1. K.T. Wu; P.H. Wu; F.C. Wu; R.L. Tseng; Juang R.-S., A novel approach to characterizing liquid-phase adsorption on highly porous activated carbons using the Toth equation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 221.373~381, (2013)
2. Juang R.-S.; H.C. Kao; Z. Zhang, A simplified dynamic model for the removal of toxic organics in a two-phase partitioning bioreactor, Separation and Purification Technology, 90.213~220, (2012)
3. P.T. Tran; H.C. Kao; Juang R.-S.; Chi-Wei (John) Lan, Kinetic characteristics of biodegradation of methyl orange by Pseudomonas putida mt2 in suspended and immobilized cell systems, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 44 (5) 780~785, (2013)
4. Juang R.-S.; H.L. Chen; S.C. Tsao, Recovery and separation of surfactin from pretreated Bacillus subtilis broth by reverse micellar extraction, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 61.78~83, (2012)
5. Chun Huang; C.C. Lin; C.Y. Tsai; Juang R.-S., Tailoring surface properties of polymeric separators for lithium-ion batteries by cyclonic atmospheric-pressure plasma, Plasma Processes and Polymers, 10 (5) 407~415, (2013)
6. T.A. Nguyen; Juang R.-S., Treatment of waters and wastewaters containing sulfur dyes: A review, Chemical Engineering Journal, 219.109~117, (2013)
7. Juang R.-S.; H.L. Chen; Y.C. Lin, Ultrafiltration of coagulation-pretreated Serratia marcescens fermentation broth: Flux characteristics and prodigiosin recovery, Separation Science and Technology, 47 (13) 1849~1856, (2012)
8. C. Huang,C.Y. Tsai and R.S. Juang, Surface modification and characterization of H2/O2 plasma treated polypropylene membrane, Journal of Applied Polymer Science (in press, 2011).
9. S.H. Huang and R.S. Juang, Biochemical and biomedical applications of multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles: A review, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 13(10), 4411-4430 (2011).
10. S.H. Lin, C.H. Chiou, C.K. Chang and R.S. Juang, Photocatalytic degradation of phenol on different phases of TiO2 particles in aqueous suspensions under UV irradiation, Journal of Environmental Management, 92(12), 3098-3104 (2011).
11. C.Y. Tsai, R.S. Juang and C. Huang, Surface modification of polypropylene membrane by RF methane/oxygen mixture plasma treatment, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 50(8), 08KA02 (2011).
12. R.L. Tseng, P.H. Wu, F.C. Wu and R.S. Juang, Half-life and half-capacity concentration approach for the adsorption of 2,4-dichlorophenol and methyl blue from water on activated carbons, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 42(2), 312-319 (2011).
13. F.C. Wu, P.H. Wu, R.L. Tseng and R.S. Juang, Preparation of novel activated carbons from H2SO4- treated corncob hulls with KOH activation for quick adsorption of dye and 4-chlorophenol, Journal of Environmental Management, 92(3), 708-713 (2011).
14. C. Huang, C.Y. Tsai, R.S. Juang and H.C. Kao, Tailoring surface properties of cellulose acetate membranes by low pressure plasma processing, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 118(12), 3227-3235 (2010).
15. R.S. Juang, S.H. Lin and P.Y. Hsueh, Removal of binary azo dyes from water by UV-irradiated degradation in TiO2 suspensions, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 182(1-3), 820-828 (2010).
16. R.S. Juang, H.L. Chen and Y.C Lin, Recovery and concentration of prodigiosin from pretreated fermentation broths by low-pressure ultrafiltration, Journal of Biotechnology, 150(S1), 369-370 (2010).
17. R.L. Tseng, K.T. Wu, F.C. Wu and R.S. Juang, Kinetic studies on the adsorption of phenol, 4-chlorophenol, and 2,4-dichlorophenol from water using activated carbons, Journal of Environmental Management, 91(11), 2208-2214 (2010).
18. F.C. Wu, P.H. Wu, R.L. Tseng and R.S. Juang, Preparation of activated carbons from un-burnt coal in bottom ash with KOH activation for liquid-phase adsorption, Journal of Environmental Management, 91(5), 1097-1102 (2010).
