

何政恩 教授兼研究發展處副研發長、產學合作組組長

  • 學歷
    1. 元智大學研發處 副研發長(2022.02~迄今)
    2. 元智大學生技所 所長(2018.08~2020.07)
    3. 元智大學化材系 系主任(2017.08~2020.07)
    4. 元智大學研發處 產學合作組組長(2017.02~2017.08)
    5. 元智大學化材系教授(2016.02~迄今)
    6. 元智大學化材系副教授(2012.08~2016.01)
    7. 元智大學環境科學研究中心 技術顧問(兼任) (2008.08~2012.07)
    8. 元智大學化材系助理教授(2007.08~2012.07)
    9. 美國密西根州立大學化材所訪問學者(2008.01-2008.08)
    10. 美國密西根州立大學化材所博士後(2006.05-2007.06)
    11. 國立中央大學化材所博士後(2004.06-2006.04)
    1. 三維積體電路封裝
    2. 相平衡與界面反應
    3. 電遷移
    4. 無鉛銲料
    5. 同步輻射微區繞射
    6. 電鍍銅填孔
    1. 當選第十九屆「有庠元智講座教授」(2023.09.06)。
    2. 元智大學「工學院110學年度教師績效研究傑出獎」(全院第四名) (2023.01.12)。
    3. 2022台灣創新技術博覽會國際發明競賽(Taiwan Innotech Expo):「鴻海特別獎」 (獲獎率: < 1% (5/516))、兩面「金牌」、及一面「銀牌」 (2022.10.15)。
    4. 元智大學「工學院109學年度教師績效研究傑出獎」(全院第三名) (2022.01.18)。
    5. 「2021未來科技獎」(“內埋技術於5G散熱元件的開發與應用”) (2021.10.16)。
    6. 中國鑛冶工程學會「鑛冶論文優等獎(前四名)」(“透過微結構調整以改善電鍍銅之腐蝕特性”) (2021.10.21)。
    7. 元智大學「工學院108學年度教師績效研究傑出獎」(2021.02.22)。
    8. 科技部工程司109年度產學合作計畫-產學成果「特優獎」 (Oral) (日期:2020.11.05;地點:國立台灣科技大學;指導單位:科技部工程司;計畫名稱:脈衝-反脈衝之高速電鍍技術開發與應用;計畫編號:MOST108-2622-E-155-004-CC3) (主持人:何政恩教授)。
    9. 中國鑛冶工程學會「鑛冶論文佳作獎」(“高速電鍍銅及其銅柱凸塊可靠度”) (2020.10.23)。
    10. 國際期刊Surface and Coatings Technology評為「Recognition of Elsevier Reviewer)」(2020.10)。
    11. 當選第十八屆「有庠傑出教授」(2020.08.24)。
    12. 研究突破(Real-time Observation of Sn Electromigration)榮登「NSRRC Activity Report 2019」封面(ISSN: 1814-7879) (2020.04)。
    13. 元智大學「工學院107學年度教師績效研究傑出獎」(全院第三名) (2020.04.07)。
    14. 榮獲國科會103–109, 111–113年度補助大專校院「獎勵特殊優秀人才」(期間:2014/08–2024/07)。
    15. 榮獲「2019 TACT-TFS Special Poster Award (1st Place)」(2019.11.20)。
    16. 國際期刊Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Elsevier)評為「傑出評審員(Outstanding Reviewer)」(2019.06)。
    17. 科技部工程司107年度產學合作計畫-產學成果「特優獎」(Poster) (日期:2018.10.31;地點:國立成功大學;指導單位:科技部工程司;計畫名稱:脈衝與反脈衝對高縱深比之電鍍銅填孔行為及其可靠度的研究;計畫編號:MOST106-2622-E-155-006-CC3) (主持人:何政恩教授)。
    18. 榮獲13th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2018) 「Best Paper Award (專業組)」 (2018.10)。
    19. 國際期刊Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Elsevier)評為「傑出評審員(Outstanding Reviewer)」(2018.08)。
    20. 國際期刊Intermetallics (Elsevier)評為「傑出評審員(Outstanding Reviewer)」(2018.04)。
    21. 元智大學「工學院105學年度教師績效研究傑出獎」(全院第二名) (2018.04.20)。
    22. 科技部工程司106年度產學合作計畫-產學成果示「優良獎」(Poster) (日期:2017.10.26;地點:國立成功大學;指導單位:科技部工程司;計畫名稱:印刷電路板鍍金製程之效率提升與金回收技術之研發;計畫編號:MOST105-2622-E-155-011-CC2) (共同主持人)。
    23. 當選第十五屆「有庠傑出教授」(2017.08.22)。
    24. 元智大學「工學院104學年度教師績效研究傑出獎」(2017.04.26)。
    25. 榮獲14th Electronic Circuits World Convention (ECWC) 「Best Paper Award」 (Electronic Packaging Field) (2017.04.25)。
    26. 國際期刊Surface and Coatings Technology (Elsevier)評為「傑出評審員(Outstanding Reviewer)」(2017.03)。
    27. 國際期刊Material Science in Semiconductor Processing (Elsevier)評為「傑出評審員(Outstanding Reviewer)」(2016.11)。
    28. 國際期刊Microelectronics Reliability (Elsevier)評為「傑出評審員(Outstanding Reviewer)」(2016.10)。
    29. 2016台北國際發明暨技術交易展發明競賽(Taipei International Invention Show & Technomart):兩面「金牌」、及一面「銅牌」 (2016.10.01)。
    30. 榮獲科技部「優秀年輕學者研究計畫」(MOST105-2628-E-155-001-MY3) (2016.08.01~2019.07.31)。
    31. 元智大學「工學院103學年度教師績效研究傑出獎」(2016.04.20)。
    32. 國際期刊Materials & Design (Elsevier)評為「傑出評審員(Outstanding Reviewer)」(2015.06)。
    33. 元智大學「工學院102學年度教師績效研究傑出獎」(2015.04.10)。
    34. 102學年度元智大學「研究傑出獎」(2013.12.09)。
    35. 國科會工程處102年度技術及知識應用型產學合作計畫之成果發表暨績效考評-產學成果「優良獎」(Oral) (日期:2013.10.30;地點:國立成功大學;指導單位:國科會工程處;計畫編號:NSC101-2622-E-155-009-CC3)。
    36. IMPACT「Outstanding Paper Award」(Gold Prize-1st place on PCB field) (2013.10.23)。
    37. TACT2013「Poster Award」(2013.10.05)。
    38. 中國鑛冶工程學會「鑛冶論文佳作獎」 (“利用EBSD分析通孔填充之各階段的電鍍銅微結構”) (2013.10.25)。
    39. 國科會工程處101年度技術及知識應用型產學合作計畫之成果發表暨績效考評-產學成果「優良獎」(Poster)。(日期:2012.11.20;地點:國立成功大學;指導單位:國科會工程技術發展處;計畫編號:NSC99-2622-E-155008-CC3)。
    40. 2012台北國際發明暨技術交易展發明競賽(Taipei International Invention Show & Technomart):一面「金牌」、及一面「銅牌」 (2012.09.23)。
    41. 「The Young Scholar Research Award of 2011」(青年學者研究獎,元智大學)。
    42. 2011 ICEPT-HDP (IEEE symposium)「Outstanding Paper Award」。
    43. Co-Principal PI for Construction of An Undulator Beamline in TPS: 建造先進同步輻射二代光源之光束線,Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) (Principal PI: 東海大學校長程海東博士),2009。職為兩位Co-Principal PI之一,負責其中關鍵之3D submicron-XRD工作站之原理及規格制定,以及計畫書撰寫(beamline end-station部份)。
    44. ISI HIGHLY CITED PAPERS: ISI Essential Science Indicators: The following four articles were in the TOP 1% within the materials science field. (論文被引用次數排名材料科學領域前1%)
    (1)“Interfacial Reaction Issues for Lead-Free Electronic Solders,” Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, 18(1–3), pp. 155–174, March 2007. (citations/self-citations: 110/34, 截至2010.12.01)
    (2)“Effect of Cu Concentration on the Reactions between Sn-Ag-Cu Solders and Ni,” Journal of Electronic Materials, 31(6), pp. 584–590, June 2002. (citations/self-citations: 166/19, 截至2010.12. 01)
    (3)“Effect of Cu concentration on the interfacial reactions between Ni and Sn-Cu solders,” Journal of Materials Research, 17(2), pp. 263–266, February 2002. (citations/self-citations: 146/17, 截至2012.12.01)
    (4)“Reactions between Sn-Ag-Cu Lead-Free Solders and the Au/Ni Surface Finish in Advanced Electronic Packages,” Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, 14(3), pp. 25–29, 2002. (citations/self-citations: 86/18, 截至2012.12.01)
    1. Y. C. Chiang, H. W. Tseng, C. J. Yu, C. Y. Lee, C. C. Huang, and C. E. Ho*, “High-frequency signal transmission in a coplanar waveguide structure with different surface finishes,” Thin Solid Films, Accepted, 2023.
    2. P. T. Lee, C. Y. Lee, W. Z. Hsieh, C. T. Chen, and C. E. Ho*, “Electromigration-induced Remarkable Intermetallic Compound (IMC) Formation in Micro Joints and Its Prevention,” Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 24, pp. 3889–3900, May–June 2023.
    3. P. T. Lee, W. Z. Hsieh, C. Y. Lee, S. C. Tseng, M. T. Tang, C. Y. Chiang, C. R. Kao*, and C. E. Ho**, “Synchrotron X-ray study of electromigration, whisker growth, and residual strain evolution in a Sn Blech structure,” Scripta Materialia, vol. 214, p. 114682, June 2022.
    4. Y. M. Lin, C. Y. Lee, Y. L. Chen, C. P. Pan, and C. E. Ho*, “Significantly Improving the Mechanical/Electrical Characteristics of Blind-Hole Cu Filling through Crystal Coherent Modification,” Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 433, p. 128111, March 2022.
    5. P. T. Lee, C. H. Chang, C. Y. Lee, Y. S. Wu, C. H. Yang, and C. E. Ho*, “High-speed electrodeposition for Cu pillar fabrication and Cu pillar adhesion to an Ajinomoto build-up film (ABF),” Materials & Design, vol. 206, p. 109830, August 2021.
    6. P. T. Lee, W. Z. Hsieh, C. Y. Lee, Y. H. Huang., C. Y. Chiang., C. S. Ku., C. R. Kao*, and C. E. Ho**, “Synchrotron white Laue nanodiffraction study on the allotropic phase transformation between hexagonal and monoclinic Cu6Sn5,” Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 11, pp. 1316–1322, July–August 2021.
    7. C. E. Ho*, S. P. Yang, P. T. Lee, C. Y. Lee, C. C. Chen, and T. T. Kuo, “IMC microstructure modification and mechanical reinforcement of Sn-Ag-Cu/Cu microelectronic joints through an advanced surface finish technique,” Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 11, pp. 1895–1910, March–April 2021.
    8. C. Y. Lee, S. P. Yang, C. H. Yang, M. K. Lu, T. T. Kuo, and C. E. Ho*, “Influence of Pd(P) Thickness on the Pd-free Solder Reaction between Eutectic Sn-Ag alloy and Au/Pd(P)/Ni(P)/Cu Multilayer,” Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 395, p. 125879, August 2020.
    9. C. H. Yang, Y. W. Lee, C. Y. Lee, P. T. Lee, and C. E. Ho*, “Self-Annealing Behavior of Electroplated Cu with Different Brightener Concentrations,” Journal of The Electrochemical Society, vol. 167(8), p. 082514, May 2020.
    10. C. Y. Lee, P. C. Lin, C. H. Yang, and C. E. Ho*, “Significantly Improving the Etching Characteristics of Electroplated Cu Films through Microstructure Modification,” Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 386, p. 125471, March 2020.
    11. C. H. Yang, Y. W. Lee, C. Y. Lee, C. H. Chang, and C. E. Ho*, “Self-Annealing Behavior of Electroplated Cu in Blind-Hole Structures,” Journal of The Electrochemical Society, vol. 166(13), pp. D683–D688, September 2019.
    12. C. H. Yang, C. Y. Lee, B. C. Huang, P. C. Lin, and C. E. Ho*, “Nanoindentation Study of Single-Crystalline and (101)-Oriented Nanotwinned Cu,” ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, vol. 8(6), pp. P363–P369, June 2019.
    13. B. C. Huang, C. H. Yang, C. Y. Lee, Y. L. Hu, C. C. Hsu, and C. E. Ho*, “Effect of Pulse-reverse Plating on Copper: Thermal Mechanical Properties and Microstructure Relationship,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 96, pp. 71–77, May 2019.
    14. C. H. Yang, S. P. Yang, B. C. Huang, C. Y. Lee, H. C. Liu, and C. E. Ho*, “In-situ Characterization of the Microstructure Transition of Electroplating Cu during Self-annealing and Its Effect on the Substrate Warpage,” Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 364, pp. 383–391, April 2019.
    15. Y. S. Wu, P. T. Lee, W. Z. Hsieh, T. T. Kuo, and C. E. Ho*, “Interfacial Reaction and Mechanical Reliability between Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu Alloy and Ultrathin-Ni(P)-type Au/Pd(P)/Ni(P)/Cu Metallization Pad,” Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 359, pp. 374–383, February 2019.
    16. Y. H. Huang, W. Z. Hsieh, P. T. Lee, Y. S. Wu, T. T. Kuo, and C. E. Ho*, “Reaction of Au/Pd/Cu and Au/Pd/Au/Cu Multilayers with Sn-Ag-Cu Alloy,” Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 358, pp. 753–761, January 2019.
    17. Y. H. Huang, S. P. Yang, P. T. Lee, T. T. Kuo, and C. E. Ho*, “Significant Improvement of the Thermal Stability and Electrochemical Corrosion Resistance of the Au/Pd Surface Finish through Catalytic Modification,” Corrosion Science, vol. 146, pp. 112–120, January 2019.
    18. P. T. Lee, Y. S. Wu, C. Y. Lee, H. C. Liu, and C. E. Ho*, “High-speed Cu Electrodeposition and Reliability of Cu Pillar Bumps in High-temperature Storage,” Journal of The Electrochemical Society, vol. 165(13), pp. D647–D653, October 2018.
    19. Y. S. Wu, P. T. Lee, Y. H. Huang, T. T. Kuo, and C. E. Ho*, “Interfacial Microstructure and Mechanical Reliability of the Sn-Ag-Cu/Au/Pd(xP)/Ni(P) Reactive System: P Content Effects,” Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 350, pp. 874–879, September 2018.
    20. C. E. Ho*, C. C. Chen, C. H. Yang, P. T. Lee, W. Z. Hsieh, and Y. S. Wu, “TEM Characterization of Cu Self-annealing and Direct Proof of Pinhole Formation Mechanism in A Cu Film,” Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 350, pp. 1010–1019, September 2018.
    21. C. E. Ho*, W. Z. Hsieh, P. T. Lee, Y. H. Huang, and T. T. Kuo, “High-temperature Stability of Au/Pd/Cu and Au/Pd(P)/Cu Surface Finishes,” Applied Surface Science , vol. 434, pp. 1353–1360, March 2018.
    22. C. E. Ho*, M. K. Lu, P. T. Lee, Y. H. Huang, and W. L.·Chou, “TEM Investigation of Interfacial Microstructure and Fracture Mode of the Sn-Ag-Cu/Ni Joint System,” Materials Science & Engineering A, vol. 706, pp. 269–278, September 2017.
    23. P. T. Lee, Y. S. Wu, P. C. Lin, C. C. Chen, W. Z. Hsieh, and C. E. Ho*, “High-speed Cu Electrodeposition and Its Solderability,” Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 320, pp. 559–567, June 2017.
    24. C. C. Chen, C. H. Yang, Y. S. Wu, and C. E. Ho*, “Depth-dependent Self-annealing Behavior of Electroplated Cu,” Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 320, pp. 489–496, June 2017.
    25. C. E. Ho*, W. Z. Hsieh, C. H. Yang, and P. T. Lee, “Real-time Study of Electromigration in Sn Blech Structure,” Applied Surface Science, vol. 388, pp. 339–344, September 2016.
    26. C. E. Ho*, C. C. Chen, M. K. Lu, Y. W. Lee, and Y. S. Wu, “In-situ Study on the Self-annealing Behavior of Electroplated Cu through the Cantilever Method, XRD, and EBSD,” Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 303, pp. 86–93, August 2016.
    27. P. T. Lee, W. Z. Hsieh, T. C. Yeh, H. K. Wang, and C. E. Ho*, “Comparative Study between Au/Pd/Cu and Au/Pd(P)/Cu Films in Soldering Applications,” Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 303, pp. 103–111, August 2016.
    28. W. Z. Hsieh, M. A. Rahman, T. H. Yang, T. T. Kuo, and C. E. Ho*, “Interfacial Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Molten Sn Reacting with Ni-xP Films,” Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 303, pp. 112–118, August 2016.
    29. C. E. Ho*, P. T. Lee, C. N. Chen, and C. H. Yang, “Electromigration in 3D-IC Scale Cu/Sn/Cu Solder Joints,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 676, pp. 361–368, August 2016.
    30. C. E. Ho*, C. H. Yang, P. T. Lee, and C. T. Chen, “Real-time X-ray Microscopy Study of Electromigration in Microelectronic Solder Joints,” Scripta Materialia, vol. 114, pp. 79–83, March 2016.
    31. C. C. Chen, C. H. Hsieh, Y. W. Lee, C. H. Yang, and C. E. Ho*, “Formation Mechanism of Pinholes in Electroplated Cu Films and Its Mitigation,” Thin Solid Films, vol. 596, pp. 209–215, December 2015.
    32. C. E. Ho*, C. H. Yang, C. T. Chen, and B. Z. Chen, “Abnormal Depletion of Cu Metallization Pads in Line-bump-line Solder Joints under Electron Current Stressing,” Thin Solid Films, vol. 596, pp. 216–221, December 2015.
    33. C. E. Ho*, C. C. Chen, L. H. Hsu, and M. K. Lu, “Electron Backscatter Diffraction Characterization of Electrolytic Cu Deposition in the Blind-hole Structure: Current Density Effect,” Thin Solid Films, vol. 584, pp. 78–84, June 2015.
    34. C. E. Ho*, L. H. Hsu, C. H. Yang, T. C. Yeh, and P. T. Lee, “Effect of Pd(P) Thickness on the Soldering Reaction between Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu Alloy and Ultrathin-Ni(P)-type Au/Pd(P)/Ni(P)/Cu Metallization Pad,” Thin Solid Films, vol. 584, pp. 257–264, June 2015.
