

謝建德 教授

  • 學歷
    1.美國橡樹嶺國家實驗室訪問學者 (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
    2.美國田納西大學訪問學者 (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
    3.Current Alternative Energy 期刊編輯版委員
    5.台灣電池協會 秘書長
    6.Austin Chemical Engineering 期刊編輯版委員
    7.元智大學研發處 產學合作組長
    8.中華民國營建工程學會 秘書長
    9.Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 期刊編輯版委員
    10.元智大學研發處 副研發長
    11.ISRN Chemical Engineering 期刊編輯版委員
    12.工研院材化所儲能組 研究員/前瞻計畫主持人
    研究成果陸續發表於SCI國際期刊,近5年研究工作與成果陸續發表於SCI國際期刊。總引用次數(Citation Number)超過11,016次,h-index: 54 (資料來源Google Scholar Citations)。其中四篇論文榮登ESI之Highly Cited Papers,二篇論文連續五年高引用論文,引用率超過80次超過34篇。
    1. 石墨烯量子點合成技術:申請人已經成功採用感應式加熱技術合成石墨烯量子點。其中以固態微波的方式僅需要花費30分鐘即可把高發光效率之量子點完成合成。由於反應時間短、前驅物原料成本低,且具有40%以上的高產率,已獲得廠商青睞。相關的研究已經陸續發表於高質量國際期刊。其反應流程示意圖以及機制可由下圖所示。此合成技術平台技術最大的突破點在於可以達到製造各種官能化量子點的目的。申請人已經陸續將量子點官能化並且推廣於應用及產業。
    a. 參雜其他元素以應用於非白金之燃料電池觸媒。有鑒於白金/金屬觸媒價格昂貴,推廣不易。申請人嘗試以量子點參雜其他化合物,製備高性能觸媒電極以應用於氫氣氧化以及氧氣還原反應,並提出取代白金/金屬催化劑之可能性。
    b. 硫、氮及硼參雜於石墨烯量子點以應用於金屬離子感測器元件。針對超低濃度的重金屬離子,量子點溶液具有螢光淬熄的現象,可以當作感測偵測元件。尤其針對汞離子偵測極限已經到1-10 ppb等級,意即世界衛生組織的飲用水及放流水標準。此部分研究並且獲得台灣化工學會之石延平教授論文獎。
    c. 液流電池觸媒電極之應用。將含氮、硫參雜的石墨烯量子點修飾石墨氈,藉由pyrrolic/pyridinic N及S-H官能團的催化活性,提升電子躍遷速率,增加表面催化活性面積,可以有效降低電荷轉移阻抗,使得液流電池轉換效率大幅提升,經過100圈循環次數,電容量維持率可以大幅增加35%以上。
    d. 抗冠狀病毒及乳癌細胞抑制。除了應用於細胞顯色,本技術所衍生的功能性石墨烯量子點經由中原大學生技所及彰化基督教醫院P3實驗室驗證,具有長效抑制冠狀病毒的功效。且人體的生物相容性佳,在稀釋10-100倍情況下,經光學顯微攝影具有抑制乳癌細胞功能,此部份研究將先以專利申請,再以研究論文公佈數據。
    2. 儲能材料合成與應用:申請人研究團隊採用固態燒結法合成LTO材料,並以新穎且簡單之改質技術將多種金屬(如Co、Zn及Al等)摻雜/批覆於LTO,以降低其電位、提高放電率(10C仍保有70%電容量)及增加電容量,並以微波輔助改質技術,研發並生產高功率、高能量、高安全性、循環壽命更長久、環保、價格低、具快速充放電之LTO陽極材料粉體的新穎性鋰離子二次電池。此外,申請人開發以改良式化學氧化法製備石墨烯陽極材料,為了避免石墨烯再結合堆疊,申請人以奈米碳管、奈米粒子(如Fe3O4、MnO及SnO2)隔離石墨烯片,形成三維奈米結構,不僅可應用高動力鋰離子電池,且可改善電化學電容器之功率密度。此製程可有效地增加石墨層間距以降低離子擴散阻力。此石墨烯材料目前已證實可應用於陽極材料,將有利於提升庫倫效率、降低不可逆電容量、提高循環性能以及使鋰離子電池具有高放電率。此部分相關研究與應用已發表於SCI期刊中,如Journal of Materials Chemistry A、Carbon、Journal of Physical Chemistry: C、Journal of Power Sources、Electrochimica Acta等。針對電池粉體之研究,申請人研究室已具有試量產反應器設計基礎,目前可生產100公斤高性能磷酸鐵鋰(LFP),以及感應式加熱快速合成高性能三元鋰鎳鈷錳/鋁(NCM523/NAC)粉體,電化學性優於目前商業化產品,可符合工業級電極粉體需求。
  • Since 2017
    1. C.-T. Hsieh*, D.-Y. Tzou, Z.-S. Huang, J.-P. Hsu, C.-Y. Lee, Decoration of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles onto Carbon Fibers as Composite Filaments for Infrared Heaters. Surfaces and Interfaces 6: 98-102 (2017).
