014/09
    107. 林錕松Kuen-Song Lin; 許沛汝; 于思涵; 莊惠雯, "鋼鐵廠飛灰製成高價值鐵磁石觸媒回收再利用技術之研究", 中華民國環境工程學會2014廢棄物處理技術研討會, (2014)
    108. Kuen-Song Lin; 許沛汝; 于思涵; 莊惠雯, 鋼鐵廠飛灰製成高價值鐵磁石觸媒回收再利用技術之研究,中華民國環境工程學會2014廢棄物處理技術研討會,(2014)
    109. Kuen-Song Lin; 江昭龍; 王介鋐; 張慈文, 高孔洞金屬有機架購物之製備特性鑑定與其對二氧化碳吸附之研究,中華民國環境工程學會2014廢棄物處理技術研討會(2014)
    110. Kuen-Song Lin; 許嘉威; 詹賀仰; 高敬惟, 固體超強酸/鹼觸媒提升生質柴油生產技術, 中華民國環境工程學會2014廢棄物處理技術研討會(2014)
    111. 王照燕; 曾逸洲; 王介鋐; 張慈文; Kuen-Song Lin, 利用廢輪胎熱解/氣化碳黑製成高比表面積硫化活性碳及其除拱應用技術之研究, 第十二屆海峽兩岸探材料學術研討會(2014)
    112. 張慈文; Kuen-Song Lin; 高敬惟, 利用最佳化氧化鐵聚合Pluronic F127 高分子奈米複合材料載體及其應用於藥物釋放系統, 2014台灣化學工程學會 61週年年會暨科技部化工學門成果發表會, (2014)
    113. 曾逸洲; Kuen-Song Lin; 高敬惟, 利用奈米零價鐵/光觸媒/活性碳複合材系處理抗生素汙染廢水之研究, 2014台灣化學工程學會 61週年年會暨科技部化工學門成果發表會(2014)
    114. Kuen-Song Lin; 張慈文; 曾逸洲; 于思涵, 利用奈米架鐵微粒去除DNAPLs含氯有機汙染物之技術研發及地下水汙染廠址整治工程評估,2014土壤及地下水年度議會(2014)
    115. 于思涵; Kuen-Song Lin; 莊惠雯, 利用V2O5/WO3觸媒與二氧化碳轉化生成碳酸二甲酯之研發, 2014台灣化學工程學會 61週年年會暨科技部化工學門成果發表會(2014)
    116. Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Kuen-Song Lin, XANES/EXAFS Studies of CO2 Adsorption Properties and Fine Structural Characterization of Cobalt and Nickel-based Metal Organic Framework-74, Proceedings of 20th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops(2014)
    117. Ssu-Han Yu; Kuen-Song Lin; Chieh-Hung Wang, Synthesis, Fine Structural Characterization, and CO2 Adsorption Capacity of Material Institute Laviorse-53,101, and Zeolite Imidazolate Frameworks-22, Proceedings of 20th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops(2014)
    118. 林錕松Kuen-Song Lin Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Kuen-Song Lin; U-Ser Jeng; Jyh-Fu Lee; Jeng-Lung Chen, Synthesis and Characterization of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxides-Pluronic Nanocomposites as Carriers for Drug Delivery System, Proceedings of 20th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops(2014)
    119. Kuen-Song Lin; Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Tyz-Wei Chang; Yun Chen, Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy, Proceedings of 8th Asia-Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research(2014)
    120. Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Kuen-Song Lin; Tyz-Wei Chang; Yun Chen, Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanocarriers for Colon Cancer Targeted Delivery, Imaging and Therapy, Proceedings of 7th World Congress on Preventive & Regenerative Medicin, (2014)
    121. 江昭龍; Kuen-Song Lin, Prepartion and Characterization of High Porous Metal-Organic frameworks for Carbon Dioxide Adsoropion, 2014台灣化學工程學會 61週年年會暨科技部化工學門成果發表會( 2014)
    122. Chao-Lung Chiang; Abhijit Krishna Adhikari; Kuen-Song Lin, Preparation, Fine Structure Characterization, and Nitrogen/Carbon Dioxide Adsorptive Selectivity of Zinc-based Metal Azolate Frameworks, Proceedings of 20th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops(2014)