19. R.S. Juang, H.C. Kao and K.J. Tseng, Kinetics of phenol removal from saline solutions by solvent extraction coupled with degradation in a two-phase partitioning bioreactor, Separation and Purification Technology, 71(3), 285-292 (2010).
20. R.S. Juang, S.H. Lin and L.C. Peng, Flux decline analysis in micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration of synthetic waste solutions for metal removal, Chemical Engineering Journal, 161(1-2), 19-26 (2010).
21. F.C. Wu, R.L. Tseng, K.C. Huang and R.S. Juang, Characteristics and applications of the Lagergren’s first-order equation for adsorption kinetics, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 41(6), 661-669 (2010).
22. R.S. Juang and K.J. Tseng, Experimental investigation of bio-removal of toxic organic pollutants from highly saline solutions in a triphasic system, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 178(1-3), 706-712 (2010).
23. R.C. Hsiao, N.S. Arul, D. Mangalaraj and R.S. Juang, Influence of Eu3+ doping on the degradation property of TiO2 nanostructures, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 12(2), 193-198 (2010).
24. F.C. Wu, R.L. Tseng and R.S. Juang, A review and experimental verification of using chitosan and its derivatives as adsorbents for ed heavy metals, Journal of Environmental Management, 91(4), 798-806 (2010).
25. C.W. Ooi, B.T. Tey, S.L. Hii, A. Ariff, H.S. Wu, C.W. Lan, R.S. Juang, S.M.M. Karmal and T.C. Ling, Direct purification of Burkholderia pseudomallei lipase from fermentation broth using aqueous two-phase systems, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 14(6), 811-818 (2009).
26. S.H. Lin, M.Y. Teng and R.S. Juang, Adsorption of surfactants from water onto raw and HCl-activated clays in fixed beds, Desalination, 249(1), 116-122 (2009).
27. R.L. Tseng, F.C. Wu and R.S. Juang, Initial behavior of intraparticle diffusion model used in the description of adsorption kinetics, Chemical Engineering Journal, 153(1-3), 1-8 (2009).
28. F.C. Wu, R.L. Tseng, S.C. Huang and R.S. Juang, Characteristics of the pseudo-second-order kinetic model for liquid-phase adsorption: A mini-review, Chemical Engineering Journal, 151(1-3), 1-9 (, 151(1-3), 1-9 (2009).
29. F.C. Wu, R.L. Tseng and R.S. Juang, Characteristics of Elovich equation used for the analysis of adsorption kinetics in dye-chitosan systems, Chemical Engineering Journal, 150(2-3), 366-373 (2009).
30. S.H. Lin, C.N. Chen and R.S. Juang, Structure and thermal stability of toxic chromium(VI) species doped onto TiO2 powders through heat treatment, Journal of Environmental Management, 90(5), 1950-1955 (2009).
31. R.S. Juang, W.C. Huang and Y.H. Hsu, Treatment of phenol in synthetic saline wastewater by solvent extraction and two-phase membrane biodegradation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 164(1), 46-52 (2009).
32. S.H. Lin and R.S. Juang, Adsorption of phenol and its derivatives from water using synthetic resins and low-cost natural adsorbents: A review, Journal of Environmental Management, 90(3), 1336-1349 (2009).
33. R.S. Juang and H.C. Kao, Estimation of the contribution of immobilized biofilm and suspended biomass to the biodegradation of phenol in membrane contactors, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 43(2), 122-128 (2009).
34. H.L. Chen and R.S. Juang, Extraction of surfactin from fermentation broths with n-hexane in microporous PVDF hollow fibers: Significance of membrane adsorption, Journal of Membrane Science, 325(2), 599-604 (2008).
35. S.H. Lin, C.L. Hung and R.S. Juang, Effect of operating parameters on the separation of proteins in aqueous solutions by dead-end ultrafiltration, Desalination, 234(1-3), 116-125 (2008).
36. S.H. Lin, C.L. Hung and R.S. Juang, Applicability of the exponential time dependence of flux decline during dead-end ultrafiltration of binary protein solutions, Chemical Engineering Journal, 145(2), 211-217 (2008).