    35. C. E. Ho*, W. Z. Hsieh, and T. H. Yang, “Depletion and Phase Transformation of A Submicron Ni(P) Film in the Early Stage of Soldering Reaction between Sn-Ag-Cu and Au/Pd(P)/Ni(P)/Cu,” Electronic Materials Letters, vol. 11(1), pp. 155–163, January 2015.
    36. C. E. Ho*, W. Z. Hsieh, C. H. Yang, T. C. Yeh, and T. T. Kuo, “Interfacial Reaction and Mechanical Characterization of Sn-Ag-Cu/Au/Pd(P)/Cu Solder Joints: Thick Pd(P) Deposition,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 44(1), pp. 568–580, January 2015.
    37. C. E. Ho*, L. H. Hsu, C. C. Chen, and M. K. Lu, “Electron Backscatter Diffraction Characterization of Blind Hole Fillings by Electrolytic Cu Deposition,” Thin Solid Films, vol. 572, pp. 232–237, December 2014.
    38. C. E. Ho*, W. Z. Hsieh, C. S. Liu, and C. H. Yang, “Theoretical and Experimental Determination of Cu Diffusivity in Eutectic Sn-Ag System at 235–280 °C,” Thin Solid Films, vol. 572, pp. 238–244, December 2014.
    39. M. A. Rahman, C. E. Ho*, W. Gierlotka, and J. C. Kuo, “Experimental Determination and Thermodynamic Modeling of the Sn-rich Corner of the Ternary Ni-Pd-Sn Phase Diagram at 250 °C,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 43(12), pp. 4582–4593, December 2014.
    40. C. E. Ho*, C. W. Fan, and W. Z. Hsieh, “Pronounced Effects of Ni(P) Thickness on the Interfacial Reaction and High Impact Resistance of the Solder/Au/Pd(P)/Ni(P)/Cu Reactive System,” Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 259(B), pp. 244–251, November 2014.
    41. C. E. Ho*, C. H. Yang, and L. H. Hsu, “Electromigration in Thin-film Solder Joints,” Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 259(B), pp. 257–261, November 2014.
    42. C. E. Ho*, W. Z. Hsieh, C. C. Chen, and M. K. Lu, “Electron Backscatter Diffraction Analysis on the Microstructures of Electrolytic Cu Deposition in the Through Hole Filling Process: Butterfly Deposition Mode,” Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 259(B), pp. 262–267, November 2014.
    43. C. E. Ho*, S. J. Wang, C. W. Fan, and W. H. Wu, “Optimization of the Ni(P) Thickness for An Ultrathin Ni(P)-based Surface Finish in Soldering Applications,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 43(1), pp. 16–25, January 2014.
    44. M. A. Rahman, C. W. Fan, S. J. Wang, C. E. Ho*, and W. Gierlotka**, “Experimental Studies and Thermodynamic Assessment of Ternary Cu-Pd-Sn Phase Relations Focusing on the Sn-rich Alloys,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 43(1), pp. 176–186, January 2014.
    45. S. J. Wang, L. H. Hsu, N. K. Wang, and C. E. Ho*, “EBSD Investigation of Cu-Sn IMC Microstructural Evolution in Cu/Sn-Ag/Cu Microbumps during Isothermal Annealing,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 43(1), pp. 219–228, January 2014.
    46. C. H. Kuo, H. H. Hua, H. Y. Chan, T. H. Yang, K. S. Lin, and C. E. Ho*, “Interfacial Reaction and Mechanical Reliability of PTH Solder Joints with Different Solder/Surface Finish Combinations,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 53, pp. 2012–2017, December 2013.
    47. C. E. Ho*, C. W. Liao, C. X. Pan, H. J. Chen, J. C. Kuo, and D. Chen, “Electron Backscatter Diffraction Analysis on the Microstructures of Electrolytic Cu Deposition in the Through Hole Filling Process,” Thin Solid Films, vol. 544, pp. 412–418, October 2013.
    48. C. E. Ho*, Y. C. Lin, and S. J. Wang, “Sn-Ag-Cu Solder Reaction with Au/Pd/Ni(P) and Au/Pd(P)/Ni(P) Platings,” Thin Solid Films, vol. 544, pp. 551–556, October 2013.
    49. C. E. Ho*, C. C. Wang, M. A. Rahman, and Y. C. Lin, “Field-emission Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of the Reaction Sequence between Sn-Ag-Cu Alloy and An Amorphous Pd(P) Thin Film in Microelectronic Packaging,” Thin Solid Films, vol. 529, pp. 369–373, February 2013.
    50. C. E. Ho*, C. W. Fan, W. H. Wu, and T. T. Kuo, “Reliability Evaluation on A Submicron Ni(P) Thin Film for Lead-free Soldering,” Thin Solid Films, vol. 529, pp. 364–368, February 2013.
    51. C. E. Ho*, T. T. Kuo, W. Gierlotka, and F. M. Ma, “Development and Evaluation of Direct Deposition of Au/Pd(P) Bilayers over Cu Pads in Soldering Applications,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 41(12), pp. 3276–3283, December 2012.
    52. C. E. Ho*, W. H. Wu, C. C. Wang, and Y. C. Lin, “Gold- and Palladium-induced Embrittlement Phenomenon in Microbumps with Au/Pd(P)/Ni(P) Metallization Pads,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 41(12), pp. 3266–3275, December 2012.
    53. C. E. Ho*, T. T. Kuo, C. C. Wang, and W. H. Wu, “Inhibiting the Growth of Cu3Sn and Kirkendall Voids in the Cu/Sn-Ag-Cu System by Minor Pd Alloying,” Electronic Materials Letters, vol. 8(5), pp. 495–501, October 2012.
    54. C. E. Ho*, L. H. Hsu, S. W. Lin, and M. A. Rahman, “Influence of Pd Concentration on the Interfacial Reaction and Mechanical Reliability of the Ni/Sn-Ag-Cu-xPd System,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 41(1), pp. 2–10, January 2012.
    55. C. E. Ho*, W. H. Wu, L. H. Hsu, and C. S. Lin, “Solid-Solid Reaction between Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu Alloy and Au/Pd(P)/Ni(P) Metallization Pad with Various Pd(P) Thicknesses,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 41(1), pp. 11–21, January 2012.
    56. C. S. Liu, C. E. Ho*, C. S. Peng, and C. R. Kao, “Effects of Joining Sequence on the Interfacial Reactions and Substrate Dissolution Behaviors in Ni/Solder/Cu Joints,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 40(9), pp. 1912–1920, September 2011.
    57. C. E. Ho*, S. W. Lin, and Y. C. Lin, “Effects of Pd Concentration on the Interfacial Reaction and Mechanical Reliability of the Sn-Pd/Ni System,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 509(29), pp. 7749–7757, July 2011.
    58. D. Chen, C. E. Ho, and J. C. Kuo*, “Current Stressing-Induced Growth of Cu3Sn in Cu/Sn/Cu Solder Joints,” Materials Letters, vol. 65(9), pp. 1276–1279, May 2011.
    59. W. H. Wu, H. L. Chung, B. Z. Chen, and C. E. Ho*, “Critical Current Density for Inhibiting (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 Formation on the Ni side of Cu/Solder/Ni Joints,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 39(12), pp. 2653–2661, December 2010.
    60. C. E. Ho*, W. Gierlotka, and S. W. Lin, “Strong Effect of Pd Concentration on the Soldering Reaction between Ni and Sn-Pd Alloys,” Journal of Materials Research, vol. 25(11), pp. 2078–2081, November 2010.
    61. W. H. Wu, C. S. Lin, S. H. Huang, and C. E. Ho*, “Influence of Palladium Thickness on the Soldering Reactions between Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu and Au/Pd(P)/Ni(P) Surface Finish,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 39(11), pp. 2387–2396, November 2010.
    62. S. P. Peng, W. H. Wu, C. E. Ho*, and Y. M. Huang, “Comparative Study between Sn37Pb and Sn3Ag0.5Cu Soldering with Au/Pd/Ni(P) Tri-layer Structure,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 493(1-2), pp. 431–437, March 2010.
    63. W. H. Wu, H. L. Chung, C. N. Chen, and C. E. Ho*, “The Influence of Current Direction on the Cu-Ni Cross-Interaction in Cu/Sn/Ni Diffusion Couples,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 38(12), pp. 2563–2572, December 2009.
    64. W. H. Wu, S. P. Peng, C. S. Lin, and C. E. Ho*, “Study of DC and AC Electromigration Behavior in Eutectic Pb-Sn Solder Joints,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 38(10), pp. 2184–2193, October 2009.
    65. A. R. Southworth, C. E. Ho, A. Lee and K. N. Subramanian, “Effect of Strain on Whisker Growth in Matte Tin,” Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, vol. 20(1), pp. 4–7, April 2008.
    66. A. Lee, C. E. Ho, and K. N. Subramanian, “Electromigration Induced Microstructure and Morphological Changes in Eutectic SnPb Solder Joints,” Journal of Materials Research, vol. 22(11), pp. 3265–3272, November 2007.
    67. A. Lee, W. Liu, C. E. Ho, and K. N. Subramanian, “Synchrotron X-ray Microscopy Studies on Electromigration of A Two-Phase Material,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 102(5), pp. 0535071–053575, September 2007.
    68. C. E. Ho, A. Lee, K. N. Subramanian, and W. Liu, “Early Stage of Material Movements in Eutectic SnPb Solder Joint Undergoing Current Stressing at 150 oC,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 91(2), pp. 0219061–0219063, July 2007.
    69. C. E. Ho, A. Lee, and K. N. Subramanian, “Design of Solder Joints for Fundamental Studies on the Effects of Electromigration,” Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, vol. 18(6), pp. 569–574, June 2007.
    70. C. E. Ho, S. C. Yang, and C. R. Kao, “Interfacial Reaction Issues for Lead-Free Electronic Solders,” Journal of Materials Science–Materials in Electronics, vol. 18(1-3), pp. 155–174, March 2007.
    71. S. C. Yang, C. E. Ho, C. W. Chang, and C. R. Kao, “Massive Spalling of Intermetallic in Solder-Substrate Reactions due to Limited Supply of the Active Element,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 101(8), pp. 0849111–081149116, April 2007.
    72. C. E. Ho, Y. W. Lin, S. C. Yang, C. R. Kao, and D. S. Jiang, “Effect of Limited Cu Supply on Soldering Reactions between SnAgCu and Ni,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 35(5), pp. 1017–1024, May 2006.
    73. S. C. Yang, C. E. Ho, C. W. Chang, and C. R. Kao, “Strong Zn Concentration Effect on the Soldering Reactions between Sn-Based Solders and Cu,” Journal of Materials Research, vol. 21(10), pp. 2436–2439, October 2006.
    74. C. W. Chang, C. E. Ho, S. C. Yang, and C. R. Kao,Kinetics of AuSn4 Migration in Lead-Free Solders,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 35(11), pp. 1948–1954, November 2006.
    75. C. W. Chang, Q. P. Lee, C. E. Ho, and C. R. Kao, “Cross-Interaction between Au and Cu in Au/Sn/Cu Ternary Diffusion Couples,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 35(2), pp. 366–371, February 2006.
    76. J. Y. Tsai, C. W. Chang, C. E. Ho, Y. L. Lin, and C. R. Kao, “Microstructure Evolution of Gold-Tin Eutectic Solder on Cu and Ni Substrates,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 35(1), pp. 65–71, January 2006.
    77. W. C. Luo, C. E. Ho, J. Y. Tsai, Y. L. Lin, and C. R. Kao, “Solid-State Reactions between Ni and Tin-Silver-Copper Solders with Different Cu Concentrations,” Materials Science and Engineering A, vol. 396(1-2), pp. 385–391, April 2005.
    78. Y. L. Lin, W. C. Luo, Y. H. Lin, C. E. Ho, and C. R. Kao, “Effects of the Gold Thickness of the Surface Finish on the Interfacial Reactions in Flip-Chip Solder Joints,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 33(10), pp. 1092–1097, October 2004.
    79. C. E. Ho, Y. L. Lin, J. Y. Tsai, and C. R. Kao, “Chemical Reaction in Solder Joints of Microelectronic Packages,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers, vol. 34(4), pp. 387–391, January 2003.
    80. C. E. Ho, Y. L. Lin, and C. R. Kao, “Strong Effect of Cu Concentration on the Reaction between Lead-Free Microelectronic Solders and Ni,” Chemistry of Materials, vol. 14(3), pp. 949–951, February 2002.
    81. C. E. Ho, R. Y. Tsai, Y. L. Lin, and C. R. Kao, “Effect of Cu Concentration on the Reactions between Sn-Ag-Cu solders and Ni,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 31(6), pp. 584–590, June 2002.
    82. C. E. Ho, L. C. Shiau, and C. R. Kao, “Inhibiting the Formation of (Au1-xNix)Sn4 and Reducing the Consumption of Ni Metallization in Solder Joints,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 31(11), pp. 1264–1269, November 2002.
    83. W. T. Chen, C. E. Ho, and C. R. Kao, “Effect of Cu Concentration on the Interfacial Reactions between Ni and Sn-Cu Solders,” Journal of Materials Research, vol. 17(2), pp. 263–266, February 2002.
    84. L. C. Shiau, C. E. Ho, and C. R. Kao, “Reactions between Sn-Ag-Cu Lead-Free Solders and the Au/Ni Surface Finish in Advanced Electronic Packages,” Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, vol. 14(3), pp. 25–29, December 2002.
    85. C. E. Ho, S. Y. Tsai, and C. R. Kao, “Reaction of Solder with Ni/Au Metallization for Electronic Packages during Reflow Soldering,” IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, vol. 24(4), pp. 493–498, November 2001.
    86. C. M. Liu, C. E. Ho, W. T. Chen, and C. R. Kao, “Reflow Soldering and Isothermal Solid-State Aging of Sn-Ag Eutectic Solder on Au/Ni Surface Finish,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 30(9), pp. 1152–1156, September 2001.
    87. W. H. Tao, C. Chen, C. E. Ho, W. T. Chen, and C. R. Kao, “Selective Interfacial Reaction between Ni and Eutectic BiSn Lead-Free Solder,” Chemistry of Materials, vol. 13(3), pp. 1051–1056, February 2001.
    88. C. E. Ho, W. T. Chen, and C. R. Kao, “Interactions between Solder and Metallization during Long-Term aging of Advanced Microelectronic Packages,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 30(4), pp. 379–385, April 2001.
    89. C. E. Ho, R. Zheng, G. L. Luo, A. H. Lin, and C. R. Kao, “Formation and Resettlement of (AuxNi1-x)Sn4 in Solder Joints of Ball-Grid-Array Packages with the Au/Ni Surface Finish,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 29(10), pp. 1175–1181, October 2000.
    90. C. Chen, C. E. Ho, A. H. Lin, G. L. Luo, and C. R. Kao, “Long-Term Aging Study on the Solid-State Reaction between 58Bi42Sn Solder and Ni Substrate,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 29(10), pp. 1200–1206, October 2000.
    91. C. E. Ho, C. Chen, and C. R. Kao, “Optimizing the Wire-Bonding Parameters for Second Bonds in Ball Grid Array Packages,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 23(5), pp. 625–632, October 2000.
    92. C. E. Ho, Y. M. Chen, and C. R. Kao, “Reaction Kinetics of Solder-Balls with Pads in BGA Packages during Reflow Soldering,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 28(11), pp. 1231–1237, November 1999.