    123. Ching-Wei Kao; Kuen-Song Lin; Ho-Yang Chan; Ling-Yun Jang; Bing-Jian Su, Preparation and Characterization of Mesoporous Polymer-Based Solid Acid Catalysts for Biodiesel Production Enhancement, Proceedings of 20th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops(2014)
    124. Hui-Wen Chuang; Kuen-Song Lin; Pei-Ju Hsu; Cheng-Tung Chou; Jing-Chie Lin, Preparation and Characterization of Ferrite Nanocatalysts for Carbon Dioxide Utilities, 2014中子科學學會年會暨中子學校暨中子散射國際研討會(2014)
    125. Yi-Chou Tseng; Kuen-Song Lin; Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Samuel Jafian, n-Situ Decontamination of DNAPLs in Groundwater by Polymer-coated Zero-valent Iron Nanoparticles, International Conference on Remedeiation and Management of Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Sites(2014)
    126. Hui-Wen Chuang; Kuen-Song Lin; Ting-Shan Chan; Hao-Wei Tu, Fine Structure Characterization of MIL-101(Cr) Metal Organic Frameworks for Hydrogen Storage in a Fuel Cell System by XANES/EXAFS Spectroscopy, Proceedings of 20th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops(2014)
    127. Yi-Chou Tseng; Hua Kuo; Kuen-Song Lin; Jyh-Fu Lee; Jeng-Lung Chen, Degradation of TNT, RDX, and HMX High-energy Explosive Wastewaters onto Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles, Proceedings of 20th NSRRC User’s Meeting and Workshops(2014)
    128. Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Kuen-Song Lin; Hua Kuo; Yi-Chou Tseng, Degradation of TNT, RDX, and HMX Explosives using Permeable Zero Valent Iron Nanoparticles Barrier, International Conference on Remedeiation and Management of Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Sites(2014)
    129. Chao-Lung Chiang; Shin-Rung Li; Kuen-Song Lin, Characterization and Hydrogen Storage of Surface-Modified Mult-Wall Carbon Nanotubes for Fuel Cell Application, 第十二屆海峽兩岸探材料學術研討會(2014)
    130. Tzu-Wei Chang; Kuen-Song Lin; Khalilalrahman Dehvari; Yun Chen, Application of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles on Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy, 2014中子科學學會年會暨中子學校暨中子散射國際研討會, pp.001(2014)
    131. K.S. Lin, Y.J. Mai, H.Y. Chan, C.Y. Wang, Catalytic Gasification of Pighair Biowastes with Hydrogen Generation for Fuel Cell Application, Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Green Chemistry Renewable Carbon and Eco-Efficient Processes, 49 (2013)
    132. K.S. Lin, C.H. Wang, C.L. Chiang, S. Chowdhury, Characterization and Surface Reactivity Analyses of Ceria-BTC Metal Organic Frameworks for Methanol Interaction, Proceedings of Colloids and Energy 2013, 2-8 (2013)
    133. K.S. Lin, K. Dehvari, S.S. Wang, Design of multifunctional drug delivery system for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis and therapy, Proceedings of 7th Annual Drug Discovery for Neurodegeneration Conference, An Intensive Course on Translating Research Drugs, 3 (2013)