37. R.S. Juang, H.L. Chen and Y.S. Chen, Membrane fouling and resistance analysis in dead-end ultrafiltration of Bacillus subtilis fermentation broths, Separation and Purification Technology, 63(3), 531-538 (2008).
38. R.S. Juang, H.L. Chen and Y.S. Chen, Resistance-in- series analysis in cross-flow ultrafiltration of fermentation broths of Bacillus subtilis culture, Journal of Membrane Science, 323(1), 193-200 (2008).
39. C.H. Chiou, C.Y. Wu and R.S. Juang, Photocatalytic degradation of phenol and m-nitrophenol using irradiated TiO2 in aqueous solutions, Separation and Purification Technology, 62(3), 559-564 (2008).
40. H.L. Chen, Y.S. Chen and R.S. Juang, Flux decline and membrane cleaning in the cross-flow ultrafiltration of treated fermentation broths for surfactin recovery, Separation and Purification Technology, 62(1), 47-55 (2008).
41. R.S. Juang and W.C. Huang, Use of membrane contactors as two-phase bioreactors for the removal of phenol in saline and acidic solutions, Journal of Membrane Science, 313(1-2), 207-216 (2008).
42. C.H. Chiou, C.Y. Wu and R.S. Juang, Influence of operating parameters on photocatalytic degradation of phenol in UV/TiO2 process, Chemical Engineering Journal, 139(2), 322-329 (2008).
43. M.Y. Chang, H.C. Kao and R.S. Juang, Thermal inactivation and reactivity of b-glucosidase immobilized on chitosan-clay composite, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 43(1), 48-53 (2008).
44. R.S. Juang, T.P. Chung, M.L. Wang and D.J. Lee, Experimental observations on the effect of added dispersing agent on phenol biodegradation in a microporous membrane bioreactor, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 151(2-3), 746-752 (2008).
45. H.L. Chen, Y.S. Chen and R.S. Juang, Recovery of surfactin from fermentation broths by a hybrid salting-out and membrane filtration process, Separation and Purification Technology, 59(3), 244-252 (2008).
46. H.L. Chen and R.S. Juang, Recovery and separation of surfactin from pretreated fermentation broths by physical and chemical extraction, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 38(1), 39-46 (2008).
47. L.C. Lin, J.K. Li and R.S. Juang, Removal of Cu(II) and Ni(II) from aqueous solutions using batch and fixed-bed ion exchange processes, Desalination, 225(1-3), 249-259 (2008).
48. H.L. Chen, Y.S. Lee, Y.H. Wei and R.S. Juang, Purification of surfactin in pretreated fermentation broths by adsorptive removal of impurities, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 40(3), 452-459 (2008).
1. R.C. Hsiao; Juang R.-S.; N.S. Arul; D. Mangalaraj; T.Y. Lee; H.T. seng, Characterization analysis of europium-doped TiO2 by hydrothermal method, The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (2013 ICEAS), (2013)
2. Juang R.-S.; C.Y. Lai, Conversion of methyltestosterone biodehydrogenation in a two-phase bioreactor system, The 2012 Annual Conference of Taiwan Institute for Chemical Engineers, A-050, (2012)
3. C.L. Liu; T.H. Lin; Juang R.-S., Optimization of recombinant hexaoligochitin-producing chitinase production with response surface methodology, The 5th International Conference on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIB-2012), 10169, (2012)
4. C.Y. Lin; Chien-Te Hsieh; Juang R.-S., Synthesis and electrochemical performance of SnO2/graphene hybrid anode for lithium-ion batteries, 2013 MRS Spring Meeting, E6.11, (2013)
5. C.Y. Lin; Chien-Te Hsieh; Juang R.-S., Synthesis of alumina-coated lithium titanate as anode material for high-power lithium-ion batteries, 2013 MRS Spring Meeting, E3.16, (2013)
6. C.H.. Liang; C. Y. Tsai; Juang R.-S.; Chun Huang, Tailoring Surface Properties of Polymeric Separators for Lithium-ion Batteries by 13.56 MHz RF Plasma Glow Discharge, 5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials, 172~172, (2013)
7. C.L. Liu; C.Y. Lan; Juang R.-S., Use of response surface methodology for optimizing process parameters in hexaoligochitin production by chitinase from Aeromonas schubertii, The 5th International Conference on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIB-2012), 10145, (2012)
8. 梁家翰; 蔡景元; Juang R.-S.; Chun Huang, 以低壓 Ar 及 He 電漿改質鋰電池複合式隔離膜之複合式隔離膜之表面分析研究, 2012 台灣化學工程學會59周年年會, 51~51, (2012)
9. 徐昱楷; 劉威霆; 蔡景元; 林晉合; 馬維駿; Juang R.-S.; Chun Huang, 利用大氣電漿探討載氣對電漿性質之影響, 2012 台灣化學工程學會59周年年會, 51~51, (2012)
10. R.S. Juang and B.Y. Lee, Treatment of phenol in the organic solution by a hybrid partition and biodegradation process with two-phase dispersions, The 241st ACS National Meeting and Exposition, Anaheim, California, paper 257 (2011).