    93. T. A. Jain, C. G. Huang, C. E. Ho, and C. R. Kao, “Phase Relation in the Titanium-Rich Region of the Ge-Si-Ti Ternary System,” Materials Transactions, JIM, vol. 40(4), pp. 307–313, April 1999.
    1. Y. C. Chiang, P. C. Hsu, M. K. Wu, W. X. Lu, S. W. Wu, and C. E. Ho*, “Quantitative Characterization of High-speed Signal Transmission Performance in Eco-friendly Multilayer PCBs with Different Via Stub Lengths,” Proceeding of the 18th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2023), Taipei, pp. 437–440, Oct. 25–27, 2023. 榮獲2023 PCB Student Best Paper Award (Gold Prize-1st Place及獎金十萬)
    2. Y. M. Lin, P. Y. Yeh, C. Y. Lee, K. H. Lin, C. C. Wang, and C. E. Ho*, “Improving Uniformity of Electroplated Cu for TGV Metallization,” Proceeding of the 18th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2023), Taipei, pp. 304–307, Oct. 25–27, 2023. 榮獲2023 PCB Student Best Paper Award (Sliver Prize-2nd Place及獎金八萬)
    3. Z. Y. Yang, S. C. Chang, C. T. Chen, W. Z. Hsieh, C. Y. Lee, H. C. Liu, K. H. Lan, P. C. Lin, and C. E. Ho*, “Electromigration Reliability of Micro Joints with Different Surface Finishes,” Proceeding of the 18th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2023), Taipei, pp. 550–553, Oct. 25–27, 2023.
    4. Y. C. Chiang, P. C. Hsu, C. J. Yu, C. H. Chou, and C. E. Ho*, “Millimeter Wave Antenna Performance: Surface Finish Effect,” 2022中國材料年會論文集, Abstract number: 0613, Nov. 18–19, 2022.
    5. C. Y. Lee, Y. C. Chiang, C. T. Chen, and C. E. Ho*, “Electromigration-induced Abnormal Phase Transformation and Massive IMC Propagation in Micro Joints,” 2022中國材料年會論文集, Abstract number: 0601, Nov. 18–19, 2022.
    6. Y. C. Chiang, P. C. Hsu, C. J. Yu, C. H. Chou, and C. E. Ho*, “Effect of Surface Finish on the Antenna Performance at 76–81 GHz,” Proceeding of the 17th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2022), Taipei, pp. 210–213, Oct. 26–28, 2022.  榮獲:2022 PCB Student Best Paper Award (Gold Prize-1st Place及獎金十萬)
    7. C. Y. Lee, S. C. Chang, C. T. Chen, H. C. Liu, K. H. Lan, P C. Lin, and C. E. Ho*, “Electromigration Reliability of Micro Joints with Au/Pd(P)/Ni(P)/Cu Pads,” Proceeding of the 17th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2022), Taipei, pp. 144–147, Oct. 26–28, 2022.
    8. Y. M. Lin, H. C. Liu, C. Y. Lee, C. S. Hsieh, K. H. Lan, P. C. Lin, and C. E. Ho*, “Crystal Coherency between Electroplated Cu Fillings and Substrate in A Stacked-via Structure,” Proceeding of the 16th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2021), Taipei, pp. 247–250, Dec. 21–23, 2021. 本論文同時榮獲:1. 2021 PCB Student Best Paper Award (Gold Prize-1st Place及獎金十萬); 2. 2021 IMPACT-Best Student Paper Award (PCB Field)
    9. C. Y. Lee, S. Kao, J. C. Yu, Y. K. Hsiung, H. W. Tseng, C. C. Huang, and C. E. Ho*, “Microstructure Modification of Copper Interconnects and Their Transmission Losses at 1–40 GHz,” Proceeding of the 16th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2021), Taipei, pp. 231–234, Dec. 21–23, 2021. 榮獲2021 PCB Student Best Paper Award (Bronze Prize-3rd Place及獎金二萬)
    10. S. C. Chang, C. J. Yu, Y. C. Chiang, C. H. Chou, and C. E. Ho*, “Significantly Improving the High-frequency Transmission Characteristics through Morphological Modification of Cu Interconnects,” Proceeding of the 16th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2021), Taipei, pp. 193–196, Dec. 21–23, 2021. 榮獲2021 IMPACT-Best Student Paper Award (PCB Field)
    11. C. J. Yu, H. W. Tseng, S. Kao, C. Y. Lee, C. C. Huang, and C. E. Ho*, “3D Electromagnetic Simulation and VNA Measurements of Signal Transmission Loss of Cu Interconnects at 1–100 GHz: Surface Finish Effect,” Proceeding of the 16th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2021), Taipei, Paper Code: TW0010.
    12. P. T. Lee, C. H. Chang, C. Y. Lee, Y. L. Chen, and C. E. Ho*, “COMSOL-Multiphysics Simulation of Current Density and Electrolyte Distributions in Cu Pillar Fabrication,” 2021中國材料年會論文集, Abstract number: 0016, Nov. 13–17, 2021.
    13. S. C. Chang, C. J. Yu, Y. C. Chiang, C. H. Chou, C. C. Huang, and C. E. Ho*, “Effect of Etch Factor on the Signal Transmission Performance of Cu Interconnects,” 2021中國材料年會論文集, Abstract number: 0015, Nov. 13–17, 2021.
    14. C. Y. Lee, J. C. Yu, Y. K. Hsiung, H. W. Tseng, C. C. Huang, and C. E. Ho*, “Improvement of High-frequency Transmission Performance through Copper Microstructure Modification,” 2021中國材料年會論文集, Abstract number: 0011, Nov. 13–17, 2021.
    15. C. J. Yu, H. W. Tseng, C. Y. Lee, P. C. Hsu, C. C. Huang, and C. E. Ho*, “Electromagnetic Simulation and VNA Measurements of Surface Finish Effect on the Cu Interconnect Transmission Characteristics at 1–100 GHz,” 2021中國材料年會論文集, Abstract number: 0009, Nov. 13–17, 2021. (MOST110-2221-E-155-015-MY2, MOST110-2622-E-155-008, and 110CE-2-03-Southern Taiwan Science Park Bureau)
    16. P. T. Lee, W. Z. Hsieh, C. Y. Lee, C. R. Kao*, and C. E. Ho**, “White X-ray Nanodiffraction Study of Allotropic Phase Transformation of Hexagonal- Monoclinic-Cu6Sn5,International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP), Japan (online conference; article number: OD2-4), pp.113-114, May 12-14, 2021.
    17. C. H. Li, C. Y. Lee, S. P. Yang, C. C. Chen, T. T. Kuo, and C. E. Ho*, “Morphological Transition of Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn Induced by Surface Finish and Its Mechanical Reliability of Solder Joints,” 2020中國材料年會論文集, Article number: P050027, Nov. 7–8, 2020. 
    18. C. Y. Lee, C. P. Pan, Y. M. Lin, Y. C. Chiang, and C. E. Ho*, “Microstructure Modification of Copper Interconnects and Its Elongation at Break,” 2020中國材料年會論文集, Article number: P050028, Nov. 7–8, 2020.
    19. 張智皓, 李承宇, 蔣瑛芷, 胡毓隆, 何政恩*, “脈衝-反脈衝之高速電鍍銅於內埋技術的開發與應用,” 2020中國材料年會論文集, Article number: P050031, Nov. 7–8, 2020. 榮獲2020中國材料年會-電子(介電、積體、封裝)材料組論文「優等」(電子(介電、積體、封裝)材料組全部論文共52篇,僅5篇優等)
    20. C. Y. Lee, W. Z. Hsieh, P. T. Lee, C. H. Li, S. P. Yang, and C. E. Ho*, “Thermal Stability and Electrochemical Corrosion of ENEPIG Surface Finish Deposited on the Cu Traces,” 2020中國材料年會論文集, Article number: P050032, Nov. 7–8, 2020.
    21. C. Y. Lee, C. P. Pan, P. T. Lee, Y. C. Chiang, H. C. Liu, P. C. Lin, and C. E. Ho*, “Microstructure Modification of Fine Copper Lines and Mechanical Reliability,” Proceeding of the 15th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2020), Taipei, pp. 233–236, Oct. 21–23, 2020.
    22. W. L. Chou, H. W. Tseng, C. J. Yu, C. Y. Lee, H. R. Fuh, T. T. Kuo, C. C. Huang, and C. E. Ho*, “Electromagnetic Properties of Ni(P) and Its Signal Transmission Performance in 5G Communication Applications,” Proceeding of the 15th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2020), Taipei, pp. 111–114, Oct. 21–23, 2020.
    23. C. H. Li, S. P. Yang, C. Y. Lee, C. C. Chen, T. T. Kuo, and C. E. Ho*, “Effects of Surface Finish on the Intermetallic Compound Formation and Mechanical Reliability of Microelectronic Solder Joints,” Proceeding of the 15th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2020), Taipei, pp. 225–228, Oct. 21–23, 2020.
    24. W. L. Chou, C. Y. Lee, P. T. Lee, W. Z. Hsieh, C. S. Ku, X. Y. Li, S. C. Tseng, M. T. Tang, and C. E. Ho*, “Nano-XRF and X-ray Nanodiffraction Studies on the Working Mechanism of Flexible Ni(P) Thin Films,” 2019中國材料年會論文集, Article number: P050006, Nov. 15–16, 2019. 榮獲2019中國材料年會-研究生英文報告競賽「佳作」
    25. P. C. Lin, C. Y. Lee, C. H. Cheng, H. C. Liu, and C. E. Ho*, “Microstructure Modification of Electroplating Cu and Improvement of Its Etching Characteristics in MEC Roughening Treatment,” 2019中國材料年會論文集, Article number: P050010, Nov. 15–16, 2019.
    26. W. L. Chou, J. C. Yu, C. Y. Lee, Y. S Wu, C. C Huang, and C. E. Ho*, “Effect of Cu Interconnect Roughness on the Signal Transmission Performance at 1–110 GHz,” 2019中國材料年會論文集, Article number: P050024, Nov. 15–16, 2019.
    27. Y. H. Huang, W. Z. Hsieh, C. Y. Lee, C. H. Yang, S. J. Chiu, C. S. Ku, and C. E. Ho*, “White X-ray Laue Diffraction Characterization of Microstructure Transition and Stress Relaxation of Electroplating Cu upon Self-annealing,” 2019中國材料年會論文集, Article number: P050030, Nov. 15–16, 2019.
    28. Y. S. Wu, C. J. Yu, W. L. Chou, C. Y. Lee, C. S. Chen, C. C. Huang, and C. E. Ho*, “Effect of Surface Finish on Signal Loss of Cu Interconnects in 5G High-frequency Transmission,” Proceeding of the 14th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2019), Taipei, pp. 340–343, Oct. 23–25, 2019. 榮獲2019 PCB Student Best Paper Award (Gold Prize-1st Place及獎金十萬)
    29. W. L. Chou, Y. S. Wu, C. Y. Lee, C. S. Chen, C. C. Huang, and C. E. Ho*, “Roughness Effect of Cu Interconnects on Signal Transmission Performance in 5G Communication Applications,” Proceeding of the 14th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2019), Taipei, pp. 344–347, Oct. 23–25, 2019. 本論文同時榮獲1. 2019 PCB Student Best Paper Award (Sliver Prize-2nd Place及獎金八萬); 2. 2019 IMPACT-Best Student Paper Award (PCB Field)
    30. C. Y. Lee, P. C. Lin, C. H. Yang, H. C. Liu, K. H. Lan, and C. E. Ho*, “Microstructure Modification of Electroplating Cu and Improvement of Its Etching Characteristics in the Roughening Process,” Proceeding of the 14th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2019), Taipei, pp. 305–308, Oct. 23–25, 2019. 本論文同時榮獲1. 2019 PCB Student Best Paper Award (Merit Prize-Top Five及獎金二萬); 2. 2019 IMPACT-Best Student Paper Award (PCB Field)
    31. W. Z. Hsieh, P. T Lee, W. L. Chou, C. S. Ku, and C. E. Ho*, “Synchrotron X-ray Nanodiffraction Study of Tin Whisker Growth,” 2018中國材料年會論文集, Article number: P050008, Nov. 16–17, 2018.
    32. P. T Lee, W. Z. Hsieh, C. Y. Lee, C. S. Ku, C. R. Kao, and C. E. Ho*, “Characterization of Allotropic Phase Transformation of Hexagonal- Monoclinic-Cu6Sn5 Using Synchrotron White X-ray Laue Diffraction,” 2018中國材料年會論文集, Article number: P050010, Nov. 16–17, 2018.
    33. W. L. Chou, W. Z. Hsieh, C. Y. Lee, C. S. Peng, T. T. Kuo, and C. E. Ho*, “Flexible Ni(P) Microstructure and Its Working Mechanism,” 2018中國材料年會論文集, Article number: P050043, Nov. 16–17, 2018.
    34. S. P. Yang, C. H. Yang, B. C. Huang, C. Y. Lee, H. C. Liu, and C. E. Ho*, “In-situ Study of Cu Microstructure Transition and Substrate Warpage,” 2018中國材料年會論文集, Article number: P050044, Nov. 16–17, 2018. 榮獲2018中國材料年會-電子(介電、積體、封裝)材料組論文「特優」(電子(介電、積體、封裝)材料組全部論文共54篇,僅2篇特優)
    35. B. C. Huang, C. H. Yang, Y. K. Wu, Y. L. Hu, C. C. Hsu, and C. E. Ho*, “Pulse-reverse Electroplating Cu in the PTH Structure and TCT Testing,” Proceeding of the 13th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2018), Taipei, pp. 386–389, Oct. 23–26, 2018. 榮獲2018 PCB Student Best Paper Award (Gold Prize-1st Place及獎金十萬)
    36. W. L. Chou, W. Z. Hsieh, C. Y. Lee, C. S. Peng, T. T. Kuo, and C. E. Ho*, “Toward A Better Understanding of Working Mechanism of Flexible Ni(P),” Proceeding of the 13th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2018), Taipei, pp. 462–465, Oct. 23–26, 2018. 本論文同時榮獲2018 PCB Student Best Paper Award (Sliver Prize-2nd Place及獎金八萬); 2. 2018 IMPACT-Best Student Paper Award (PCB Field)
    37. S. P. Yang, C. H. Yang, B. C. Huang, C. Y. Lee, H. C. Liu, and C. E. Ho*, “Dependence of Substrate Warpage on the Cu Microstructure Transition,” Proceeding of the 13th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2018), Taipei, pp. 242–245, Oct. 23–26, 2018. 榮獲2018 IMPACT-Best Paper Award (PCB Field)-專業組
    38. Y. H. Huang, Y. X. Wang, P. T. Lee, S. P. Yang, T. T. Kuo, and C. E. Ho*, “Significant Improvement of Electrochemical Corrosion and Thermal Stability of EPIG (Au/Pd) Surface Finish by Depositing A Au Nanolayer,” Proceeding of the 12th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2017), Taipei, pp. 488–491, Oct. 25–27, 2017. 本論文同時榮獲1. 2017 PCB Student Best Paper Award (Merit Prize及獎金兩萬); 2. 2017 IMPACT-Best Student Paper Award (PCB Field)
    39. H. C. Liu, C. H. Yang, B. C. Huang, K. H. Lan, and C. E. Ho*, “Effect of Paddling Speed on the High-speed Cu Electrodeposition,” Proceeding of the 12th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2017), Taipei, pp. 417–420, Oct. 25–27, 2017.
    40. C. H. Yang, S. C. Yang, B. C. Huang, W. L. Chou, W. Y. Shih, and C. E. Ho*,“Crystallographic-orientation-dependent Mechanical Properties of Copper,” Proceeding of the 12th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2017), Taipei, pp. 589–592, Oct. 25–27, 2017.
    41. Y. S. Wu, P. T. Lee, W. Y. Shih, S. W. Lin, and C. E. Ho*, “Strong Effect of Plating Current Density on the Cu Pillar Microstructure and Its Adhesion with An ABF Substrate,” Proceeding of the 14th Electronic Circuits World Convention (ECWC14), Seoul, Korea, Paper Code: PKO-1, Apr. 25–27, 2017. 榮獲14th ECWC Best Paper Award (Electronic Packaging Field)
    42. P. T. Lee, Y. S. Wu, Y. H. Weng, S. W. Lin, and C. E. Ho*, “Solderability between Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu Alloy and Cu Pillars Deposited via Different Plating Current Densities,” Proceeding of the 14th Electronic Circuits World Convention (ECWC14), Seoul, Korea, Paper Code: STO-1, Apr. 25–27, 2017.
    43. 吳映璇, 陳昶志, 李育維, 何政恩*, “In-situ Characterization on the Self-annealing Behavior of Electroplated Cu,” 2016中國材料年會論文集, Article number: 528, Nov. 19–20, 2016.
    44. 謝宛蓁, 李珮慈, 郭蔡同, 何政恩*, “Interdiffusion of Au/Pd/Cu and Au/Pd(P)/Cu Couples at 180 °C,” 2016中國材料年會論文集, Article number: 543, Nov. 19–20, 2016.
    45. 李珮慈, 陳昶志, 吳映璇, 林品仲, 何政恩*, “Effects of Plating Current Density on the Cu Microstructure and Solderability,” 2016中國材料年會論文集, Article number: 548, Nov. 19–20, 2016.
    46. 楊政憲, 吳映璇, 陳昶志, 何政恩*, “Self-annealing of Electroplated Cu: Bottom-up Growth Behavior,” 2016中國材料年會論文集, Article number: 643, Nov. 19–20, 2016.
    47. P. T. Lee, C. C. Chen, Y. S. Wu, P. C. Lin, and C. E. Ho*, “High-Current-Density Electroplating Cu and Its Solderability,” Proceeding of the 11th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT-IAAC 2016), Taipei, pp. 318–321, Oct. 26–28, 2016. 榮獲2016 PCB Student Best Paper Award (Quality Award及獎金兩萬)