    2. J. Zhang, Y. Shao, C.-T. Hsieh*, Y.-F. Chen, T.-C. Su, J.-P. Hsu, R.-S. Juang*, Synthesis of Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles onto Fluorinated Carbon Fabrics for Contaminant Removal and Oil-water Separation. Separation and Purification Technology 174: 312-319 (2017).
    3. C.-T. Hsieh*, W.-H. Lin, Y.-F. Chen, D.-Y. Tzou, P.-Q. Chen, R.-S. Juang*, Microwave Synthesis of Copper Catalysts onto Reduced Graphene Oxide Sheets for Non-enzymatic Glucose Oxidation. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 71: 77-83 (2017).
    4. C.-Y. Lee*, S.-J. Lee, Y.-M. Hung, C.-T. Hsieh, Y.-M. Chang, Y.-T. Huang, J.-T. Lin, Integrated Microsensor for Real-time Microscopic Monitoring of Local Temperature, Voltage and Current inside Lithium Ion Battery. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 253: 59-68 (2017)
    5. H.-C. Yang, T.-P. Tsai, C.-T. Hsieh*, Enhancement on Fireproof Performance of Construction Coatings Using Calcium Sulfate Whiskers Prepared from Wastewater. Chemical Papers 71: 1343-1350 (2017).
    6. C.-T. Hsieh*, D.-Y. Tzou, K.-Y. Hsieh, K.-M. Yin, Photoluminescence from Amino Functionalized Graphene Quantum Dots prepared by Electrochemical Exfoliation Method in the Presence of Ammonium Ions. RSC Advances 7: 18340-18346 (2017). 
    7. H.-Y. Li, C.-M. Tseng, C.-H. Yang, T.-C. Lee, C.-Y. Su, C.-T. Hsieh, J.K. Chang*, Eco-efficient Synthesis of Highly Porous CoCO3 Anodes for Li+ and Na+ Storage Using Supercritical CO2 Precursors. ChemSusChem 10: 2464-2472 (2017). 
    8. C.-T. Hsieh*, D.-Y. Tzou, M.-T. Jiang, Methanol Electro-oxidation on Pt Nanocatalysts Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 794: 139-147 (2017). 
    9. C.-T. Hsieh*, Y.-F. Chen, C.-E. Lee, Y.-M. Chiang, K.-Y. Hsieh, H.-S. Wu, Heat Transport Enhancement of Heat Sinks Using Cu-coated Graphene Composites. Materials Chemistry & Physics 197: 105-112 (2017). 
    10. Z.-F. Yang, L.-Y. Li*, C.-T. Hsieh*, R.-S. Juang*, Co-precipitation of Magnetic Fe3O4 Nanoparticles onto Carbon Nanotubes for Removal of Copper Ions from Aqueous Solution. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 82:56-63 (2018). 
    11. H.-L. Tsai, C.-T. Hsieh*, J. Li, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, Enabling High Rate Charge and Discharge Capability, Low Internal Resistance, and Excellent Cycleability for Li-Ion Batteries Utilizing Graphene Additives. Electrochimica Acta 273: 200-207 (2018).
    12. X.-F. Luo, A.S. Helal, C.-T. Hsieh, J. Li, J.-K. Chang*, Three-Dimensional Carbon Framework Anode Improves Sodiation-Desodiation Properties in Ionic Liquid Electrolyte. Nano Energy 49: 515-522 (2018). 
    13. S. Gu, C.-T. Hsieh*, Y.-M. Chiang, D.-Y. Tzou, Y.-F. Chen, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, Optimization of Graphene Quantum Dots by Chemical Exfoliation from Graphite Powders and Carbon Nanotubes. Materials Chemistry & Physics 215: 104-111 (2018). 
    14. S. Gu, C.-T. Hsieh*, T.-W. Lin, J.-K. Chang*, J. Li, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, Tuning Oxidation Level, Electrical Conductance and Band Gap Structure on Graphene Sheets by Cyclic Atomic Layer Reduction Technique. Carbon 137: 234-241 (2018). 
    15. S. Gu, C.-T. Hsieh*, J.-Y. Yuan, J.-H. Hsueh, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, Amino-Functionalization of Graphene Nanosheets by Electrochemical Exfoliation Technique. Diamond & Related Materials 87: 99-106 (2018). 
    16. S. Gu, C.-T. Hsieh*, T.-W. Lin, C.-Y. Yuan, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, J.-K. Chang, J. Li, Atomic Layer Oxidation on Graphene Sheets for Tuning Their Oxidation Levels, Electrical Conductivities, and Band Gaps. Nanoscale 10: 15521-15528 (2018). (Hot Article 2018 in Nanoscale)
    17. Z.-F. Yang, L.-Y. Li, C.-T. Hsieh*, R.-S. Juang*, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, Fabrication of Magnetic Iron Oxide@Graphene Composites for Adsorption of Copper Ions from Aqueous Solutions, Materials Chemistry & Physics 219: 30-39 (2018). 