11. C.Y. Tsai, J.H. Lin, W.T. Liu, S.Y. Jheng, R.S. Juang and C. Huang, Surface modification of polycarbonate membrane by cyclonic atmospheric pressure plasma, The International Membrane Conference in Taiwan 2011, 63-63 (2011).
12. C.Y. Tsai, K.Y. Lai, H.C. Kao, R.S. Juang and C. Huang, Static contact angle analysis of low pressure plasma modified poly(vinylidene fluoride) membrane, The International Membrane Conference in Taiwan 2011 (2011 IMCT), Chung-Li, Taiwan, CD-RPM (2011).
13. T.H. Lin, C.L. Liu and R.S. Juang, Optimization of expressing recombinant chitinase ASCHI61, The 10th International Conference of the European Chitin Society (EUCHIS’11), Saint-Petersburg, Russia, paper PO1-38 (2011).
14. C.Y. Lee, S.J. Lee, C.T. Hsieh, M.S. Tang, J.Y. Lin, Y.M. Lo, P.C. Chen, D.Y. Chang and R.S. Juang, In situ monitoring of voltage and temperature in lithium batteries, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, 243-246 (2011).
15. C.Y. Tsai, C.H. Hsueh, I.Y. Tseng, C.I. Lin, R.S. Juang and C. Huang,Controlling surface wettability of nitrocellulose membrane by RF-capacitively couple plasma, The International Membrane Conference in Taiwan 2011, 61-61 (2011).
16. R.S. Juang, S.Y. Lin, C. Huang, H.Y. Cheng and C.Y. Tsai, Electrospun microfiber membrane with atmospheric pressure plasma modified surface/ architecture as potential solar cell/biological applications, The 4th IEEE International NanoElectronics Conference (INEC), Taoyuan, Taiwan, paper 284 (2010).
17. R.C. Hsiao, H.L. Hsu, C.Q. Huang, S.L. Roselin and R.S. Juang, Photocatalytic degradation of acid orange 7 over TiO2 and La-doped TiO2 catalysts, The 13th Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE 2010), Taipei, Taiwan, paper 10416 (2010).
18. R.S. Juang, H.L. Chen and Y.C. Lin, Recovery and concentration of prodigiosin from pretreated fermentation broths by low-pressure ultrafiltration, The 14th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS 2010), Rimini, Italy, paper P-I.75, (2010).
19. C.Y. Tsai, R.S. Juang and C. Huang, Surface modification of polypropylene membrane by RF methane/oxygen mixture plasma treatment, The 32nd International Symposium on Dry Process, 139-140 (2010).
20. H.L. Chen and R.S. Juang, Low-pressure ultrafiltration of precipitation-treated fermentation liquors for primary recovery of biosurfactant, The 4th European Meeting on Chemical Industry and Environment (EMChIE 2010), Mechelen, Belgium, CD-ROM (2010).
21. C.Y. Tsai, K.Y.Lai, H.C. Kao, R.S. Juang and C. Huang, Static contact angle analysis of low pressure plasma modified poly(vinylidene fluoride) membrane, International Membrane Conference in Taiwan 2010, 49 (2010).
