1. Cheng-En Ho; Wojciech Gierlotka; Sheng-Wei Lin, Strong Effect of Pd Concentration on the Soldering Reaction between Ni and Sn-Pd Alloys, Journal of Materials Research,25 (11) 2078~2081, (2010)
2. Wojciech Gierlotka; Joanna Lapsa; Krzysztof Fitzner, Thermodynamic Description of the Ag-Pb-Te Ternary System, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 31, 509~517, (2010)
3. Wojciech Gierlotka; Kai-Chien Zhang; Yuan-Pei Chang, Thermodynamic description of the binary Cu-Zr system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509, 8313~8318, (2010)
4. Wojciech Gierlotka; Dominika Jendrzejczyk-Handzlik, Thermodynamic description of the binary Ag-Ga system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 , 38~42, (2011)
5. Dominika Jendrzejczyk-Handzlika; Meryem Rechchach; Wojciech Gierlotka; Herbert Ipser; Hans Flandorfer, Entalpies of mixing of liquid systems for lead-free soldering: Cu-Sb-Sn system, Thermochimica Acta, 512,.217~224, (2011)
6. Wojciech Gierlotka,Thermodynamic description of Te-Tl binary system using associated solution model,Journal of Electronic Materials,39,1319-1325,(2010)
7. S. W. Chen, H. J. Wu, Y. C. Huang, and Wojciech Gierlotka,Phase equilibria and solidification of ternary Sn-Bi-Ag alloys,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,497,110-117,(2010)
8. Y. C. Huang, Wojciech Gierlotka, and S. W. Chen,Sn-Bi-Fe thermodynamic modeling and Sn-Bi/Fe interfacial reactions,Intermetallics,18,984-991,(2010)
9. Wojciech Gierlotka,Thermodynamic assessment of Hg – Te system,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,494,102-108,(2010)
10.C-f. Yang, W. Gierlotka, S-w. Chen, Liquidus projection and chase equilibria of Cu-Sn-Sb system, in preparation to publication.(2009)
11.W. Gierlotka, Thermodynamic optimization of the Hg-Te-Tl system in preparation to publication.(2009)
12.H.-y. Wu, W. Gierlotka, S.-w. Chen „Phase equilibria and optimization of the Ag-Te-Sb system in preparation to publication.(2009)
13.W. Gierlotka, J. Łapsa, K. Fitzner, „Thermodynamic assessment of the Ag – Pb – Te ternary system, submitted to Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2009).
14.S. W. Chen, H. J. Wu, Y. C. Huang and W. Gierlotka, Phase equilibria and solidification of ternary Sn-Bi-Ag alloys, submitted to Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2009).
15. W. Gierlotka, Thermodynamic assessment of Ag-Te system Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 485 (2009)
16. W. Gierlotka, Thermodynamic assessment of Hg – Te system, submitted to Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2009).
17. Y. C. Huang, W. Gierlotka and S. W. Chen, 2009, Sn-Bi-Fe thermodynamic modeling and Sn-Bi/Fe interfacial reactions, submitted to Intermetallics (2009).