    134. K.S. Lin, H.Y. Chan, Y.J. Mai, C.L. Chiang, C.H. Wang, H. Kuo, Dimethyl Ether Synthesis from Syngas Conversion on CuZnAlZrO2/ZSM-5 Catalysts, Proceedings of The 7th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, Saint Louis, Missouri, 56 (2013)
    135. K.S. Lin, K.T. Dinh, Y.C. Tseng, T.W. Chang, Fine Structural Characterization of Metal-Loaded Titania Nanotubes for Photocatalysis of Dyes and Environmental Hormones Contaminated Wastewaters, 第一屆海峽兩岸環境分析化學學術研討會, 15 (2013)
    136. K.S. Lin, A.K. Adhikari, C.H. Wang, C.L. Chiang, C.S. Chang, Fine Structural Characterization Using XANES/EXAFS Spectroscopy and Hydrogen storage Study of MIL-53(Cr) Metal Organic Frameworks, Proceedings of Colloids and Energy 2013, 1-5 (2013)
    137. K.S. Lin, S.N. Li, T.W. Chang, Y.C. Tseng, Fine Structural Identification and Removal of Lead ions from Wastewater by Using Multi-wall Carbon Nanotubes, 第一屆海峽兩岸環境分析化學學術研討會, 13-14 (2013)
    138. K.S. Lin, Y.J. Mai, C.Y. Wang, P.J. Hsu, J.H. Yang, C.L. Chiang, Gasification of Industrial Rubber Wastes with Syngas Recovery, Proceedings of The 7th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, Saint Louis, Missouri, 42 (2013)
    139. K.S. Lin, Y.J. Mai, C.H. Wang, P.J. Hsu, Liquefaction of Waste Tire Rubber Chips for Absorptive Recovery of Spilled Oils, Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Green Chemistry Renewable Carbon and Eco-Efficient Processes, 49 (2013)
    140. K.S. Lin, 蔡宏彬, 江昭龍, 王介鋐, M2(BDC)2dabco系列金屬-有機架構物之合成、特性鑑定及其儲氫能力之研究, 一O一年度中國材料科學學會年會(2012 MRS-T Annual Meeting)論文集, 97 (2012)
    141. C.H. Kuo, K.S. Lin, L.H. Hsu, C.E. Ho, Microstructural and Mechanical Analyses on the Rework Lead-Free Pin Through Hole (PTH) Components, IMPACT 2012 - 7th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference, 194-197 (2012)
    142. C.W. Liao, C.H. Kuo, K.S. Lin, Y.C. Lin, C.E. Ho, Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Lead-free Solder Joints in Pin Through Hole Components, 2012年海峽兩岸破壞科/材料試驗學術會議, 50 (2012)
    143. K.S. Lin, K. Dehvari, Optimization of Magnetic Properties of Iron Oxides-Polymers Nanocomposites as Carriers for Drug Delivery System, Proceedings of The Drug Discovery & Therapy World Congress 2013 (DDTWC 2013), 88 (2013)
    144. K.S. Lin, J.H. Yang, K.T. Dinh, C.Y. Wang, Preparation and Characterization of Metal Oxide-Loaded Titania Nanotubes for Photocatalysis of Dyes and Environmental Hormones Contaminated Wastewaters, Proceedings of The 7th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, 27 (2013)
    145. K.S. Lin, C.W. Shu, H.Y. Chan, Preparation, Characterization, and Transesterification of Solid Superacidic/Superbasic Catalysts for Biodiesel Generation, Proceedings of The 7th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, 55 (2013)
    146. K.S. Lin, W.T. Hong, T.T. Chien, F.T. Li, C.T. Yeh, Promotion of Sm/Gd-doped Cu-Zn Washcoat Catalyst for a Steam Reforming of Methanol in a Microchannel Reactor, Proceedings of The 7th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysi, 97 (2013)