    18. S. Gu, C.-T. Hsieh*, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, Z.-F. Yang, L. Li, C.-C. Fu, R.-S Juang*, Functionalization of Activated Carbons with Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Removal of Copper Ions from Aqueous Solution, Journal of Molecular Liquids 277: 499-505 (2019).
    19. Q.D. Nguyen, J. Patkra, C.-T. Hsieh, J. Li, Q.-F. Dong, J.-K. Chang*, Supercapacitive Properties of Micropore- and Mesopore-Rich Activated Carbon in Ionic Liquid Electrolytes with Various Constituent Ions. ChemSusChem 12: 449-456 (2019). 
    20. S. Gu, C.-T. Hsieh*, M.M. Huq, J.-P. Hsu, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, J. Li, Preparation of MgCo2O4/graphite Composites as Cathode Materials for Magnesium-ion Batteries. Journal of Solid-State Electrochemistry 23: 1399-1407 (2019). 
    21. S. Gu, C.-T. Hsieh*, Y.-Y. Tsai, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, S. Yeom, K.D. Kihm*, C.-C. Fu, R.-S. Juang*, Sulfur and Nitrogen Co-Doped Graphene Quantum Dots as a Fluorescent Quenching Probe for Highly Sensitive Detection toward Mercury Ions. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2: 790-798 (2019).
    22. B.C. Mallick, C.-T. Hsieh*, K.-M. Yin, J. Li, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, Linear Control of Oxidation Level on Graphene Oxide Sheets Using Cyclic Atomic Layer Reduction Technique. Nanoscale 11: 7833-7838 (2019).
    23. B.C. Mallick, C.-T. Hsieh*, K.-M. Yin, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, K.-T. Huang, Review‒on Atomic Layer Deposition: Current Progress and Future Challenges. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 8: N55-N78 (2019).
    24. S. Gu, C.-T. Hsieh*, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, J.-K. Chang*, J. Li, J. Li, H. Zhang, Q. Guo, K.C. Lau, R. Pandey, Microwave Growth and Tunable Photoluminescence of Nitrogen-doped Graphene and Carbon Nitride Quantum Dots. Journal of Materials Chemistry: C 7: 5468-5476 (2019).
    25. L. Selva Roselin, R.-S. Juang*, C.-T. Hsieh, S. Sagadevan, A. Umar, R. Selvin, H.H. Hegazy, Recent Advances and Perspectives of Carbon-Based Nanostructures as Anode Materials for Li-ion Batteries. Materials 12: 1229 (2019).
    26. C.-C. Fu, C.-T. Hsieh*, R.-S. Juang*, J.-W. Yang, S. Gu, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, Highly Efficient Carbon Quantum Dot Suspensions and Membranes for Sensitive/Selective Detection and Adsorption/Recovery of Mercury Ions from Aqueous Solutions. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 100: 127-136 (2019). (石延平教授論文獎)
    27. S. Gu, C.-T. Hsieh*, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, J. Li, X.X. Yue, J.-K. Chang*, Tailoring Fluorescence Emissions, Quantum Yields, and White Light Emitting from Nitrogen-doped Graphene and Carbon Nitride Quantum Dots. Nanoscale 11: 16553-16561 (2019).
    28. D. Parikh, T. Christensen, C.-T. Hsieh, J. Li*, Elucidation of Separator Effect on Energy Density of Li-ion Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 166: A3377-A3383 (2019).
    29. S. Gu, C.-T. Hsieh*, C.-Y. Yuan, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, J.-K. Chang*, C.-C. Fu, J.-W. Yang, R.-S. Juang*, Fluorescence of Functionalized Graphene Quantum Dots Prepared from Infrared-Assisted Pyrolysis of Citric Acid and Urea. Journal of Luminescence 217: 116774 (2020).
    30. S. Gu, C.-T. Hsieh*, M.M. Huq, J.-P. Hsu, J. Li, Synthesis of MgCo2O4-coated Li4Ti5O12 Composite Anodes Using Co-Precipitation Method for Lithium-ion Batteries. Journal of Solid-State Electrochemistry 23: 3197-3207 (2019). 
    31. Y.-H. Hsueh*, C.-T. Hsieh*, S.-T. Chiu, P.-H. Tsai, C.-Y. Liu, W.-J. Ke, Antibacterial Property of Composites of Reduced Graphene Oxide with Nano-silver and Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesized Using a Microwave-assisted Approach. International Journal of Molecular Science 20: 5394 (2019).
    32. S. Gu, C.-T. Hsieh*, W.-C. Lin, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, Thermal Transport on Composite Thin Films Using Graphene Nanodots and Polymeric Binder. Thin Solid Films 693: 137704 (2020).
    33. S. Gu, C.-T. Hsieh*, B.C. Mallick, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, J.-K. Chang, J. Li, P.K. Liaw*, Amino-functionalization on Graphene Oxide Sheets Using an Atomic Layer Amidation Technique. Journal of Materials Chemistry: C 8: 700-705 (2020).