    48. Y. S. Wu, C. C. Chen, P. T. Lee, H. C. Liu, and C. E. Ho*, “Microstructure and Its Reliability of High-speed Cu Electrodeposition,” Proceeding of the 11th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT-IAAC 2016), Taipei, pp. 220–223, Oct. 26–28, 2016. 本論文同時榮獲1. 2016 PCB Student Best Paper Award (Gold Prize-1st place及獎金六萬); 2. 2016 IMPACT-Best Student Paper Award (PCB Field)
    49. C. E. Ho*, W. Z. Hsieh, P. T. Lee, and T. T. Kuo, “Reliability Testing of Au/Pd/Cu and Au/Pd(P)/Cu Surface Finishes at High Temperature Storage,” Proceeding of the 11th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT-IAAC 2016), Taipei, pp. 367–370, Oct. 26–28, 2016.
    50. 楊政憲, 陳智琮, 陳柏宗, 何政恩*, “電遷移引發覆晶銲點內之金屬銲墊異常消耗現象,” 2015中國材料年會論文集, Article number: 429, Nov. 20–21, 2015. 榮獲2015中國材料年會-電子介電封裝材料組論文「佳作」(電子、介電、封裝材料組全部論文共106篇,僅3篇優等,6篇佳作)
    51. 何政恩*, 楊政憲, 陳志南, 李育維, “在超薄型銲點尺度下之Cu6Sn5的異常生長行為,” 2015中國材料年會論文集, Article number: 430, Nov. 20–21, 2015. 榮獲2015中國材料年會-電子介電封裝材料組論文「優等」(電子、介電、封裝材料組全部論文共106篇,僅3篇優等,6篇佳作)
    52. 呂名凱, 李珮慈, 謝宛蓁, 何政恩*, “銅濃度效應對Sn-3Ag-xCu/Ni銲點之機械可靠度的影響,” 2015中國材料年會論文集, Article number: 518, Nov. 20–21, 2015.
    53. 李珮慈, 謝宛蓁, 呂名凱, 何政恩*, “不同磷含量之鈀薄膜對銲接可靠度的影響,” 2015中國材料年會論文集, Article number: 521, Nov. 20–21, 2015. 榮獲2015中國材料年會-電子介電封裝材料組論文「優等」(電子、介電、封裝材料組全部論文共106篇,僅3篇優等,6篇佳作)
    54. C. H. Yang, C. T. Chen, Y. W. Lee, and C. E. Ho*, “3D X-ray Computed Microtomograpic (μ-CT) Study of Electromigration in Micro Joints,” Proceeding of the 10th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2015), Taipei, pp. 567–570, Oct. 21–23, 2015.
    55. W. Z. Hsieh, P. T. Lee, and C. E. Ho*, “Electromigration in Tin Blech Structure,” Proceeding of the 10th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2015), Taipei, pp. 458–461, Oct. 21–23, 2015. 本論文同時榮獲:1. 2015 PCB Student Paper Award (Merit Prize及獎金兩萬); 2. 2015 IMPACT-Best Student Paper Award (PCB Field)
    56. W. Z. Hsieh, T. H. Yang, W. H. Wu, Y. W. Lee, and C. E. Ho*, “Correlation between Ni(P) Depletion and IMCs Formation in Microelectronic Solder Joints with A Submicron Ni(P) Surface Finish,” Proceeding of the 9th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference and the 16th International Conference on Electronics Materials and Packaging (IMPACT-EMAP 2014), Taipei, pp. 233–236, Oct. 22–24, 2014.
    57. C. E. Ho*, C. H. Yang, W. Z. Hsieh, and B. Z. Chen, “Unusual Cu Depletion in Line-bump Solder Joints under Current Stressing,” Proceeding of the 9th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference and the 16th International Conference on Electronics Materials and Packaging (IMPACT-EMAP 2014), Taipei, p. 372, Oct. 22–24, 2014. 榮獲2014 Outstanding PCB Thesis Award (Merit Prize及獎金兩萬)
    58. C. C. Chen, L. H. Hsu, M. K. Lu, and C. E. Ho*, “Microstructural and Crystallographic Evolutions of Electroplating Cu in Blind Hole Structure,” Proceeding of the 9th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference and the 16th International Conference on Electronics Materials and Packaging (IMPACT-EMAP 2014), Taipei, pp. 373–376, Oct. 22–24, 2014. 榮獲2014 Outstanding PCB Thesis Award (Merit prize及獎金兩萬)
    59. S. J. Wang, C. W. Fan, T. T. Kuo, and C. E. Ho*, “Reliability Evaluation on ENEPIG, Ultrathin Ni(P), and EPIG Surface Finishes in Soldering Applications,” Proceeding of the 8th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2013), Taipei, pp. 236–239, Oct. 22–25, 2013. 榮獲2013 IMPACT Best Student Paper Award (Merit Prize-Top Five on PCB field及獎金兩萬)
    60. C. W. Fan, C. C. Chen, M. K. Lyu, L. H. Hsu, and C. E. Ho*, “Investigation of Through Hole Filling by Electrolytic Cu Deposition Using Electron Backscatter Diffraction,” Proceeding of the 8th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2013), Taipei, pp. 466–469, Oct. 22–25, 2013.
    61. C. E. Ho*, L. H. Hsu, T. H. Yang, and C. N. Chen, “Unusual IMC Growth in 3D-IC Solder Joints,” Proceeding of the 8th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2013), Taipei, pp. 364–367, Oct. 22–25, 2013. 榮獲2013 IMPACT Outstanding Paper Award (Gold Prize-1st Place on PCB field及獎金十萬)
    62. 王年康, 王詩茹, 許令煌, 何政恩*, “利用EBSD及TEM分析Cu-Sn介金屬於晶片接點之微結構及相轉變,” 2013中國材料年會論文集, Article number: 321, Oct. 18–19, 2013. 榮獲2013中國材料年會-電子材料組論文「優等」(電子材料組全部論文共76篇,僅3篇優等。本論文在優等著作中排名第一)
    63. 楊宗勳, 楊政憲, 陳志南, 何政恩*, “3D IC銲點尺度下之電遷移行為探討,” 2013中國材料年會論文集, Article number: 322, Oct. 18–19, 2013.榮獲2013中國材料年會-電子材料組論文「佳作」(電子材料組全部論文共76篇,僅3篇優等,5篇佳作)
    64. 呂名凱, 劉晏初, 陳昶志, 陳宏杰, 何政恩*, “電子背向散射繞射(EBSD)分析通孔(PTH)填充之電鍍銅生長行為,” 2013中國材料年會論文集, Article number: 422, Oct. 18–19, 2013.
    65. 王詩茹, 李筱舲, 林彥辰, 何政恩*, “純Pd與Pd(P)薄膜用於微電子接點之銲接可靠度評估,” 2013中國材料年會論文集, Article number: 656, Oct. 18–19, 2013.
    66. 范家瑋, 王詩茹, 巫維翔, 何政恩*, “以高解析穿透式電子顯微鏡研究次微米Ni(P)薄膜之各階段銲接反應機構,” 2012中國材料年會論文集, pp. 1205–1208, Nov. 23–24, 2012.
    67. 郭蔡同, 吳昱輝, 馬鳳梅, 巫維翔, 何政恩*, “直接鈀金鍍層用於銅銲墊之無鉛銲接之研究,” 2012中國材料年會論文集, pp. 1221–1224, Nov. 23–24, 2012.
    68. 花馨慧, 巫維翔, 何政恩*, “鎳/鈀/金薄膜墊層用於不同尺寸銲點之可靠度評估,” 2012中國材料年會論文集, pp. 1225–1228, Nov. 23–24, 2012.
    69. 郭蔡同, 楊政憲, 葉庭均, 何政恩*, “利用添加Pd以減緩Cu3Sn及Kirkendall Voids生長的方法,” 2012中國材料年會論文集, pp. 1229–1232, Nov. 23–24, 2012. 榮獲2012中國材料年會-電子材料組論文佳作(電子材料組全部論文共94篇,僅3篇優等,5篇佳作)
    70. C. W. Liao, C. H. Kuo, K. S. Lin, Y. C. Lin, and C. E. Ho*, “Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Lead-free Solder Joints in Pin Through Hole Components,” 2012年海峽兩岸破壞科/材料試驗學術會議論文集, 西安(長安大學), Article number: 050, Oct. 19–21, 2012. (Indexed in Thomson ISTP) (與元智大學-林錕松老師合著)
    71. C. H. Kuo, K. S. Lin, L. H. Hsu, and C. E. Ho*, “Microstructural and Mechanical Analyses on the Rework Lead-Free Pin Through Hole (PTH) Components,” Proceeding of the 7th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2012), Taipei, pp. 194–197, Oct. 24–26, 2012. (與元智大學-林錕松老師合著)
    72. M. A. Rahman, Y. C. Lin, C. C. Wang, and C. E. Ho*, “On the Reaction Mechanism between Sn-Ag-Cu Alloy and Amorphous Pd(P) Thin Film in Microelectronic Packaging,” Proceeding of the 7th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2012), Taipei, pp. 546–549, Oct. 24–26, 2012. 榮獲2012 IMPACT Best Student Paper Award
    73. C. W. Fan, H. K. Wang, and C. E. Ho*, “Investigation of A Submicron Ni(P) Thin Film in the Soldering Application by FE-TEM,” Proceeding of the 7th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2012), Taipei, pp. 614–617, Oct. 24–26, 2012.
    74. Y. C. Lin, W. H. Wu, C. W. Fan, and C. E. Ho*, “Effect of Isothermal Aging on the Microstructural Evolution in Microbumps with An Au/Pd(P)/Ni(P) Surface Finish,” Proceeding of the 12th Electronic Circuits World Convention (ECWC12), Taipei, pp. 268–271, Nov. 9–11, 2011. 榮獲Outstanding PCB Thesis Award (Gold Prize-1st Place及獎金六萬)
    75. C. N. Chen, B. Z. Chen, L. H. Hsu, and C. E. Ho*, “Pronounced Effect of Ag Content on the Pad Consumption in Lead-free Sn-Ag-Cu Solder Joints under Electron Current Stressing,” Proceeding of the 12th Electronic Circuits World Convention (ECWC12), Taipei, pp. 277–280, Nov. 9–11, 2011. 榮獲Outstanding PCB Thesis Award (Merit Prize及獎金兩萬)
    76. W. H. Wu, S. W. Lin, Y. C. Lin, and C. E. Ho*, “Solder Volume Effect on the Microstructure of Solder Joints Using Au/Pd(P)/Ni(P) Surface Finish,” Proceeding of IUMRS-ICA 2011 (12th International Conference in Asia), Taipei, Taiwan, Article number: 289, Sep. 19–22, 2011.
    77. C. S. Liu, C. M. Li, and C. E. Ho*, “Theoretical and Experimental Determination of the Cu Diffusivity in the Molten Eutectic Sn-Ag System,” Proceeding of IUMRS-ICA 2011 (12th International Conference in Asia), Taipei, Taiwan, Article number: 569, Sep. 19–22, 2011.
    78. C. N. Chen, B. Z. Chen, W. H. Wu, and C. E. Ho*, “Correlation between Ag Content and Cu Pad Consumption in Lead-free Solder Joints under Electron Current Stressing,” Proceeding of 2011 International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging (ICEPT-HDP) (IEEE Catalog Number: CFP11553-USB; ISBN: 9781457717680), pp. 846–850, Shanghai, Aug. 8–11, 2011. 榮獲2011 ICEPT-HDP (IEEE symposium) Outstanding Paper Award (Section: Quality & Reliability; 2/66)
    79. S. W. Lin and C. E. Ho*, “Soldering Reaction between Ni and Sn-Pd Alloys with Various Pd Concentrations,” Proceeding of the 2010 International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia (IEDMS), Jhongli, Taiwan, Paper ID: 242 (P-B-29), Nov. 18–19, 2010.
    80. 陳柏宗, 林彥辰, 鐘涵琳, 何政恩*, “錫在Cu6Sn5介金屬相之電遷移行為之研究,” 2010中國材料年會論文集, P03-0796, 2010. 榮獲2010中國材料年會-電子材料組論文佳作(電子材料組全部論文共88篇,僅2篇優等,4篇佳作)
    81. 陳志南, 黃淑惠, 何政恩*, “在先進覆晶銲點尺度下觀察b-Sn於電流應力中的微結構變化,” 2010中國材料年會論文集, P03-0910, 2010.
    82. C. S. Liu and C. E. Ho*, “Role of Ni and Cu Metallization Dissolution in Various Ni/Solder/Cu Jointing Sequences,” Proceeding of the 5th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2010), Taipei, Paper ID: TW143-1, Oct. 20–22, 2010.  (Collected in IEEE Xplore) 榮獲Outstanding PCB Thesis Award (Merit Prize及獎金兩萬)
    83. W. H. Wu, H. L. Chung, Nico Lee, Robert Peng, and C. E. Ho*, “A Study on the Soldering Reaction between Sn3Ag0.5Cu and Electrolytic-Ni Coated with A Au/Pd(P) Bilayer Surface Finish,” Proceeding of the 5th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2010), Taipei, Paper ID: TW079-1, Oct. 20–22, 2010.  (Collected in IEEE Xplore) 榮獲Outstanding PCB Thesis Award (Gold Prize-1st Place及獎金六萬) (與台灣上村合著)
    84. D. Chen, C. E. Ho, and J. C. Kuo*, “EBSD Characterization of Sandwich Layers Formed in Cu/Sn/Cu Joint,” Proceeding of Thin Films 2010 and COMPO 2010, pp. 205–208, Harbin, China, Jul. 11–14, 2010. 榮獲Top 10 Prize in the Poster Competition in Proceeding of Thin Films 2010 and COMPO 2010 (與成功大學-郭瑞昭老師合著)
    85. W. H. Wu and C. E. Ho*, “Evaluating the Efficiency of Current Reverse Method Applied to Solder Joints,” Proceeding of IMPACT Conference 2009, pp. 598–601, Taipei, Oct. 23, 2009. 榮獲2009 Outstanding PCB Thesis Award (Merit Prize-2nd place)
    86. S. P. Peng, Dennis Lin, and C. E. Ho*, “Comparative Study of Au/Pd/Ni(P) Surface Finish in Eutectic PbSn and Sn3Ag0.5Cu Soldering Systems,” Proceeding of IMPACT Conference 2009, pp. 505–508, Taipei, Oct. 23, 2009. (與景碩科技合著)
    87. 王至強, 黃亞敏, 何政恩*, “Solder Volume Effect on the Growth of (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 before Its Massive Spalling,” 2009中國材料年會論文集, P03-0358, 2009.
    88. 林呈軒, 巫維翔, 何政恩*, “在Au/Pd/Ni(P)金屬銲墊中Pd厚度的改變對銲接反應及其強度之影響,” 2009中國材料年會論文集, P03-0359, 2009.
    89. 鐘涵琳, 陳志南, 何政恩*, “在Cu/Sn/Ni擴散偶中阻止Cu擴散至Ni端之臨界電流密度的探討,” 2009中國材料年會論文集, P03-0797, 2009.
    90. 巫維翔, 鐘涵琳, 何政恩*, “電遷移對Cu/Sn/Ni擴散偶之界面反應之影響,” 2008中國材料年會論文集, P03-069, 2008. 榮獲2008中國材料年會-電子材料組論文「優等」(電子材料組全部論文共158篇,僅3篇優等,6篇佳作)
    91. W. H. Wu and C. E. Ho*, “Method for Inhibiting Electromigration-Induced Mass Transport in Eutectic PbSn Solder Joints,” Proceeding of the 2008 International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia (IEDMS), Taichung, Taiwan, Paper ID: AO361, Nov. 28–29, 2008.
    92. S. C. Yang, C. E. Ho, C. W. Chang, and C. R. Kao, “Influence of Zn Content on the Interfacial Reactions between Sn-Zn Solders and Cu Metallization,” Proceedings of IMAPS Taiwan 2006 International Technical Symposium, 2006.
    93. C. W. Chang, C. E. Ho, S. C. Yang, and C. R. Kao, “Kinetics of AuSn4 Migration in Lead-Free Solders,” Proceedings of IMAPS Taiwan 2006 International Technical Symposium, 2006.
    94. C. E. Ho, W. C. Luo, S. C. Yang, and C. R. Kao, “Copper Concentration Effect and Solder Volume Effect on the Soldering Reactions between Sn-Ag-Cu Lead-Free Solders and Ni,” Proceedings of IMAPS Taiwan 2005 International Technical Symposium, 2005.
    95. C. E. Ho and C. R. Kao, “Interfacial Reaction between Solder and Surface Finishes,” Proceedings of COST Action 531 Lead-Free Solder Materials Mid-Term Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2005.
    96. C. E. Ho, Y. W. Lin, S. C. Yang, and C. R. Kao, “Volume Effect on the Soldering Reaction between SnAgCu Solders and Ni,” Proceeding of the 10th International Symposium on Advanced Packaging Materials: Processes, Properties and Interface, IEEE/CPMT, Irvine, California, March 16–18, pp. 39–44, 2005.
    97. 張建偉, 何政恩, 高振宏, ”探討純錫接點中AuSn4之遷移動力學,” 中國材料學會2005年會論文集, 2-1-P-038, 2005.
    98. 楊素純, 何政恩, 高振宏, ”體積效應對SnAgCu無鉛銲料與Ni銲接反應的影響,” 中國材料學會2005年會論文集, 2-1-P-021, 2005.
    99. 林育蔚, 何政恩, 高振宏, ”電遷移對Tin Whisker生長行為之影響,” 中國材料學會2005年會論文集, 2-1-P-006, 2005.
    100. C. E. Ho and C. R. Kao, “Interfacial reaction between solders and surface finishes,” Proceeding of Taiwan Printed Circuit Association (TPCA) Forum, pp. 238–246, 2004.
    101. C. E. Ho, C. Y. Liu, and C. R. Kao, “Inhibiting the formation of (Au1-xNix)Sn4 and reducing the consumption of Ni metallization in solder joints,” Proceedings of IMAPS Taiwan 2002 International Technical Symposium, 2002.
    102. L. C. Shiau, C. E. Ho, and C. R. Kao, “Reactions between SnAgCu Lead-Free Solders and Ni-Bearing Surface Finish in Advanced Electronic Packages,” Proceeding of the International Conference on Advances in Packaging (Eds. S. Wong, J. H. Pang, Z. Wang, and A. Lu) Gintic, Singapore, pp. 99–104, 2001.
    103. C. M. Liu, C. E. Ho, W. T. Chen, and C. R. Kao, “Interactions between Sn-Ag Eutectic Lead-Free Solder and Au/Ni Surface Finish in Advanced Electronics Packages,” Proceeding of IMAPS Taiwan Technology Symposium 2001, pp. 170–173, 2001.
    104. C. E. Ho and C. R. Kao, “Interaction between Solder and Metallization in Advanced Microelectronic Packages,” Proceeding of the 2000 International Electron Devices and Materials Symposia, pp. 296–299, 2000.
    105. 何政恩, 高振宏, “在先進封裝中金屬墊層與銲料之交互影響,” 中國材料學會2000年會論文集, H02, 2000.
    106. 何政恩, 蕭本俐, 高振宏, “BGA封裝中銲料與墊層反應機制之研究,” 中國材料學會1999年會論文集, H43, 1999. (NSC88-2214-E-008-009)
    107. 蕭本俐, 何政恩, 高振宏, “球矩陣封裝內鎳與鉛錫銲料介面反應之研究,” 中國材料學會1999年會論文集, H42, 1999.
    108. 何政恩, 高振宏, “BGA封裝中Wire-Bonding及Solder Ball Wetting之研究,” 中國材料學會1998年會論文集(H), pp. 73–76, 1998.
  •  中文期刊:

    1. 熊昱凱, 謝清順, 李承宇, 楊舒評, 郭蔡同, 何政恩*, “微電子接點之界面微結構改質與強化,” 鑛冶(Mining & Metallurgy), vol. 66(4), pp. 50–62, December, 2022.
    2. 林平洲, 李承宇, 楊政憲, 林鈺銘, 何政恩*, “透過微結構調整以改善電鍍銅之腐蝕特性,” 鑛冶(Mining & Metallurgy), vol. 65(2), pp. 45–54, June 2021.
    3. 楊舒評, 胡麗萍, 楊政憲, 李承翰, 何政恩*, “電鍍銅在自退火過程中的微結構變化對基板翹曲的影響,” 鑛冶(Mining & Metallurgy), vol. 64(4), pp. 71–83, December 2020.
    4. 張智皓, 李承宇, 李珮慈, 劉弘晟, 何政恩*, “高速電鍍銅及其銅柱凸塊可靠度,” 鑛冶(Mining & Metallurgy), vol. 64(3), pp. 62–73, September 2020.
    5. 李承宇, 陳昶志, 楊政憲, 李珮慈, 劉弘晟, 何政恩*, “電鍍銅針孔生成機制及其抑制方法,” 鑛冶(Mining & Metallurgy), vol. 63(1), pp. 67–80, March 2019.
    6. 汪暉凱, 陳昶志, 楊政憲, 呂名凱, 黃保欽, 何政恩*, “電鍍銅的自退火行為之縱深分析,” 鑛冶(Mining & Metallurgy), vol. 61(4), pp. 96–104, December 2017.
    7. 陳昶志, 呂名凱, 楊政憲, 吳映璇, 何政恩*, “利用原位追蹤方式探討電鍍銅的自退火行為,” 鑛冶(Mining & Metallurgy), vol. 61(1), pp. 62–74, March 2017.
    8. 張景勛, 陳昶志, 呂名凱, 何政恩*, “利用EBSD分析電流密度對盲孔中電鍍銅微結構的影響,” 鑛冶(Mining & Metallurgy), vol. 60(1), pp. 100–110, March 2016.
    9. 陳昶志, 張景勛, 許令煌, 呂名凱, 何政恩*, “利用EBSD分析盲孔填充之各階段的電鍍銅微結構,” 鑛冶(Mining & Metallurgy), vol. 58(4) pp. 45–54, December 2014.
    10. 陳昶志, 呂名凱, 謝宛蓁, 許令煌, 何政恩*, “利用EBSD分析通孔填充之各階段的電鍍銅微結構:蝴蝶沉積模式,” 鑛冶(Mining & Metallurgy), vol. 58(1), pp. 62–69, March 2014.
    11. 何政恩*, 廖成偉, 花馨慧, 陳宏杰, “利用EBSD分析通孔填充之各階段的電鍍銅微結構,” 鑛冶(Mining & Metallurgy), vol. 57(2), pp. 125–130, June 2013.