    147. K.S. Lin, K. Dehvari, Structural Properties of Pluronic F127 Micelles onto the Magnetic Nanoparticles, Proceedings of Recent Development in Nanomaterials: Structures, Dynamics, & Applications, 46 (2012)
    148. 林錕松Kuen-Song Lin K.S. Lin, C.H. Wang, K.T. Dinh, C.L. Chiang, Synthesis and Characterization of Metal-Loaded Titania Nanotubes for Photocatalysis of Dyes and Environmental Hormones Contaminated Wastewaters, Proceedings of Colloids and Energy 2013, 2-51 (2013)
    149. K.S. Lin, C.L. Chiang, C.P. Liu, C.H. Wang, Synthesis and Characterization of Photocatalytic Titania-Zero-valent Iron Nanocomposites for Remediation of Nitrite and Nitrate Contaminants, Proceedings of Colloids and Energy 2013, 1-42 (2013)
    150. K.S. Lin, K Dehvari, Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Pluronic F127 Magnetic Nanocomposite as Carrier for Drug Delivery System, Proceedings of 2012 Asian Bioceramics Symposium, 40 (2012)
    151. K.S. Lin, C.W. Shu, H.Y. Chan, C.S. Wu, C.W. Wu, Y.T. Huang, Synthesis, Characterization, and Transesterification of Solid Superacidic/Superbasic Catalysts for Biodiesel Production, Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Green Chemistry Renewable Carbon and Eco-Efficient Processes, 46 (2013)
    152. K.S. Lin, 許嘉威, 詹賀仰, 固體超強酸/鹼觸媒提升生質柴油生產技術之研究, 一O一年度中國材料科學學會年會(2012 MRS-T Annual Meeting)論文集, 105 (2012)
    153. K.S. Lin, 郭驊, 鄭守富, 許沛汝, 奈米零價鐵處理含金屬廢液之氧化還原及吸附特性研究, 一O一年度中國材料科學學會年會(2012 MRS-T Annual Meeting)論文集, 129 (2012)
    154. K.S. Lin, 楊景皓, 鄭皓瑋, 王啟宇, 負載金屬鎢氧化物二氧化鈦奈米管之特性鑑定研究, 一O一年度中國材料科學學會年會(2012 MRS-T Annual Meeting)論文集, 105 (2012)
    155. K.S. Lin, A.K. Adhikari, H.P. Yeh, C.T. Yeh, Synthesis and Characterization of CuO/ZnO-Al2O3 Washcoat Catalysts with CeO2 Sols onto a Micro-channel Reactor for Steam Reforming of Methanol, Proceedings of 2011 AIChE Spring National Meeting, 90 (2011)
    156. K.S. Lin, K.C. Chang, A.K. Adhikari, Hydrogen Adsorption in Bi-organic-ligand Type of Metal Organic Frameworks Using Spillover Routes, Proceedings of Hydrogen + Fuel Cells 2011- Partnerships for Global Energy Solutions, 21 (2011)
    157. K.S. Lin, A.K. Adhikari, Y.P. Chen, H.B. Tsai, Decomposition of Carbon Dioxide over Zinc Ferrite Nanoparticles with Methane Recycling, Proceedings of 2011 AIChE Spring National Meeting, 90 (2011)
  • 專書 Book:

    1. 林錕松、周正堂,3/2014,"第一期程能源國家型淨煤主軸專案計畫―台灣固態氧化物燃料電池系統技術藍圖暨產業化策略之研究(National Energy Project-Clean Coal Master Project (Phase I))―Study on Taiwan’s SOFC System Technology Roadmap and Commericalization Strategy)",第四章,科技部淨煤主軸專案計畫(CCMP-A-S-003)。
    2. Khalilalrahman Dehvari and Kuen-Song Lin, Inorganic Nanomaterials as Revolutionary Devices in Drug Delivery Systems in: Nanotechnology series: Applications of Nanomaterials (Editor: J.N. Govil), Studium Press LLC, USA, Vol. 7: Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Chap. 9, (ISBN 1-62699-007-7) (2012).