18. W. Gierlotka, D. Jendrzejczyk – Handzlik, Thermodynamic description of Cu-Sb system Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 484 (2009)
19. W. Gierlotka, J. Łapsa, D. Jendrzejczyk-Handzlik Thermodynamic optimization of Pb-Te using ionic liquid model, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, accepted for publication .(2009)
20. W. Gierlotka, P. Jarosz, S.-w. Chen, Liquid phase vapor pressure measurement and thermodynamic assesment of the Hg-In binary system, Thermochimica Acta accepted for publication. (2009)
21. Y.-c. Huang, S.-w. Chen, C.-y. Chou, W. Gierlotka, Liquidus projection and thermodynamic modeling of Sn-Zn-Cu ternary system, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, accepted for publication. (2009)
22. D. Jendrzejczyk, W. Gierlotka, K. Fitzner, Thermodynamic properties of liquid copper – indium – tin alloys determined from e.m.f. measurements, Journa of Chemical Thermodynamics, 41,2 (2009)
23. W. Gierlotka, Y.-c. Huang, S.-w. Chen, Phase equilibria of Sn-Sb-Ag ternary system (II): Calculation, Met. Trans. A, 39 A (2008)
24. C-f. Yang, F.-l. Chen, W. Gierlotka, S.-w. Chen, K.-c. Hsieh, L-l. Huang, Thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria of Sn-Bi-Zn ternary alloys, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 112 (1) (2008)
25. C.-c. Chen, W. Gierlotka, S.-w. Chen, Phase Equilibria of Sn-V System and Interfacial Reactions in Sn/V couples, Journal of Electronic Materials, 37 no.11 (2008)
26. D. Jendrzejczyk, W. Gierlotka, K. Fitzner, Thermodynamic properties of liquid silver – indium – tin alloys determined from e.m.f. measurements, Z. Metallkd, 11 (2008)
27. S. – w. Chen, C. – c. Chen, W. Gierlotka, A. – r. Zi, P – y. Chen, H. – j. Wu, Phase equilibria of the Sn-Sb binary system, Journal of Electronic Materials, 37 no.7 (2008)
28. W. Gierlotka, S. – W. Chen, Thermodynamic description of the Cu - Sb system, Journal of Material Research, 23 no. 1 (2008)
29. Y.-C. Huang, S.-W. Chen, W. Gierlotka, C.-H. Chang, J.-C. Wu, Dissolution and interfacial reaction of Fe in molten Sn – Cu and Sn – Pb solders, Journal of Material Research, 22 no. 10 (2007)
30. W. Gierlotka, S. – W. Chen, S.-K. Lin, Thermodynamic description of the Cu – Sn system, Journal of Material Research, 22 no. 11,3158-3165 (2007)
31. D. Jendrzejczyk-Handzlik, D. Zivkovic, , W. Gierlotka, D. Manasijevic, K. Fitzner and D. Minic, Phase Relations near Ternaru Eutectic point in the Ag-In-Sb system, Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, 43 B (2) ,161-170 (2007).
1. J. Łapsa, W. Gierlotka, K. Fitzner, „The thermodynamics of Ag – Pb – Te system CALPHAD conference, (2009)
2. W. Gierlotka, D. Jendrzejczyk-Handzlik, K. Fitzner, Thermodynamics studies of liquid copper – tin – antimony using E.M.F. and calorimetric measurements, COST action MP0602 Advanced Solder Materials for High Temperature Application meeting,(2009)
3. W. Gierlotka, S.-w. Chen, S.-k. Lin, Theromodynamic modeling of Cu – In – Sn ternary system, TMS Annual Meeting, February 2009, Phase Stability, Phase Transformations and Reactive Phase Formation in Electronic Materials VIII, (2008)
4. W. Gierlotka The thermodynamic optimization of Ag-Te system Associate Phase Diagram and Thermodynamics Committee Workshop,(2008)
5. W. Gierlotka, Thermodynamic assessment of lead – free solders, Associate Phase Diagram and Thermodynamics Committee Workshop(2008)
6. D. Jendrzejczyk- Handzlik, W. Gierlotka, K. Fitzner, Thermodynamic properties of liquid Cu – In - Sn alloys determined fromE.M.F. measurements, TOFA 2008 Thermodynamc of Alloys, (2008)
7. Y.-C. Huang, S.-W. Chen, C.-Y. Chou, W. Gierlotka, Liquidus projection of the Sn – Zn – Cu Ternary System, TMS Annual Meeting, March 2008, Phase Stability, Phase Transformations and Reactive Phase Formation in Electronic Materials VII, (2008)
8. W.Gierlotka, S.W. Chen, A-R. Zi, P.-Y. Chen, Thermodynamic modeling of Ag – Sb – Sn system, TMS Annual Meeting, March 2008, Phase Stability, Phase Transformations and Reactive Phase Formation in Electronic Materials VII, 9 – 13.3(2008)
9. W. Gierlotka, S.-W. Chen, Thermodynamic and phase equilibria study of Sn - Sb binary system, 2007 Annual Meeting of the Chinece Society for the Material Science, 17.11(2007)
10. D. Jendrzejczyk, W. Gierlotka, K. Fitzner, Thermodynamic properties of the liquid Ag-In-Sb, Ag-In-Sn and Cu-In-Sn, COST action 531 Lead-Free Solder Materials final meeting, 17-18.05(2007)
11. Y.-C. Huang, W. Gierlotka and S.-W. Chen, 2007, Dissolution and interfacial reactions of Fe in molten Sn-Pb and Pb-free solders, TMS Annual Meeting,(2007)