    34. C.-C. Fu, Chien-Te Hsieh*, R.-S. Juang*, S. Gu, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, R.E. Kelly, K.D. Kihm*, Electrochemical Sensing of Mercury Ions in Electrolyte Solutions by Nitrogen-doped Graphene Quantum Dot Electrodes at Ultralow Concentrations, Journal of Molecular Liquids  302: 112593 (2020).
    35. M.C. Daugherty, S. Gu, D.S. Aaron, R.E. Kelly, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, C.-T. Hsieh*, Graphene Quantum Dots Decorated Carbon Electrodes for Energy Storage in Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries. Nanoscale 12: 7834-7842 (2020).
    36. J.-B. Huang, J. Patra, M.-H. Lin, M.-D. Ger*, Y.-M. Liu, N.-W. Pu*, C.-T. Hsieh, M.-J. Youh, Q.-F. Dong, J.-K. Chang*, A Holey Graphene Additive for Boosting Performance of Electric Double-layer Supercapacitors. Polymer 12: 765 (2020).
    37. C.-C. Fu, C.-Y. Wu, C.-C. Chien, T.-H. Hsu, S.-F. Ou, S.-T. Chen, C.-H. Wu, C.-T. Hsieh*, R.-S. Juang*, Y.-H. Hsueh*, Polyethylene Glycol6000/Carbon Nanodots as Fluorescent Bioimaging Agents. Nanomaterials 10: 677 (2020).
    38. M.C. Daugherty, C.-T. Hsieh*, D.S. Aaron, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, J. Li, Y. Zheng, W. Pfleging*, Enabling High Rate Capability, Low Internal Resistance, and Excellent Cyclability for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries Utilizing Ultrafast Laser-Structured Graphite Felt. Electrochimica Acta 344: 136171 (2020).
    39. S. Gu, C.-T. Hsieh*, B.C. Mallick, C.-C. Fu, R.-S. Juang*, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, K.D. Kihm*, Novel Electrochemical Sensor Based on Highly Amidized Graphene Quantum Dots to Electrochemically Detect Hydrogen Peroxide (Non-enzymatic electrochemical detection of hydrogen peroxide on highly amidized graphene quantum dot electrodes). Applied Surface Science 528: 146936 (2020). 
    40. S. Gu, T. Christensen, C.-T. Hsieh*, B.C. Mallick, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, J. Li*, J.-K. Chang*, Improved Lithium Storage Capacity and High Rate Capability of Nitrogen-doped Graphite-like Electrode Materials Prepared from Thermal Pyrolysis of Graphene Quantum Dots. Electrochimica Acta 354: 136642 (2020).
    41. M.L. Tran, C.-C. Fu, T.-H. Wei, C.-T. Hsieh, R.-S. Juang*, Surface Coating of Titania and Graphene Oxide onto Plasma-Activated Polymer Membranes as Efficient Photocatalysts for Organics Removal from Water. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37: 101488 (2020).
    42. M.C. Daugherty, S. Gu, D.S. Aaron, B.C. Mallick, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, C.-T. Hsieh*, Decorating Sulfur and Nitrogen Co-doped Graphene Quantum Dots on Graphite Felt as High-Performance Electrodes for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries. Journal of Power Sources 477: 228709 (2020).
    43. L. Han*, M.L. Lehmann, J. Zhu, T. Liu, Z. Zhou, X. Tang, C.-T. Hsieh, A.P. Sokolov, P. Cao, X. Chen, T. Saito*, Recent Developments and Challenges in Hybrid Solid Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Frontiers: Energy Research 8: 202 (1-19) (2020).
    44. M.L. Tran, C.-C. Fu, L.-Y. Chiang, C.-T. Hsieh, R.-S. Juang*, Immobilization of TiO2 and TiO2-GO Hybrids onto the Surface of Acrylic Acid-Grafted Polymeric Membranes for Pollutant Removal: Analysis of Photocatalytic Activity. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8: 104422 (2020).
    45. S. Gu, C.-T. Hsieh*, B.C. Mallick, Y. Ashraf Gandomi*, Infrared-assisted Synthesis of Highly Amidized Graphene Quantum Dots as Metal-free Electrochemical Catalysts. Electrochimica Acta 360: 137009 (2020).
    46. C.-H. Chao, C.-T. Hsieh*, W.-J. Ke, L.-W. Lee, Y.-F. Lin, H.-W. Liu, S. Gu, C.-C. Fu, R.-S. Juang*, B.C. Mallick, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, C.-Y. Su, Roll-to-Roll Atomic Layer Deposition of Titania Coating on Polymeric Separators for Lithium Ion Batteries. Journal of Power Sources 482: 228896 (2021).