    雜誌文章Article in Magazine:

    1. 李承宇, 葉姵妤, 張瑄茹, 楊政憲, 李育維, 何政恩*, “盲孔內的電鍍銅微結構變化與特性,” 電路板季刊(TPCA Magazine), 第98期, pp. 46–53, January 2023.
    2. 俞鈞洲, 周韋伶, 吳映璇, 李承宇, 曾浩維, 黃建彰, 何政恩*, “銅導線表面處理與銅箔粗糙度對5G高頻高速傳輸的影響,” 電路板季刊(TPCA Magazine), 第88期, pp. 24–36, July 2020.
    3. 黃保欽, 楊政憲, 李承宇, 張智皓, 胡毓隆, 何政恩*, “脈衝-反脈衝對高縱深比之電鍍銅晶體微結構及其熱可靠度,” 電路板季刊(TPCA Magazine), 第86期, pp. 76–89, December 2019.
    4. 周韋伶, 謝宛蓁, 李承宇, 楊舒評, 彭鎮山, 何政恩*, “深入剖析軟鎳的工作原理及其焊接特性,” 電路板季刊(TPCA Magazine), 第82期, pp. 32–42, February 2019.
    5. 黃禹瑄, 吳映璇, 楊舒評, 曾文正, 黃保欽, 何政恩*, “由焊接角度剖析各式銅表面處理技術的可靠度─Au/Pd/Cu vs. Au/Pd/Au/Cu (直接鈀金IV),” 電路板季刊(TPCA Magazine), 第78期, pp. 70–86, January 2018.
    6. 吳映璇, 呂名凱, 黃禹瑄, 郭蔡同, 何政恩*, “由焊接角度剖析各式銅表面處理技術的可靠度¾Pd(P)薄膜之P濃度對焊接反應的影響(薄鎳型ENEPIG),” 電路板季刊(TPCA Magazine), 第76期, pp. 34–46, July 2017.
    7. 楊政憲, 呂名凱, 謝宛蓁, 施威言, 郭蔡同, 何政恩*, “由焊接角度剖析各式銅表面處理技術的可靠度¾鈀膜厚度對Sn-3.5Ag焊接及銲點老化之影響,” 電路板季刊(TPCA Magazine), 第74期, pp. 54–67, December 2016.
    8. 李珮慈, 呂名凱, 葉庭均, 吳映璇, 何政恩*, “由焊接角度剖析各式銅表面處理技術的可靠度¾銲料中之P元素濃度對焊接的影響,” 電路板季刊(TPCA Magazine), 第72期, pp. 37–45, May 2016.
    9. 葉庭均, 李珮慈, 王孝耕, 何政恩*, “由焊接角度剖析各式銅表面處理技術的可靠度¾Au/Pd/Cu vs. Au/Pd(P)/Cu (直接鈀金) (III),” 電路板季刊(TPCA Magazine), 第69期, pp. 29–39, July 2015.
    10. 葉庭均, 謝宛蓁, 郭蔡同, 洪暉程, 何政恩*, “由焊接角度剖析各式銅表面處理技術的可靠度¾Au/Pd(P)/Cu (直接鈀金) (II),” 電路板季刊(TPCA Magazine), 第67期, pp. 24–35, January 2015.
    11. 謝宛蓁, 林彥辰, 吳昱輝, 何政恩*, “由焊接角度剖析各式銅表面處理技術的可靠度¾Au/Pd/Ni(P)及Au/Pd(P)/Ni(P) (ENEPIG),” 電路板季刊(TPCA Magazine), 第64期, pp. 30–36, April 2014.
    12. 何政恩*,范家瑋, 楊政憲, 巫維翔, 郭蔡同, “由焊接角度剖析各式銅表面處理技術的可靠度¾鈀薄膜(鈀濃度)對焊接反應的影響,” 電路板季刊(TPCA Magazine), 第62期, pp. 20–29, October 2013.
    13. 何政恩*, 范家瑋, 巫維翔, 王詩茹, “由焊接角度剖析各式銅表面處理技術的可靠度¾Au/Ni(P)及Au/Pd(P)/Ni(P) (薄鎳型),” 電路板季刊(TPCA Magazine), 第59期, pp. 40–48, February 2013.
    14. 楊政憲, 謝峻誠, 何政恩*, “Inhibiting the Growth of Cu3Sn and Kirkendall Voids in the Cu/Sn-Ag-Cu System by Minor Pd Alloying,” Journal of Engineering, Yuan Ze University, vol. 4, pp. 71–78, 2012.
    15. 巫維翔, 郭蔡同, 王孝耕, 何政恩*, “由焊接角度剖析各式銅表面處理技術的可靠度¾Au/Pd(P)/Cu (直接鈀金) (I),” 電路板季刊(TPCA Magazine), 第57期, pp. 33–41, July 2012.
    16. 何政恩*, 林呈軒, 巫維翔, “由銲接角度看Ni/Au表面處理轉換成Ni/Pd/Au可能遭遇的挑戰,” SMT Solution-Solution Tool, pp. 17–24, October 2009.
    17. 林呈軒, 巫維翔, 莊育傑, 林定皓, 何政恩*, “微電子Au/Pd/Ni薄膜用於晶片載板之可靠度評估:SAC305銲料與Au/Pd/Ni銲墊之界面性質之研究,” 景碩科技股份有限公司研究報告(2009.07.17).
    18. 羅偉誠, 蕭麗娟, 何政恩, 高振宏, “先進微電子封裝中錫銀銅銲料與金/鎳表面處理層之界面反應,” Journal of Chinese Colloid & Interface Society, 26(2), pp. 99–107, February 2004.
    19. 羅偉誠, 胡應強, 何政恩, 高振宏, “錫銀銅銲料與鎳層反應時銅濃度效應之探討,” Welding and Cutting, 13(2), pp. 32–42, February 2003.
    20. C. E. Ho and A. Chen, ”Failure Analysis of SWC-IB7428-S03 Chipset-Poor Solderability Induced by Un-development of Solder Mask,” Quanta Co. technical report, 2004.
    21. C. E. Ho and A. Chen, “Failure Analysis of ServerWork Chipset,” Quanta Co. technical report, 2004.
    22. 何政恩, 高振宏, “SEM/EDS的原理與操作應用之簡介半導體工業構裝材料,” 化工技術, 119(5), pp.102–112, May 2003.
    23. 何政恩, 高振宏, “抑制易脆之Au介金屬於微電子封裝銲點中生成之方法,” 知識創新, 24(5), pp. 1–2, May 2002.
    24. 何政恩, 蕭麗娟, 高振宏, “先進封裝技術中金脆效應對銲點影響之探討,” 電子與材料, 13(2), pp. 73–78, February 2002.
    25. 何政恩, 蕭本俐, 高振宏, “熱力學與相圖之關係,” 46(3), pp. 76–86, March 1999.
    26. 高振宏, 魯靖, 王仙壽, 何政恩, “球矩陣式封裝基板之金線之楔形銲點之研究,” 耀文電子工業股份有限公司研究報告, 1998.