22. C.Y. Tsai, Y.C. Chang, Y.Y. Liu, K.Y.Lai, R.S. Juang and C. Huang, Surface activation and characterization of cyclonic atmospheric pressure plasma treated polysulfone membrane, International Membrane Conference in Taiwan 2010, 45 (2010).
23. R.S. Juang, H.Y. Cheng, C.Y. Tsai, Y.C. Chang and C. Huang, Surface activation of poly(vinylidene fluoride) membrane by cyclonic atmospheric pressure plasma processing, The 3rd International Conference on Plasma-Nanotechnology and Science, 65 (2010).
24. C. Huang, C.Y. Tsai and R.S. Juang, Surface modification and characterization of H2-O2 plasma treated polypropylene membrane, The 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials, 200 (2010).
25. H.S. Wu, C.H. Chiou, Y.H. Wei and R.S. Juang, Development of membrane biological processing of waste solutions in cellulosic ethanol pilot plant, The 15th Symposium of Young Asian Biochemical Engineers’ Community (YABEC 2009), Xiamen, Fujian, China, CD-ROM (2009).
26. R.C. Hsiao, R.S. Juang, T.Y. Lee, H.L. Hsu, L.W. Xiao, Z.P. Wu, P.R. Lin and J.T. Hsiao, Photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange using irradiated TiO2 in aqueous solutions, The 4th Asian Particle Technology Symposium (APT 2009), New Delhi, India, CD-ROM (2009).
27. C. Huang, C.Y. Tsai, R.S. Juang and H.C. Kao, Tailoring surface properties of cellulose acetate, The 22nd Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials, 35 (2009).
28. F.C. Wu, R.L. Tseng and R.S. Juang, A comparison of adsorption abilities of chitosan and its derivatives for heavy metals from aqueous solutions, The 9th International Conference of the European Chitin Society (EUCHIS 2009), Venice, Italy, PO3-4 (2009).
29. Tran Phuong Thao, R.S. Juang, H.C. Kao and C.W. Lan, Optimal decolorization of methyl orange by Pseudomonas putida mt2 in free suspended system, The 14th Symposium of Young Asian Biochemical Engineers’ Community (2008).
30. H.L. Chen, H.C. Kao and R.S. Juang, Phenol biodegradation by membrane-attached biofilm in hollow fiber modules, The 13th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS 2008), Dalian, China, VII4-P-065 (2008).
31. R.S. Juang and W.C. Huang, Effect of solution pH and salinity on the biodegradation of phenol in saline solutions using two-phase membrane bioreactors, The 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA 2008), Prague, Czech Republic, paper P1.151 (2008).
32. H.L. Chen, Y.S. Lee, H.C. Kao and R.S. Juang, Recovery and purification of surfactin from treated fermentation broths by ion exchange, The 13th Conference on Biochemical Engineering, Chung-Li, Taiwan, PI-7 (2008).
33. K.J. Tseng, H.C. Kao and R.S. Juang, Biodegradation of phenol in saline and acidic solution using a liquid-liquid two-phase partitioning bioreactor, The 13th Conference on Biochemical Engineering, Chung-Li, Taiwan, PVI-1 (2008).
34. R.S. Juang and W.C. Huang, Effect of solution pH and salinity on biodegradation of phenol in saline solutions using two-phase membrane bioreactors, The 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA 2008), Prague, Czech Republic, P1.151 (2008).
35. H.L. Chen, H.C. Kao and R.S. Juang, Separation and purification of bioproducts from fermentation broths by membrane extraction, The 2008 Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Its Applications, Taipei, Taiwan, MT02 (2008)
36. H.L. Chen, H.C. Kao and R.S. Juang, Phenol biodegradation by membrane-attached biofilm in hollow fiber modules, The 13th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS 2008), Dalian, China, VII4-P-065 (2008).
37. K.J. Tseng, H.C. Kao and R.S. Juang, Dynamic modeling of phenol removal from saline solutions by solvent extraction and two-phase partitioning biodegradation, The 5th Chinese National Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Annual Meeting, , Xian, Shaanxi, G028 (2008).
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