    47. R.-S. Juang, C.-C. Fu*, C.-T. Hsieh*, S. Gu, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, S.-H. Liu, Highly Luminescent Aggregate-Induced Emission from Polyethylene Glycol-Coated Carbon Quantum Dot Clusters under Blue Light Illumination. Journal of Materials Chemistry: C 8: 16569-16576 (2020).
    48. C.-T. Hsieh*, C.-H. Chao, W.-J. Ke, Y.-F. Lin, H.-W. Liu, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, S. Gu, C.-Y. Su, J.-K. Chang*, J. Li, C.-C. Fu, B. C. Mallick, R.-S. Juang*, Roll-to-Roll Atomic Layer Deposition of Titania Nanocoating on Thermally Stabilizing Lithium Nickel Cobalt Manganese Oxide Cathodes for Lithium Ion Batteries. ACS Applied Energy Materials 3: 10619-10631 (2020).
    49. S. Yeom*, K.D. Kihm, C.-T. Hsieh, T.-S. Oh, Facile optical Quantification of Mercury Ion Concentration Using Graphene Quantum Dot Coated Filter Paper Disks, Materials Chemistry & Physics 260: 124168 (2021).
    50. S. Gu, C.-T. Hsieh*, C.-P. Kao, C.-C. Fu, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, R.-S. Juang*, K.D. Kihm*, Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Glucose on Boron and Nitrogen Codoped Graphene Quantum Dot Electrodes in Alkali Media. Catalysts 11(1): 101 (2021).
    51. R.-S. Juang, C.-T. Hsieh*, C.-P. Kao, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, C.-C. Fu, S.-H. Liu, S. Gu*, Highly Fluorescent Green and Red Emissions from Boron-doped Graphene Quantum Dots under Blue Light Illumination. Carbon 176: 61-70 (2021). 
    52. L. Yu, C.-T. Hsieh*, D.J. Keffer, H. Chen, G.A. Goenaga, S. Dai, T.A. Zawodzinski, D.P. Harper*, Hierarchical Lignin-Based Carbon Matrix and Carbon Dot Composite Electrodes for High-Performance Supercapacitors. ACS Omega 6 (11): 7851-7861 (2021).
    53. L. Han, C.-T. Hsieh*, B.C. Mallick, J. Li, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, Recent Progress and Future Perspective on Atomic Layer Deposition to Prepare/Modify Solid-State Electrolytes and Interface between Electrodes for Next-Generation Lithium Batteries. Nanoscale Advances 3: 2728-2740 (2021). 
    54. P.-C. Yang*, Y.-X. Ting, S. Gu, Y. Ashraf Gandomic, C.-T. Hsieh*, Fluorescent Nitrogen-doped Carbon Nanodots Synthesized through a Hydrothermal Method with Different Isomers. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 123: 302-309 (2021).
    55. P.-C. Yang*, Y.-X. Ting, S. Gu, Y. Ashraf Gandomic, J. Li, C.-T. Hsieh*, Effect of Solvent on Fluorescence Emission from Polyethylene Glycol-Coated Graphene Quantum Dots under Blue Light Illumination. Nanomaterials 6 (11): 1383 (2021).
    56. S.-F. Ou, Y.-Y. Zheng, S.-J. Lee, S.-T. Chen, C.-H. Wu, C.-T. Hsieh, R.-S. Juang, P.-Z. Peng, Y.-H. Hsueh*, N-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots as Fluorescent Bioimaging Agents. Crystals 11(7): 789 (2021).
    57. P. Sundaresana, C.-C. Fu, C.-T. Hsieh, S.-H. Liu, R.-S. Juang*, Simultaneous and Sensitive Determination of Uric Acid and p-Cresol in Human Urine Samples Based on Activated Graphite-Supported Gadolinium Hydroxide. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 127: 7-16 (2021).
    58. Panda, J. Patraa, C.-T. Hsieh*, Y.-C. Huang, Y.A. Gandomi, C.-C. Fu, M.-H. Lin, R.-S. Juang*, J.-K. Chang*, Improving high-temperature performance of lithium-rich cathode by roll-to-roll atomic layer deposition of titania nanocoating for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Energy Storage 44: 103348 (2021).
    59. R. Subramani, M.-N. Pham, Y.-H. Lin, C.-T. Hsieh*, Y.-L. Lee, J.-S. Jan, C.-C. Chiu, H. Teng*, Design of networked solid-state polymer as artificial interlayer and solid polymer electrolyte for lithium metal batteries. Chemical Engineering Journal 431: 133442 (2022).
    60. S. Gu, B.C. Mallick, C.-T. Hsieh*, Y. Ashraf Gandomi*, R.-S. Zhang, Hexagonal Boron Nitride Nanosheets as Metal-free Electrochemical Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reactions. Ceramics International 48: 9506-9517 (2022).
    61. M.-L. Hsieh, R.-S. Juang, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, C.-C. Fu, C.-T. Hsieh*, W.-R. Liu,* Synthesis and Characterization of High-Performance ZnO/Graphene Quantum Dot Composites for Photocatalytic Degradation of Metronidazole. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 131: 104180 (2022).