    1. 何政恩, “電子構裝與銅表面處理技術(Electronic Packages and Surface Finish Technology of Copper),” 台灣電路板協會(TPCA)技術專書, 桃園, June, 2018. (ISBN: 978-986-93829-4-6)
    2. C. E. Ho, C. R. Kao, and K. N. Tu, “Interfacial Reactions and Electromigration in Flip Chip Solder Joints,” in Advanced Flip Chip Packaging (Ed. H. M. Tong, Y. S. Lai, and C. P. Wong), Springer, New York, NY, pp. 503–560, March 2013. (ISBN 978-1-4419-5767-2)
    3. C. E. Ho, S. C. Yang, and C. R. Kao, “Interfacial Reaction Issues for Lead-Free Electronic Solders,” in Lead-Free Electronic Solders (Ed. K. N. Subramanian), Springer, New York, NY, 18(1–3), pp. 155–174, March 2007. (NSC94-2216-E-008-001 and NSC94-2214-E-008-005)
    4. S. C. Yang, C. E. Ho, C. W. Chang, and C. R Kao, “Massive Spalling of Intermetallic Compound in Lead-Free Solder Joints,” in Advanced Electronic Packaging (edited by Vasudeva P. Atluri, Sujit Sharan, Ching-Ping Wong, and Darrel Frear), John Wiley & Sons Inc, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Warrendale, PA, 968(10), pp. 71–79, October 2007. (NSC95-2221-E-002-441)
    5. S. C. Yang, C. E. Ho, C. W. Chang, and C. R Kao, “Effect of Zn Addition on the Interfacial Reactions between Cu and Lead-Free Solders,” in Advanced Electronic Packaging, (edited by Vasudeva P. Atluri, Sujit Sharan, Ching-Ping Wong, and Darrel Frear), John Wiley & Sons Inc, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Warrendale, PA, 968(10), pp. 1119–1129, October 2007.


    1. 何政恩, 張舜誠, 俞鈞洲, 李承宇, 黃建彰, "在訊號傳導時降低介入損耗的導線結構及其方法", 中華民國, 110111538, 2021/03.
    2. 何政恩, 李承宇, 林平洲, 潘至彬, 張智皓, "金屬導線結構改質方法", 中華民國, 109136612, 2021/10.
    3. Cheng-En Ho, Cheng-Yu Lee, Ping-Chou Lin, Chih-Pin Pan, Chih-Hao Chang, "Method for Microstructure Modification of Conducting Lines", 美國, 17/197,965, 2021/03.
    4. 何政恩, 黃保欽, 楊政憲, 李承宇, "奈米雙晶結構", 中華民國, I731293, 2019/01.
    5. 何政恩, 黃保欽, 楊政憲, 李承宇, "納米雙晶結構", 中國, 201910609449.0, 2019/07
    6. .Cheng-En Ho, Bau-Chin Huang, Cheng-Hsien Yang, Cheng-Yu Lee, "Nanotwinned Structure", 美國, 16/705,138, 2019/12.
    7. 何政恩, 黃保欽, 吳宇堃, 楊政憲, "高速電鍍方法", 中華民國, I697265, 2018/08.
    8. Cheng-En Ho, Bau-Chin Huang, Yu-Kun Wu, Cheng-Hsien Yang, "High-speed Electroplating Method", 美國, 16/393,948, 2019/04.
    9. 謝正輝, 林品仲, 何政恩, 劉弘晟, "退火處理", 中華民國, I683041, 2015/10.
    10. 藍健東, 林品仲, 何政恩, 陳昱安, 曾振瑞, "線路板的製作方法", 中華民國, I691245(分割), I626871(分割), 2015/04.
    11. Jaen-Don Lan, Pin-Chung LIN, Cheng-En Ho, Yu-An Chen, Chen-Rui Tseng, "Method for Manufacturing Circuit Board", 美國, US9744624B2, 2015/03.
    12. 藍健東, 林品仲, 何政恩, 陳昱安, 曾振瑞, "線路板結構", 中華民國, I691244(分割), I626863(分割), 2015/04.
    13. 何政恩, 楊政憲, 許令煌, "用於三維X光斷層掃描裝置的可調式夾具結構", 中華民國, I545316, 2016/08.
    14. Cheng-En Ho, Cheng-Hsien Yang, Ling-Huang Hsu, "Adjustable Fixture Structure for 3-dimensional X-ray Computed Tomography", 美國, US9194822B2, 2015/11.
    15. 何政恩, 王詩茹, 吳昱輝, "具多層介金屬層的銲點結構", 中華民國, I503196, 2015/10.
    16. Cheng-En Ho, Shih-Ju Wang; Yu-Hui Wu, "Solder Joint with A Multilayer Intermetallic Compound Structure", 美國, US9079272B2, 2015/07.
    17. 何政恩, "抑制柯肯達爾孔洞形成於銲料與銅銲墊之間的方法", 中華民國, I464031, 2014/12.
    18. 何政恩, 陳柏宗, 陳志南, "一種控制銲點結構中錫晶體結構取向的方法", 中華民國, I404588, 2011/07.
    19. Cheng-En Ho, Bo-Zong Chen, Chih-Nan Chen, "Method for Controlling Beta-Sn Orientation in Solder Joints", 美國, US8702878B2, 2011/07.
    20. 何政恩, 林祈明, "抑制錫-鎳介金屬於銲點中生成的方法", 中華民國, I381901, 2009/12.
    21. Cheng-En Ho, Chi-Ming Lin, "Method for Inhibiting Growth for Nickel-Copper-Tin Intermetallic Layer in Solder Joints", 美國, US8092621B2, 2010/05.
    22. 何政恩, 鐘涵琳, "高速推球機", 中華民國, I387414, 2009/06.
    23. Cheng-En Ho, Han-Lin Chung, "High Speed Ball Shear Machine", 美國, US7950565B2, 2009/09.
    24. 何政恩, 巫維翔, 林呈軒, "抑制鈀-鎳-錫介金屬於銲點中生成的方法", 中華民國, I359714, 2008/11.
    25. 何政恩, 巫維翔, "抵消電遷移的方法", 中華民國, I362079, 2008/02.
    26. 何政恩, 巫維翔, "抵消電遷移的方法", 中國, ZL200810095528.6, 2008/04.
    27. Cheng-En Ho, Wei-Hsiang Wu, "Inhibiting Electromigration-induced Phase Segregation in Solder Joints", 美國, US8207469B2, 2008/06. 
  • 1. 當選第十九屆「有庠元智講座教授」(2023.09.06)。