    3. K.S. Lin, K. Dehvari, J.N. Govil, Nanomaterials as Revolutionary Devices in Drug Delivery Systems –A Review in: Applications of Nanomaterials, Studium Press LLC, (2012)

    專利 Patent:

    1. 林錕松Kuen-Song Lin 吳嘉文; 江亞東; 吳紀聖; Kuen-Song Lin; 黃郁慈, "脂肪酸烷酯之製備方法", 中華民國, 468518, 2015/08
    2. Kuen-Song Lin; 徐耀昇, "雙通道觸媒催化性能測試裝置", 中華民國, 509347, 2015/09
    3. Kuen-Song Lin; 徐耀昇, "觸媒催化性能測試系統之預熱結構", 中華民國, 509081, 2015/09
    4. 吳嘉文; 江亞東; 吳紀聖; Kuen-Song Lin, "脂肪酸烷酯之製備方法", 中華民國, 102112050, 2014/08
    5. 吳建宏; 鄧立夫; 王水進; 張國明; Kuen-Song Lin; 田慶誠; 張芸甄, "記憶型光穿透裝置及其無線驅動裝置", 中華民國, M497664, 2015/03
    6. 李姿樺; 吳紀聖; Kuen-Song Lin; 吳嘉文; 黃郁慈, "酯類製造方法與設備", 中華民國, 112711 (06A-121001), 2014/11
    7. 王鴻博, 林錕松, 吳盈佑, 緊急用小型生質廢棄物氣化發電器及其設備, 中華民國專利 (Reg. No. 90217139)
    1. 林錕松, 財團法人徐有庠先生紀念基金會, "第12屆有庠元智講座"
    2. Associate Editor, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2015起).
    3. 入選兩篇2014 20th User’s Meeting & Workshop on Synchrotron Nanoscopy之最佳學生口頭報告獎(The Best Student Oral Presentation in Material Science) (9/10-9/12/2014).
    4. 榮獲三篇102年度財團法人台灣中子科學學會年會論文海報特優(10/12/2013)。
    5. 榮獲101年度中國材料科學學會材料科學學生論文佳作獎(11/23-11/24/2012)。
    6. 入選2010 Fuel Cells Science & Technology歐洲燃料電池國際會議之The Shortlisted Best Poster (10/6-10/7/2010)。
    7. 獲選2010 TOCAT6/APCAT5亞洲國際觸媒會議之The Best Poster Presentation Award—Youth Session (7/18-7/23/2010)。
    8. 入選2010 Sixteenth User’s Meeting & Workshop on Synchrotron Nanoscopy之最佳學生口頭報告獎(The Best Student Oral Presentation in Material Science Fine Piece) (10/20-10/22/2010)。
    9. 連續多年榮獲美國”Marquis Who’s Who系列”(2007-2014)、”Professional Hall of Fame (American Biographical Institute (ABI)”、”International Engineer of the Year (International Biographical Center of Cambridge) (IBC)”、”Cambridge Certificate for Outsatnding Engineering Acgievement (International Biographical Center of Cambridge) (IBC)、”Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century (IBC)” (2008-2014年)及Leading Engineers of the World (2013-2014)推薦。