    62. C.-T. Hsieh*, C.-P. Kao, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, R.-S. Juang*, J.-K. Chang*, R.-S. Zhang, Oxygen Reduction Reactions from Boron-doped Graphene Quantum Dot Catalyst Electrodes in Acidic and Alkaline Electrolytes. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 133: 104196 (2022).
    63. L. Yu, C.-T. Hsieh*, D.J. Keffer, H. Chen, G.A. Goenaga, S. Dai, T.A. Zawodzinski, D.P. Harper*, Performance and Economic Analysis of Organosolv Softwood and Herbaceous Lignins to Activated Carbons as Electrode Materials in Supercapacitors. Frontiers in Energy Research 10: 848849 (2022).
    64. C.-C. Chen, N. Kirana, D.F. Puspita, J. Patra, C.-T. Hsieh*, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, H.-Z. Lai, T.-L. Chang, C.-J. Tseng, S.B. Majumder, C.-Y. Wang, J.-K. Chang*, Hierarchical Carbon Composites for High-Energy/Power-Density and High-Reliability Supercapacitors with Low Aging Rate. ChemSusChem 10: 2464-2472 (2022). 
    65. Y.-H. Su, C.-Y. Shih, C.-H. Su, Y.-L. Lee, C.-T. Hsieh*, H. Teng*, Dielectric gel electrolytes for safe charge storage from −20 to 80°C by double-layer capacitors. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 134:104309 (2022).
    66. T.-P. Tasi, C.-T. Hsieh*, H.-C. Yang, K.-C. Liu, Y.-R. Huang, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, B.C. Mallick*, Enhanced Fireproof Performance of Construction Coatings by Adding Hexagonal Boron Nitride Nanosheets. Ceramics International 48: 20809-20816 (2022).
    67. C.-T. Hsieh*, B.C. Mallick, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, Y.-C. Huang, C.-C. Fu, R.-S. Juang*, J.-K. Chang*, Improvement on High-Temperature Electrochemical Performance of Lithium-Ion Pouch Cells by Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition. Electrochimica Acta 423: 140605 (2022).
    68. J. Patra, B.-R. Pan, M.-H. Lin, C.-Y. Su, S.-W. Lee, T.-Y. Wu, R.S. Dhaka, C.-T. Hsieh*, J.-K. Chang*, Nitrogen-Doped Holey Graphene Additive for High-Performance Electric Double-Layer Supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta 425: 140713 (2022).
    69. L. Yu, D.J. Keffer, C.-T. Hsieh*, J.R. Scroggins, H. Chen, S. Dai, D.P. Harper*, Lignin-derived Magnetic Activated Carbons for Effective Methylene Blue Removal. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research In press (2022). 
    70. S.-Y. Chen, C.-T. Hsieh*, R.-S. Zhang, D. Mohanty, Y. Ashraf Gandomi*, I-Ming Hung*, Hybrid Solid State Electrolytes Blending NASICON-Type Li1+xAlxTi2–x(PO4)3 with Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropene) for Lithium Metal Batteries. Electrochimica Acta 427: 140903 (2022).


  • 1. 謝建德*, 許若蓓, Synthesis of Carbon-coated Lithium Titanate Nanocomposites as Electrode Materials for Rechargeable Magnesium Ion Batteries, 7th International Colloids Conference (UK Colloids 2017), Manchester, 2017/07/10. 
    2. C.-C. Fu, J.-W. Yang, C.-T. Hsieh, R.-S. Juang, Non-Enzymatic Electrochemical Detection of Mercury Ions on Graphene Quantum Dot-Based Electrodes, 235th ECS Meeting, Dallas (TX), No. 2050, 2019/05/26-05/30. 
    3. D. Parikh, J. Li, C.-T. Hsieh, Electrochemical Performance Reate Capbility Studies of Li-ion Battery Separators for Fast Charging Applications, 236th ECS Meeting, Atlanta (GA), A05-0352, 2019/10/13-10/17. 
    4. Chun-Chieh Fu, Jou-Wen Yang, Chien-Te Hsieh*, Ruey-Shin Juang, Electrochemical Sensing of Mercury Ions by Graphene Quantum Dot Electrodes, 2019台灣化學工程學會66周年年會暨科技部化工學門成果發表會 (2019) No. 253, 2019/11/08-11/09.
    5. Jou-Wen Yang, Chun-Chieh Fu, Chih-Peng Kao, Chien-Te Hsieh*, Ruey-Shin Juang*, Detection of Creatinine Using Graphene Quantum Dots Modified by Atomic Layer Deposition, 2019台灣化學工程學會66周年年會暨科技部化工學門成果發表會 (2019) No. 382, 2019/11/08-11/09.
    6. Chih-Peng Kao, Chun-Chieh Fu, Chien-Te Hsieh*, Ruey-Shin Juang*, Influence of Silicon Doping on Fluorescence Performance of Graphene Quantum Dots, 2019台灣化學工程學會66周年年會暨科技部化工學門成果發表會 (2019) No. 435, 2019/11/08-11/09.
