期刊論文Articles (Since 2014)
1. Tanhua Jia1, Huei-Ru Fuh1, Dengyun Chen, Mohamed Abid*, Mourad Abid, Duan Zhang, Anas B Sarker, Jiung Cho, Miri Choi, Byong Sun Chun, Hongjun Xu, Cormac Ó Coileáin, Huajun Liu, Ching-Ray Chang, Han-Chun Wu* Giant and Linear Piezo-Phototronic Response in Layered GaSe Nanosheets, (2018) (Advanced Electronic Materials accepted) (本人為共同第一作者)
2. Thermoelectric performance and electronic properties of transition metal monosilicides, T. Y. Ou-Yang, G. J. Shu and
, EPL, 120, 17002 (2017)3. Ye-Cun Wu1; Huei-Ru Fuh1; Cormac Ó Coileáin1; Hongjun Xu; Jiung Cho; Miri Choi; Byong chun Sun; Xuju Jiang; Mourad Abid; Mohamed Abid; Huajun Liu; Jing Jing Wang; Igor V. Shvets; Ching-Ray Chang*; Han-Chun Wu*, Simultaneous large continuous band gap tunability and photoluminescence enhancement in GaSe nanosheets via elastic strain engineering, Nano Energy, 32:157-164. (2017) (本人為共同第一作者)
4. Fuh, Huei-Ru; Yan, Binghai; Wu, Shu-Chun; Felser, Claudia; Chang, Ching-Ray*, Metal-insulator transition and the anomalous Hall effect in the layered magnetic materials VS2 and VSe2, New journal of Physics, 18, 113038 (2016)
5.Chi-Ho Cheung; Huei-Ru Fuh; Ming-Chien Hsu; Yeu-Chung Lin; Ching-Ray Chang*, Spin orbit coupling gap and indirect gap in strain tuned topological insulator-antimonene, Nanoscale Research Letters, 11, 459 (2016)
6. Huei-Ru Fuh, Ching-Ray Chang, Yin-Kuo Wang, Richard F. L. Evans, Roy W. Chantrell, and Horng-Tay Jeng*, Newtype single-layer magnetic semiconductor in transition-
7. H.-R. Fuh, Ke-chuan Weng , Yun-Ping Liu , Yin-Kuo Wang*, “ Theoretical prediction of new ferromagnetic double perovskites semiconductor: La2FeMO6 (M= Co, Rh, and Ir). Journal of Alloys and Compounds 622, 657–661 (2014)
8. Y. P. Liu, H. R. Fuh, and Y. K. Wang*, Expansion research on half-metallic materials in double perovskites of Sr2BB’O6 (B = Co, Cu, and Ni; B’ = Mo, W, Tc, and Re; and BB’=FeTc), Computational Materials Science, 92, 63-68 (2014)
9. H.-R. Fuh, Yun-Ping Liu, Yin-Kuo Wang*, New type of ferromagnetic insulator: double perovskite La2NiMO6 (M = Mn, Tc, Re, Ti, Zr, and Hf), Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 357, 7-12 (2014)