    10. 榮獲元智大學對外爭取研究經費94-100學年度產學合作計畫總金額第一名及93/97-100學年度產學合作計畫總件數第一名(依據研發處歷年統計數據)。
    11. 第10屆及第13屆徐有庠基金會有庠傑出教授獎。
    12. 斐陶斐榮譽獎與永久榮譽會員(Phi-Tau Honorary Society)。
    13. 元智大學98學年度教師績效研究傑出獎及「93-95及97-102學年度研究特優」。
    14. 郭驊, 鄭守富, 許沛汝, K.S. Lin, 中國材料科學學會, 101年度中國材料科學學會材料科學學生論文佳作獎(P08-奈米材料與分析), (2012)
  • 年度 主持人 計劃名稱 委託單位
    106 林錕松 生質廢棄物再利用生成高附加價值材料及能源回收技術之研發High-value Materials Recycling and Energy Recovery from Biomass-利用奈米觸媒將稻殼氣化之合成氣混合二氧化碳化學轉化生成甲醇及奈米碳材之研發 科技部
    105 林錕松 新穎有機金屬架構物配合溢流法提升儲氫能力應用於燃料電池產業之研發(2/2) 科技部
    105 林錕松 利用奈米氧化銅觸媒選擇性氧化處理含氨廢氣技術之研發 科技部
    105 林錕松 廠區環保/節水處理技術之提升教育訓練課程 遠東新世紀股份有限公司
    105 林錕松 生質燃氣轉製其他替代燃料研究 工業技術研究院
    105 林錕松 利用奈米氧化銅觸媒選擇性氧化處理含氨廢氣技術之研發 科技部
    105 林錕松 新穎有機金屬架構物配合溢流法提升儲氫能力應用於燃料電池產業之研發(2/2) 科技部
    105 林錕松 利用奈米氧化銅觸媒選擇性氧化處理含氨廢氣技術之研發 麒翰科技工程有限公司
    105 林錕松 新穎有機金屬架構物配合溢流法提升儲氫能力應用於燃料電池產業之研發(2/2) 中鋼碳素化學股份有限公司
    104 林錕松 利用高孔洞金屬有機架構物吸附及分離二氧化碳溫室效應氣體之研發 科技部
    104 林錕松 利用新穎酵素及固體觸媒酯化/轉酯化廢食油製成生質柴油技術研發與柴油車輛尾氣PAHs污染物鑑定(2/2) 科技部
    104 林錕松 新穎有機金屬架構物配合溢流法提升儲氫能力應用於燃料電池產業之研發(1/2) 科技部
    104 林錕松 巴塞爾公約參與及境外處理機構參訪計畫 行政院環境保護署
    104 林錕松 利用新穎酵素及固體觸媒酯化/轉酯化廢食油製成生質柴油技術研發與柴油車輛尾氣PAHs污染物鑑定(2/2) 科技部
    104 林錕松 新穎有機金屬架構物配合溢流法提升儲氫能力應用於燃料電池產業之研發(1/2) 科技部
    104 林錕松 利用新穎酵素及固體觸媒酯化/轉酯化廢食油製成生質柴油技術研發與柴油車輛尾氣PAHs污染物鑑定(2/2) 承德油脂股份有限公司
    104 林錕松 新穎有機金屬架構物配合溢流法提升儲氫能力應用於燃料電池產業之研發(1/2) 中鋼碳素化學股份有限公司
    103 林錕松 畜牧用抗生素之環境流佈和防治技術研發-利用奈米零價鐵/光觸媒/活性碳複合材料處理抗生素/銅污染廢水之研究(III) 科技部
    102 林錕松 畜牧用抗生素之環境流佈和防治技術研發-利用奈米零價鐵/光觸媒/活性碳複合材料處理抗生素/銅污染廢水之研究(II) 國科會
    102 林錕松 高效環保的生質柴油生產技術(II)-子計畫二:固體超強酸/鹼觸媒提升生質柴油生產技術(II) 國科會
    102 林錕松 利用奈米零價鐵微粒去除DNAPLs含氯有機污染物之技術研發及地下水污染場址整治工程評估 行政院環境保護署
    101 林錕松 綠色製氫重組器之研究-子計畫五:銅鋅之氧化鋯/氧化鈰溶膠洗積甲醇蒸氣重組觸媒於微型反應器之產氫研究 國科會
    101 林錕松 硫化吸附劑應用在含汞廢水/尾氣去除及燈管汞蒸氣回收再利用技術之研發(2/2) 國科會
    101 林錕松 產學合作計畫-硫化吸附劑應用在含汞廢水/尾氣去除及燈管汞蒸氣回收再利用技術之研發(2/2) 國科會
    101 林錕松 利用表面改質奈米零價鐵還原降解高能火炸藥TNT、RDX及HMX污染場址整治工程技術評估及測試 行政院環境保護署
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