    7. B.C. Mallick, K.-M. Yin, C.-T. Hsieh, Cyclic Amino-functionalization of Graphene Quantum Dots Using Atomic Layer amidation Technique, 2nd International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vellore (India), ICNAN2019100703, 2019/11/29-12/01.
    8. Chien-Te Hsieh*, Titania Nanocoating on Lithium Nickel Cobalt Manganese Oxide Cathode Sheets by Roll-to-Roll Atomic Layer Deposition, 2020台灣化學工程學會67周年年會暨科技部化工學門成果發表會 國立清華大學 (2020) No. H-OL-001 (邀請口頭報告), 2020/10/23-10/24.
    9. 1C.-P. Kao, C.-T. Hsieh*, C.-C. Fu, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, S.-H. Liu, R.-S. Juang*, Highly Luminescent Carbon Quantum Dot Clusters Prepared by Solvothermal Method in Presence of Polyethylene Glycol with Different Molecular Weights, 2020台灣化學工程學會67周年年會暨科技部化工學門成果發表會 國立清華大學 (2020) No. H-P-007, 2020/10/23-10/24.
    10. C.-P. Kao, C.-T. Hsieh*, C.-C. Fu, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, S.-H. Liu, R.-S. Juang*, Highly Fluorescent Green and Near-Infrared Emissions from Boron- and Nitrogen-Codoped Graphene Quantum Dots, 2020台灣化學工程學會67周年年會暨科技部化工學門成果發表會 國立清華大學 (2020) No. A-P-003, 2020/10/23-10/24.
    11. C.-T. Hsieh, 奈米碳材在能源以及環境的應用, 2020台灣碳材料學術研討會 中原大學 (2020) (邀請口頭報告), 2020/11/02-11/03.
    12. T.-P. Tasi, C.-T. Hsieh*, H.-C. Yang, Y.-R. Huang, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, Influence of Functionalized Graphene Oxide Nanosheets on Fire Retardant Coating for Wooden Substrates, IEEE ICACEH 2021 (X210036), 2021/12/24-12/26.
    13. 173. T.-P. Tasi, C.-T. Hsieh*, H.-C. Yang, M.-W. Wu, Y. Ashraf Gandomi, Improved Fireproof Performance of Construction Coatings by Adding Hexagonal Boron Nitride Nanosheets, IEEE ICACEH 2021 (X210037), 2021/12/24-12/26.
  • 1. 廖世傑, 陳金銘, 洪松慰, 劉茂煌, 謝建德, 以噴霧電漿裂解法製造奈米結構材料之方法, 中華民國專利 (證號:發明第I 196500號).
    2. 謝建德, 陳金銘, 林洪霄, 黃裕豪, 施漢章, 高順向性奈米纖維及其製造方法 (A simple procedure for growing highly-ordered nanofibers by self-catalytic growth), 中華民國專利 (證號:發明第I 245079號).
    3. 謝建德, 陳金銘, 黃秀雯, 黃裕豪, 林洪霄, 劉茂煌, 廖世傑, 施漢章, 複合奈米纖維及其製造方法 (Synthesis of composite nanofibers for applications in thin-film lithium batteries), 中華民國專利, (證號:發明第I 261045號).
    4. 陳金銘, 謝建德, 黃裕豪, 郭蓉蓉, 林育潤, 胡瓊文, 趙木榮, 吳焜裕, 固相微量萃取裝置 (Solid-phase nano extraction device) 中華民國專利, (證號:發明第I 253352號).
    5. 陳金銘, 謝建德, 郭蓉蓉, 黃裕豪, 奈米複合材料於感測元件之應用 (A highly-ive and real-time chemical sensing device using nanostructured materials) 中華民國專利 (證號:發明第I 242649號). 
    6. 張榮芳, 翁得期, 謝建德, 黃志仁, 陳宇宏, 塑膠基板上之阻熱結構及形成方法 (Structure of thermal resistive layer and the method of forming the same) 中華民國專利, (證號:發明第I 279848號).
    7. 陳金銘, 謝建德, 黃裕豪, 郭蓉蓉, 可作為超高電容器電極材料的奈米複合碳材及其製法 (Preparation of nano carbon composites used as ultracapacitor electrode materials) 中華民國專利 (證號:發明第I 247345號).
    8. 謝建德, 郭蓉蓉, 陳金銘, 黃裕豪, 奈米一維材料之製造方法 (Method for fabricating one-dimensional nano material) 中華民國專利 (證號:發明第I 282776號).
    9. 謝建德, 郭蓉蓉, 陳金銘, 潘金平, 許榮木, 氧化物薄膜及其製造方法 (Oxide film and method for producing the same), 中華民國專利 (證號:發明第I 302521號).