    2. 元智大學「工學院110學年度教師績效研究傑出獎」(全院第四名) (2023.01.12)。

    3. 2022台灣創新技術博覽會國際發明競賽(Taiwan Innotech Expo):鴻海特別獎 (獲獎率: < 1% (5/516))、兩面金牌、及一面銀牌 (2022.10.15)。


    4. 元智大學「工學院109學年度教師績效研究傑出獎」(全院第三名) (2022.01.18)。

    5.2021未來科技獎」(“內埋技術於5G散熱元件的開發與應用”) (2021.10.14)。

    6. 中國鑛冶工程學會「鑛冶論文優等獎」(“透過微結構調整以改善電鍍銅之腐蝕特性”) (2021.10.21)。

    7. 元智大學「工學院108學年度教師績效研究傑出獎」(2020.02.22)。

    8. 科技部工程司109年度產學合作計畫-產學成果特優獎」 (Oral) (日期:2020.11.05;地點:國立台灣科技大學;指導單位:科技部工程司;計畫名稱:脈衝-反脈衝之高速電鍍技術開發與應用;計畫編號:MOST108-2622-E-155-004-CC3) (主持人:何政恩教授)。

    9. 中國鑛冶工程學會冶論文佳作獎」(“高速電鍍銅及其銅柱凸塊可靠度”) (2020.10.23)。

    10. 國際期刊Surface and Coatings Technology評為Recognition of Elsevier Reviewer)(2020.10)。

    11. 當選第十八屆「有庠傑出教授」(2020.08.24)。

    12. 研究突破(Real-time Observation of Sn Electromigration)榮登NSRRC Activity Report 2019封面(ISSN: 1814-7879) (2020.04)。

    13. 元智大學「工學院107學年度教師績效研究傑出獎」(全院第三名) (2020.04.07)。

    14. 榮獲科技部103–109年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才(期間:2014/08–2021/07)。

    15. 榮獲2019 TACT-TFS Special Poster Award (1st Place)(2019.11.20)。

    16. 國際期刊Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Elsevier)評為「傑出評審員(Outstanding Reviewer)(2019.06)。

    17. 科技部工程司107年度產學合作計畫-產學成果特優獎」(Poster) (日期:2018.10.31;地點:國立成功大學;指導單位:科技部工程司;計畫名稱:脈衝與反脈衝對高縱深比之電鍍銅填孔行為及其可靠度的研究;計畫編號:MOST106-2622-E-155-006-CC3) (主持人:何政恩教授)。

    18. 榮獲13th International Microsystems, Packaging, Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT 2018) Best Paper Award (專業組) (2018.10)。

    19. 國際期刊Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Elsevier)評為「傑出評審員(Outstanding Reviewer)(2018.08)。

    20. 國際期刊Intermetallics (Elsevier)評為「傑出評審員(Outstanding Reviewer)(2018.04)。

    21. 元智大學「工學院105學年度教師績效研究傑出獎」(全院第二名) (2018.04.20)。

    22. 科技部工程司106年度產學合作計畫-產學成果示優良獎」(Poster) (日期:2017.10.26;地點:國立成功大學;指導單位:科技部工程司;計畫名稱:印刷電路板鍍金製程之效率提升與金回收技術之研發;計畫編號:MOST105-2622-E-155-011-CC2) (共同主持人)。

    23. 當選第十五屆「有庠傑出教授」(2017.08.22)。

    24. 元智大學「工學院104學年度教師績效研究傑出獎」(2017.04.26)。

    25. 榮獲14th Electronic Circuits World Convention (ECWC) Best Paper Award (Electronic Packaging Field) (2017.04.25)。

    26. 國際期刊Surface and Coatings Technology (Elsevier)評為「傑出評審員(Outstanding Reviewer)(2017.03)。

    27. 國際期刊Material Science in Semiconductor Processing (Elsevier)評為「傑出評審員(Outstanding Reviewer)(2016.11)。

    28. 國際期刊Microelectronics Reliability (Elsevier)評為「傑出評審員(Outstanding Reviewer)(2016.10)。

    29. 2016台北國際發明暨技術交易展發明競賽:兩面金牌及一面銅牌


    30. 榮獲科技部「優秀年輕學者研究計畫」(MOST105-2628-E-155-001-MY3) (2016.08.01~2019.07.31)。

    31. 元智大學「工學院103學年度教師績效研究傑出獎」(2016.04.20)。

    32. 國際期刊Materials & Design (Elsevier)評為「傑出評審員(Outstanding Reviewer)(2015.06)。

    33. 元智大學「工學院102學年度教師績效研究傑出獎」(2015.04.10)。

    34. 102學年度元智大學研究傑出獎(2013.12.09)。

    35. 國科會工程處102年度技術及知識應用型產學合作計畫之成果發表暨績效考評-產學成果優良獎」(Oral) (日期:2013.10.30;地點:國立成功大學;指導單位:國科會工程處;計畫編號:NSC101-2622-E-155-009-CC3)。

    36. IMPACTOutstanding Paper Award(Gold Prize-1st place on PCB field) (2013.10.23)。

    37. TACT2013Poster Award(2013.10.05)。

    38. 中國鑛冶工程學會冶論文佳作獎」 (“利用EBSD分析通孔填充之各階段的電鍍銅微結構”) (2013.10.25)。

    39. 國科會工程處101年度技術及知識應用型產學合作計畫之成果發表暨績效考評-產學成果優良獎」(Poster)。(日期:2012.11.20;地點:國立成功大學;指導單位:國科會工程技術發展處;計畫編號:NSC99-2622-E-155008-CC3)。

    40. 2012台北國際發明暨技術交易展發明競賽:一面金牌及一面銅牌


    41. The Young Scholar Research Award of 2011(青年學者研究獎,元智大學)。

    42. 2011 ICEPT-HDP (IEEE symposium)Outstanding Paper Award

    43. Co-Principal PI for Construction of An Undulator Beamline in TPS: 建造先進同步輻射二代光源之光束線,Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) (Principal PI: 東海大學校長程海東博士),2009。職為兩位Co-Principal PI之一,負責其中關鍵之3D submicron-XRD工作站之原理及規格制定,以及計畫書撰寫(beamline end-station部份)。

    44. ISI HIGHLY CITED PAPERS: ISI Essential Science Indicators: The following four articles were in the TOP 1% within the materials science field. (論文被引用次數排名材料科學領域前1%)

    (1)“Interfacial Reaction Issues for Lead-Free Electronic Solders,” Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics, 18(1–3), pp. 155–174, March 2007. (citations/self-citations: 110/34, 截至2010.12.01)

    (2)“Effect of Cu Concentration on the Reactions between Sn-Ag-Cu Solders and Ni,” Journal of Electronic Materials, 31(6), pp. 584–590, June 2002. (citations/self-citations: 166/19, 截至2010.12. 01)

    (3)“Effect of Cu concentration on the interfacial reactions between Ni and Sn-Cu solders,” Journal of Materials Research, 17(2), pp. 263–266, February 2002. (citations/self-citations: 146/17, 截至2012.12.01)

    (4)“Reactions between Sn-Ag-Cu Lead-Free Solders and the Au/Ni Surface Finish in Advanced Electronic Packages,” Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, 14(3), pp. 25–29, 2002. (citations/self-citations: 86/18, 截至2012.12.01)

  • 年度 主持人 計劃名稱 委託單位
    112 何政恩 提升銅導線之抗腐蝕特性及高頻傳輸效能之研究 科技部
    110 何政恩 用於先進半導體封裝之精細銅導線改質與強化


    109 何政恩 高縱深/高均勻性之電鍍技術於面板級扇出型封裝之高可靠度製程開發及應用 科技部南部科學園區管理局
    109 何政恩 在鐵氟龍基材內進行脈衝-反脈衝電鍍填充盲孔 科技部
    109 何政恩 在鐵氟龍基材內進行脈衝-反脈衝電鍍填充盲孔 先豐通訊股份有限公司
    109 何政恩 5G行動通訊之高頻傳輸材料與導線設計 金像電子股份有限公司
    109 何政恩 封裝基板損壞分析委測合作計畫 臻鼎科技股份有限公司
    108 何政恩 第五代行動通訊之高頻傳輸、材料與導線設計 科技部
    108 何政恩 封裝基板損壞分析委測合作計畫 臻鼎科技股份有限公司
    108 何政恩 高速電鍍研究合作計畫 先豐通訊股份有限公司
    107 何政恩 脈衝-反脈衝之高速電鍍技術開發與應用 科技部
    107 何政恩 脈衝-反脈衝之高速電鍍技術開發與應用 先豐通訊股份有限公司
    106 何政恩 電路板損壞分析委測合作計畫 臻鼎科技股份有限公司
    105 何政恩 高密度互連印刷電路板之銅填孔微結構演進及其改良計畫 科技部
    105 何政恩 微米尺度之先進晶片接點技術及其可靠度評估 科技部
    105 何政恩 脈衝與反脈衝對高縱深比之電鍍銅填孔行為及其可靠度的研究 科技部
    105 何政恩 脈衝與反脈衝對高縱深比之電鍍銅填孔行為及其可靠度的研究 先豐通訊股份有限公司
    105 何政恩 委託協助推動電路板製程工程師能力鑑定校園應用(基礎型) 工業技術研究院
    105 何政恩 脈衝與反脈衝對高縱深比之電鍍銅填孔行為及其可靠度的研究 科技部
    105 何政恩 脈衝與反脈衝對高縱深比之電鍍銅填孔行為及其可靠度的研究 先豐通訊股份有限公司
    104 何政恩 電鍍銅填孔行為、針孔缺陷生成機制及其微結構改良計畫 科技部
    103 何政恩 適於超細微導線及導線間距之新型表面處理技術 科技部
    103 何政恩 商用尺寸固態氧化物燃料電池單電池開發 九垚精密陶屬工業股份有限公司
    103 何政恩 利用磷酸三乙酯及氧化金屬觸媒裂解資源化廢水箱泡棉之研究 科技部
    103 何政恩 利用新穎酵素及固體觸媒酯化/轉酯化廢食油製成生質柴油技術研發與柴油車輛尾氣PAHs污染物鑑定(1/2) 科技部
    102 何政恩 高階電路板技術深耕及人才培育發展計畫(1/3) 國科會
    102 何政恩 高階電路板技術深耕及人才培育發展計畫(2/3) 國科會
    102 何政恩 高階電路板技術深耕及人才培育發展計畫(2/3) 國科會
    102 何政恩 高階電路板技術深耕及人才培育發展計畫(2/3) 元智大學自辦
    101 何政恩 三維積體電路封裝之微型銲點可靠度評估:不同銲料厚度之界面反應及電遷移行為 國科會
    101 何政恩 直接鈀金鍍層用於銅銲墊之無鉛銲接可靠度評估 國科會
    101 何政恩 高階電路板技術深耕及人才培育發展計畫 國科會
    101 何政恩 印刷電路板製程 台灣電路板協會
    101 何政恩 利用穿透式電子顯微鏡及高速推球測試評估Au/Pd及Au/Pd(P)表面處理之銲接特性 景碩科技股份有限公司
    101 何政恩 高階電路板技術深耕及人才培育發展計畫 國科會
    101 何政恩 高階電路板技術深耕及人才培育發展計畫 元智大學自辦
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