    10. 廖世傑, 謝建德, 陳金銘, 郭蓉蓉, 張家豪, 具遮蔽紫外光及超疏水/油功能之透明奈米鍍膜 (Transparent nanocoating with UV-shielding and super water repellent) 中華民國專利 (證號:發明第I 316465號).
    11. 謝建德, 林嘉儀, 范文軒, 陳威宇, 楊叔瑛, 金屬植入之二氧化鈦奈米管之製造方法 中華民國專利 (證號:發明第I 353964號). 
    12. J.-M. Chen, C.-T. Hsieh, H.-W. Huang, Y.-H. Huang, H.-H. Lin, M.-H. Liu, S.-C. Liao, H.-C. Shih, Synthesis of Composite Nanofibers for Applications in Lithium Batteries, US Patent (Patent No. US7,323,218 B2). 此專利榮獲工研院優質專利獎。
    13. J.-M. Chen, C.-T. Hsieh, H.-W. Huang, R.-R. Kuo, Y.-R. Lin, C.-W Hu, M.-R. Chao, K.-Y. Wu, Solid-phase Nano Extraction Device, US Patent (Patent No. US7,404,932 B2).
    14. 張榮芳, 翁得期, 謝建德, 黃志仁, 陳宇宏, 塑膠基板上的阻熱結構的形成方法 中華人民共和國專利 (證號:第436355號).
    15. J.-F. Chang, T.-C. Wong, C.-T. Hsieh, C.-J. Huang, Y.-H. Chen, Structure of Thermal Resistive Layer and the Method of Forming the Same, US Patent (Patent No. US8,029,890 B2).
    16. 廖世傑, 謝建德, 陳金銘, 郭蓉蓉, 張家豪, Transparent film with UV-shielding and water/oil repellent functions, US Patent (Patent No. US8,119,230 B2).
  •  工研院材化所優良研究報告獎。
     2008台北國際發明暨技術交易展發明金牌獎(兩面)。
     工研院優質專利獎(高引用率)。
     SCI論文榮登「Carbon」封面。
     2010台北國際發明暨技術交易展發明金牌獎。
     2010中國材料學會MCP年度傑出論文獎。
     100年度中國工程師學會工程論文獎。
     有庠基金會「第九屆有庠傑出教授」。
     元智大學99年度「服務傑出獎」。
     美國BioMedLib評選為20大最佳論文第4名。
     2001~2011年兩篇論文榮登ESI之Highly Cited Papers。
     國科會計畫通過「優秀青年學者」計畫補助。
     2012年三篇論文榮登ESI之Highly Cited Papers。
     2013真空學會年輕學者獎。
     2013年四篇論文榮登ESI之Highly Cited Papers。
     Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (SCI Journal) 傑出評審委員。
     有庠基金會「第十二屆有庠傑出教授獎」。
     元智大學工程學院102年度傑出研究獎。
     有庠基金會「第十一屆有庠元智講座」教授。
     元智大學工程學院103年度傑出研究獎。
     科技部計畫第二次通過「優秀青年學者」計畫補助。
     有庠基金會「第十二屆有庠元智講座」教授。
     國立成功大學-85週年慶優秀青年校友獎。
     元智大學工程學院104年度傑出研究獎。
     元智大學工程學院105年度傑出研究獎。
     “Atomic layer oxidation on graphene sheets for tuning their oxidation levels, electrical conductivities, and band gaps”論文被收錄於Hot Article 2018 (Nanoscale)。
     元智大學工程學院107年度傑出研究獎。
     2020年石延平教授論文獎。
     史丹福大學世界頂尖前2%科學家(能源領域: Listed in the field of Energy)殊榮。
     元智大學工程學院108年度研究傑出獎。
     榮獲史丹福大學世界頂尖前2%科學家(能源領域: Listed in the field of Energy)殊榮。
     2022 Research.com材料科學(Materials Science)頂尖科學家 (Top Scientist): 世界排名4,451、台灣排名58。
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     利用RAFT活性聚合技術製備含量子點/isoprene之複合可拉伸式螢光彈性體及其物性探討(科技部大專生計畫MOST111-2813-C-155-036-E) 
     鋰-空氣/鋰-硫/鋰-氧化物電池之膠固態電解質及系統測試技術開發(國防科技研究計畫MOST 110-2623-E-006-002) 
     感應式紅外線輔助加熱法合成氮摻雜石墨烯及氮化碳量子點及其螢光調控與重金屬偵測性能探討(科技部計畫MOST 108-2221-E-155-036-MY3) 
     高性能鎂離子電池陰極材料製備及其電池元件開發(科技部計畫MOST 105-2628-E-155-002-MY3) (優秀青年學者計畫)
     以原子層循環還原法調控氧化石墨烯之半導體特性及其光電化學性質之研究 (科技部計畫MOST 105-2221-E-155-014-MY3) 105/06-106/05 共同主持人 印刷電路板鍍金製程之效率提升與金回收技術之研發 (科技部計畫MOST 105-2622-E-155-011-CC2) (產學合作研究計畫-臻鼎科技股份有限公司)
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